Topic: Feminine & Masculine Energies - Which are you more of ? ?/?

When z3n3rg was showing Service_To_Others/Service_To_Self that it's not about white or black, but it can be in between too. And while talking with my friend about this I had an inspiration!

This made me thought of the other polarity extremes, how it would work sometimes. I'm going to discuss about Gender & Sexual Freedom.

Kahealani wrote:

There is some confusion between Gender and Sexual Orientation. Sex is what's between your legs (male - female). Sexual Freedom allows not only the polarities but also the androgyny between the extremes. Gender is your personality and social role (masculine - feminine). Gender Freedom allows not only the stereotypical roles but also all the grays between. Sexual orientation is your preferences in mating, which depending on the person may be a true sexual orientation or attraction/aversion to others' genital sex or it may be an attraction/aversion to others genderal expression (masculine/feminine).

In Gender Freedom, there's grays in between so I was thinking that these two would work in percentage.

Let me take you over to a scale I made.


Probably explains why most homosexuals exist, probably of their past life consist of high masculine or feminine energy.

Also, remember, the sex of your physical body does not depend on your gender.

I heard of something that is called astral sex, and as the physical body's sex shapes the astral body to a type of gender it will depend on your masculine or feminine. I don't know how astral sex go really, but I heard it's like a morph of energy or a link-up some sort. Also heard that it is wicked fun.

As my friend once said: In 4th density, there are no apparent differences in male and female. You are what you want to be.

Kahealani wrote:

Unless your beliefs reject reincarnation, then you will quickly see that we incarnate in both kinds of bodies, so that who we are as spirit is truly androgynous.

The sex/gender shapes the physical and astral body, but never shape the spirit because as it is, androgynous.


As for me, I think I am in the gray parts.

Sex of Body: Male
Sex of Soul: Androgynous
Gender of Soul: 49% Masculine, 51% Feminine

Notes: 49% masculine, and 51% feminine. I have a male physical body, but a balanced energy yet sometimes I think that I was more feminine in my past life. That which made me have more feminine energy at times. When people meet me they tend to confuse me as a female, but I really prefer being balanced. I hope that clears things up.