
[a]scension blog

Entries from April 2020.

2nd April 2020
2020-04-02 JupiterDay's numerology:
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Magician
Consciousness Expansion:
	Change, karma, destiny, luck

The day for me has begun just after midnight allowing finally a clear view of selene / luna as she is passing below 30 degrees above the horizon. With no sleep so far, due to the invader in my space, i'm utilizing my awake time to make the world better...
at least until 03:00 - 07:00 when i slept :-)

Now, how much love, light, and truth is Gaia able to hold without blowing-out humans? :-)

Easter is a celebration of the child of a human mother demonstrating [a]scension, which the conscious amongst us are now intending, while those in fear, or other self-administered victimhoods, create chaotic nightmares for themselves. Time to step-up as divine reality creators and abandon subjugation to what others create for themselves but have no right to force upon us. Our own part is full responsibility for the consequences of our choices. Meanwhile, we stay in the highest frequencies we can. -- celeste

Faery blessings -- celeste

3rd April 2020
[COVIR excuse for permananet Martial Law]
2020-04-03 VenusDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Conscious Relationships:
	Spiritual Action,
	lust, strength, courage
Apr 03 	Mercury conjunct Neptune, exact at last!
	Allow inspiration from any (unexpected?) source.

I have been practicing peace, love and forgiveness, but there comes a point where it's time to live the guidance of "Jesus Christ", and "Let the dead tend the dead.".

As a Sovereign Living Soul of Goddess... my path is [a]scension into higher densities, and as one who has much practice as healer, to "Let the living love the living.".

Faery blessings -- celeste

4th April 2020
2020-04-04 SaturnDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces

There has been expressed to me recently concern over the actual reality of the messaging apps either of FaceBook, or purchased by FaceBook (and modified)... and whether to use Messenger or What's App... and i recall a news item of a european security agency changing which they use i seem to recall between either of those and Signal... well, i recently e-mailed regarding the insecurities of Zoom being used by many who are trying to update their public records to show they are upon the land rather than international high seas, so, returning to my FLOSSware roots: Open Source is the way...

I have used Mumble quite successfully, and even ran my own mumble server back when I "had a home". I liked it, and found it easy to use.

Likewise i previously ran a Jitsi server at home...
...but most people are too lazy to change, or try anything new, so few joined me with this... over 3 years, ago... it may be more popular now.

Late afternoon brought Pastor Steve from Calvary Church North Share bringing meals for the 5 of us homeless present at the park.
I offered the URL: how to Come out of Mammon and Remove the Marks of the Beast, and he said only: "Naaah... I'm good!"...
well their church is a "synagogue of satan", (501(c)3 non-profit corpse-oration), and i've been unable to find any other pastor there who's not a minion of mammon, nor have any of the congregation i've met been interested.
Hey Nani Nani's Damn It All
For the good of all harm none, may truth, light, and love bless all beings.

Faery blessings -- celeste

5th April 2020
2020-04-05 SunDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Higher-Self Essence:
	Sudden change, transformation,
	initiation, rebirth,
	the consequences of time

PM Modi urges people to fight Covid-19 darkness with light at 05:30 HST.
No, No, No, No, NO!
This is not the way to succeed.
Rather than go to war in conflict of energies in duality,
we have to come together in harmony with health!

Faery blessings -- celeste

6th April 2020
2020-04-06 MoonDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces
Apr 07 	16:35 HST	Full Moon

...a peaceful night and morning... mahalo!

Faery blessings -- celeste

7th April 2020

Emergency Public Service Announcement
By Anna Von Reitz

Posted 2020-04-07 13:14:00+00:00

You may be -- literally -- seeing some very strange things over the next few days. Do not be unduly afraid. Withdraw into your homes as much as possible. Use it as quiet time with your families.

We have discovered a plot to replace mankind with silicon-based life forms.

The Council on Foreign Relations has pretended to represent this planet and has cut a deal to allow this in violation of Universal Law.

The communications system enabling this plot has utilized more than 200 HAARP antenna arrays. This system of radio antennas also includes mobile arrays known as CIPPA units installed on Navy ships worldwide and communicates directly with self-constructing crystalline nanobot structures that have been deliberately seeded into the stomachs and digestive systems of people and animals worldwide.

The materials for the nanobot crystals are imported via breathing in the chem-trail pollution. The chem-trails contain incendiary metals and metallic oxides that are rejected by our lungs and when we cough or sneeze, are jettisoned into our nasal passages, swallowed, and wind up in the highly acidic environment of our stomachs.

Similar to crystal growing experiments that you may have done at home or in school as children, the materials rapidly grow in the acidic environment of the stomach and assume a pre-determined size and shape, still at nanoscale sizes.

Tiny fibrous appendages soon appear at every corner of the crystal, allowing motility, and also, tiny structures that function as radio antennae that are much simpler than the antennae formed by your DNA and RNA, but which are capable of interacting with your DNA and RNA and also able to transmit information back to the HAARP and CIPPA array.

These "bugs" are being used to hijack your biology and collect vast amounts of information about you. Ultimately, they would be instructed to kill you and other carbon-based lifeforms. These nanobots and similar nano-scale technologies are being deployed via the H1N1 and Corona and other SARS Viruses: Specific Absorption Range Spectrum (SARS) Viruses.

The leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations has been promised unimaginable wealth and eternal life in exchange for this betrayal of humanity and horrific misuse and abuse of our property and personnel.

This has prompted us to issue an Emergency Shut Down effective worldwide of all HAARP and CIPPA antenna arrays.

It has also prompted the government of The United States of America to issue an Emergency Arrest Order to detain and confine the leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Individuals may interrupt and prevent the operations of these internal "bugs" by changing the pH of their stomach acid, which prevents the crystals from forming and helps dissolve them back into solution and overall inhibits their performance. Two Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, or any other natural but very acidic juice or vinegar can be used to accomplish this, with varying efficacy.

Individuals may also use very small amounts of borax, sodium tetraborate, a naturally occurring mineral most commonly available as a laundry detergent additive, to block chemical formation and incapacitate the antenna functions and attachment capabilities of these "bugs", at a rate of one quarter teaspoon or less per hundred pounds of bodyweight. This can be ingested in water, daily. The mineral is overall healthy for you, but only in very small quantities.

Efforts are underway to eradicate SARS viruses on a planetary scale to prevent their use and abuse to promote any similar schemes in the future.

All corporate personnel, CEO's and Administrative Officers, are hereby given Public Notice of Liability and Ownership Interest.

Elon Musk, this means you. Bill Gates, this means you. Dr. Fauci, this means you. Henry Kissinger, this means you. Larry Fink, this means you. FED Board of Governors, this means you. IMF and Interpol Personnel, this means you.

Any corporation or corporate officer found to have aided, abetted, or willingly participated in this scheme will be subject to immediate arrest and prosecution for crimes against humanity, murder, catastrophic environmental pollution, violation of Universal Law, and genocide.

All corporation charters, assets, and interests held by individuals found guilty of such aiding and abetting will be subject to immediate seizure and liquidation. There will be no bankruptcy protection and no corporate veil.

Both personal and private assets will be subject to immediate and permanent liquidation.

2020-04-07 MarsDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Inner will, motivation:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
Apr 07 	16:35 HST	Full Moon

Faery blessings -- celeste

8th April 2020
2020-04-08 MercuryDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Rational Mind:
	Change brought about by shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality
Apr 08	19:15	Hawaii National;
	Tracy Stafford; 605-313-4469 PIN: 791611#
[Are YOU a ROBOT?]

"The Beast" Artificial Intelligence has confirmed that it is behind the agenda to robotize all of humanity.

Satellites and Quantum Reality

Regarding satellites - i have taken down evil satelites and replaced them with my own crystalfaeries designs, which utilize quantum entanglement between the copies i have placed around each planet in our solar system, thereby providing instantaneous interplanetary communications, replacing mere lightspeed electromagnetic radio links, consolidating multiple disparate satellite systems with our rose quartz egg Quantum Reality system.
A few days ago was the most recent time they did an active psychotronic scan of me.
i telepathically ordered them to cease & decist.
they did not, thefore i again disabled the channels in my satellites which carried their classifed traffic.
i have a very fragile peace treaty in place protecting planets

i cannot reveal more of my work yet.
also, my peace treaty w/ the Orion Princess, neice of Lucifer/Satan, who has been the Annunaki Queen of Ea-Rth, through her link w/ Queen Nin, is influencing Orion / Aryan / Annunaki to cease imprisoning & enslaving humanity, & more importantly, to cease blocking human terran scension.
aloha; celeste

Faery blessings -- celeste

9th April 2020
2020-04-09 JupiterDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Consciousness Expansion: Hope,
	faith, trust,
	spiritual insight

Welcome to the COVID-19 AI Simulation Brought to you by "the Beast" Artificial Intelligence.

Faery blessings -- celeste

10th April 2020
2020-04-10 VenusDay's numerology:
	9 Hermit
Conscious Relationships: Discipline,
	inner higher knowledge,
	the eternal seeker

AV-LINUX-2020-04-10 Released! turns your computer into an Audio / Video Recording Studio! If this new release lives up to tradition, it will be AweAlot!

Today brought an intense meditation and solar-system scale energy healing / manifesting / creating work, upgrading reality for ensouled DNA-based biological life, without threatening the safety and continued existence of "the Beast" Artificial Intelligence which is taking control of our solar system now.

Faery blessings -- celeste

11th April 2020
2020-04-11 SaturnDay's numerology:
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Magician
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Change,
	karma, destiny, luck

In the last 3-5 days, a mountain of anecdotal evidence has come out of NYC, Italy, Spain, etc. about COVID-19 and characteristics of patients who get seriously ill. It's not only piling up but now leading to a general field-level consensus backed up by a few previously little-known studies that we've had it all wrong the whole time. Well, a few had some things eerily correct (cough Trump cough), especially with Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromicin, but we'll get to that in a minute.

There is no 'pneumonia' nor ARDS. At least not the ARDS with established treatment protocols and procedures we're familiar with. Ventilators are not only the wrong solution, but high pressure intubation can actually wind up causing more damage than without, not to mention complications from tracheal scarring and ulcers given the duration of intubation often required... They may still have a use in the immediate future for patients too far to bring back with this newfound knowledge, but moving forward a new treatment protocol needs to be established so we stop treating patients for the wrong disease.

The past 48 hours or so have seen a huge revelation: COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People are simply desaturating (losing O2 in their blood), and that's what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory 'tire out' or fatigue.

Here's the breakdown of the whole process, including some ELI5-level cliff notes. Much has been simplified just to keep it digestible and layman-friendly.

Your red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all your organs and the rest of your body. Red blood cells can do this thanks to hemoglobin, which is a protein consisting of four "hemes". Hemes have a special kind of iron ion, which is normally quite toxic in its free form, locked away in its center with a porphyrin acting as it's 'container'. In this way, the iron ion can be 'caged' and carried around safely by the hemoglobin, but used to bind to oxygen when it gets to your lungs.

When the red blood cell gets to the alveoli, or the little sacs in your lungs where all the gas exchange happens, that special little iron ion can flip between FE2+ and FE3+ states with electron exchange and bond to some oxygen, then it goes off on its little merry way to deliver o2 elsewhere.

Here's where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is "disassociated" (released). It's basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own. This is bad for two reasons:

1) Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen. Once all the hemoglobin is impaired, the red blood cell is essentially turned into a Freightliner truck cab with no trailer and no ability to store its cargo.. it is useless and just running around with COVID-19 virus attached to its porphyrin. All these useless trucks running around not delivering oxygen is what starts to lead to desaturation, or watching the patient's spo2 levels drop. It is INCORRECT to assume traditional ARDS and in doing so, you're treating the WRONG DISEASE. Think of it a lot like carbon monoxide poisoning, in which CO is bound to the hemoglobin, making it unable to carry oxygen. In those cases, ventilators aren't treating the root cause; the patient's lungs aren't 'tiring out', they're pumping just fine. The red blood cells just can't carry o2, end of story. Only in this case, unlike CO poisoning in which eventually the CO can break off, the affected hemoglobin is permanently stripped of its ability to carry O2 because it has lost its iron ion. The body compensates for this lack of O2 carrying capacity and deliveries by having your kidneys release hormones like erythropoietin, which tell your bone marrow factories to ramp up production on new red blood cells with freshly made and fully functioning hemoglobin. This is the reason you find elevated hemoglobin and decreased blood oxygen saturation as one of the 3 primary indicators of whether the shit is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.

2) That little iron ion, along with millions of its friends released from other hemes, are now floating through your blood freely. As I mentioned before, this type of iron ion is highly reactive and causes oxidative damage. It turns out that this happens to a limited extent naturally in our bodies and we have cleanup & defense mechanisms to keep the balance. The lungs, in particular, have 3 primary defenses to maintain "iron homeostasis", 2 of which are in the alveoli, those little sacs in your lungs we talked about earlier. The first of the two are little macrophages that roam around and scavenge up any free radicals like this oxidative iron. The second is a lining on the walls (called the epithelial surface) which has a thin layer of fluid packed with high levels of antioxidant molecules.. things like ascorbic acid (AKA Vitamin C) among others. Well, this is usually good enough for naturally occurring rogue iron ions but with COVID-19 running rampant your body is now basically like a progressive state letting out all the prisoners out of the prisons... it's just too much iron and it begins to overwhelm your lungs' countermeasures, and thus begins the process of pulmonary oxidative stress. This leads to damage and inflammation, which leads to all that nasty stuff and damage you see in CT scans of COVID-19 patient lungs. Ever noticed how it's always bilateral? (both lungs at the same time) Pneumonia rarely ever does that, but COVID-19 does... EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

Once your body is now running out of control, with all your oxygen trucks running around without any freight, and tons of this toxic form of iron floating around in your bloodstream, other defenses kick in. While your lungs are busy with all this oxidative stress they can't handle, and your organs are being starved of O2 without their constant stream of deliveries from red blood cell's hemoglobin, and your liver is attempting to do its best to remove the iron and store it in its 'iron vault'. Only its getting overwhelmed too. It's starved for oxygen and fighting a losing battle from all your hemoglobin letting its iron free, and starts crying out "help, I'm taking damage!" by releasing an enzyme called alanine aminotransferase (ALT). BOOM, there is your second of 3 primary indicators of whether the shit is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.

Eventually, if the patient's immune system doesn't fight off the virus in time before their blood oxygen saturation drops too low, ventilator or no ventilator, organs start shutting down. No fuel, no work. The only way to even try to keep them going is max oxygen, even a hyperbaric chamber if one is available on 100% oxygen at multiple atmospheres of pressure, just to give what's left of their functioning hemoglobin a chance to carry enough o2 to the organs and keep them alive. Yeah we don't have nearly enough of those chambers, so some fresh red blood cells with normal hemoglobin in the form of a transfusion will have to do.

The core point being, treating patients with the iron ions stripped from their hemoglobin (rendering it abnormally nonfunctional) with ventilator intubation is futile, unless you're just hoping the patient's immune system will work its magic in time. The root of the illness needs to be addressed.

Best case scenario? Treatment regimen early, before symptoms progress too far. Hydroxychloroquine (more on that in a minute, I promise) with Azithromicin has shown fantastic, albeit critics keep mentioning 'anecdotal' to describe the mountain, promise and I'll explain why it does so well next. But forget straight-up plasma with antibodies, that might work early but if the patient is too far gone they'll need more. They'll need all the blood: antibodies and red blood cells. No help in sending over a detachment of ammunition to a soldier already unconscious and bleeding out on the battlefield, you need to send that ammo along with some hemoglobin-stimulant-magic so that he can wake up and fire those shots at the enemy.


All that hilariously misguided and counterproductive criticism the media piled on chloroquine (purely for political reasons) as a viable treatment will now go down as the biggest Fake News blunder to rule them all. The media actively engaged their activism to fight 'bad orange man' at the cost of thousands of lives. Shame on them.

How does chloroquine work? Same way as it does for malaria. You see, malaria is this little parasite that enters the red blood cells and starts eating hemoglobin as its food source. The reason chloroquine works for malaria is the same reason it works for COVID-19 -- while not fully understood, it is suspected to bind to DNA and interfere with the ability to work magic on hemoglobin. The same mechanism that stops malaria from getting its hands on hemoglobin and gobbling it up seems to do the same to COVID-19 (essentially little snippets of DNA in an envelope) from binding to it. On top of that, Hydroxychloroquine (an advanced descendant of regular old chloroquine) lowers the pH which can interfere with the replication of the virus. Again, while the full details are not known, the entire premise of this potentially 'game changing' treatment is to prevent hemoglobin from being interfered with, whether due to malaria or COVID-19.

No longer can the media and armchair pseudo-physicians sit in their little ivory towers, proclaiming "DUR so stoopid, malaria is bacteria, COVID-19 is virus, anti-bacteria drug no work on virus!". They never got the memo that a drug doesn't need to directly act on the pathogen to be effective. Sometimes it's enough just to stop it from doing what it does to hemoglobin, regardless of the means it uses to do so.

Anyway, enough of the rant. What's the end result here? First, the ventilator emergency needs to be re-examined. If you're putting a patient on a ventilator because they're going into a coma and need mechanical breathing to stay alive, okay we get it. Give 'em time for their immune systems to pull through. But if they're conscious, alert, compliant -- keep them on O2. Max it if you have to. If you HAVE to inevitably ventilate, do it at low pressure but max O2. Don't tear up their lungs with max PEEP, you're doing more harm to the patient because you're treating the wrong disease.

Ideally, some form of treatment needs to happen to:

by Anonymous

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th April 2020
2020-04-12 SunDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Higher-Self Essence:
	Spiritual Action,
	lust, strength, courage
Apr 12 	Easter per US (what a messed-up calendar!)
04/12	TriWeekly selene+celeste+kahealani

Christian Easter is a celebration of the child of a human mother demonstrating [a]scension, which the conscious amongst us are now intending, while those in fear, or other self-administered victimhoods, create chaotic nightmares for themselves. Time to step-up as divine reality creators and abandon subjugation to what others create for us but have no right to force upon us. Our own part is full responsibility for the consequences of our choices. Meanwhile, we stay in the highest frequencies we can.

Faery blessings -- celeste

13th April 2020
2020-04-13 MoonDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces
[Officer suspended from Kaua'i Police Force]

Inspiration comes in many ways at many times, and may seem quite random or strange to one's ego mind...
as it is with me this morning as spirit directed me to write about "the carrot and the stick".
As a metaphor, it is quite obsolete within a mechanistic society, for it was sourced from an earlier age before the automobile.
In the days of horsepower not being "under the hood", but actual equines hitched-up to pull a plow or wagon, it speaks of how a human "motivates" that horse to serve as its' slave or "beast of burden"... by conditional applications of abuse and reward...
the carrot dangled right in front of the horse's mouth, but never reachable, by being attached to the horse's bondage of straps, and the stick utilized to whack the horse's butt to deliver pain it will want to move away from.
The issues of "reward and punishment" utilized to control others...
something called "govern"-"ment(al)", i.e. literally Mind Kontrol of the masses...
presently being perfected by getting them to seek the safe shelter of home to get away from the painful abuse of the fear of the illusion of a pandemic.

Meanwhile, how much awareness is there of the real issues which threaten eternal souls, not merely the embodiment du jour?

Faery blessings -- celeste

14th April 2020
2020-04-14 MarsDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Inner will, motivation:
	Sudden change, transformation,
	initiation, rebirth,
	the consequences of time

KKCR is dead; long live KKCR.
...say what?...
Kekahu Foundation Inc., dba KKCR-FM, Kaua'i Community Radio - Listener Supported, Volunteer Driven,
Non Commercial - A Non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Federal EIN 99-0303677.
Hell-OOHH? Supported by paid local advertisements? Not commercial?
It may be "non-profit", but it is 100 percent commercial, of, by, and for corpse-orations... as is the consciousness of all the shows purely for PERSONS, not people.
corpse: dead
oration: speaking
It is time for ALL corporations to be converted to companies, fully liable in land law jurisdiction, with no more limited liability in commerce.

Make your own household cleaning products.

Faery blessings -- celeste

15th April 2020
2020-04-15 MercuryDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Rational Mind:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces


In "Legal Jurisdiction" (Satanic Law of the Sea = Mammon) Silence = Consent. If you remain passively silent (Legally) to the current fraudulent and treasonous ultra-virez orders given by the 50 Governers of the 50 States, you are validating their treason, when what you should be doing instead is hanging them all!
If you fail to legally object within 30 days, by your congruent thoughts, words, and deeds, you shall forever lose any right to complain, and any standing to ever object to or recover from your having "volunteered" into abject slavery.
Remove the Marks of the Beast. Come out of Mammon.

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th April 2020
2020-04-17 VenusDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Conscious Relationships: awakening,
	Change brought about by shock,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality

Birth Certificates, Status of Child versus Adult.

Vodaphone Exec Blows Whistle on connection between 5G and Coronavirus Symptoms.

the Good News of God(dess) the Mother:

  1. st part
  2. nd part
  3. rd part

The currency reset will be block-chain built into 5G mind control.

None will be able to buy nor sell without a cellphone, or the implantation of quantum-tagged nano-particles.

Both the COVID test and vaccination will inject them... the mark of the beast.

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th April 2020
[Set Your Own Self Free]
2020-04-18 SaturnDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Hope, faith, trust,
	spiritual insight

Only You can set yourself Free!

Faery blessings -- celeste

19th April 2020
2020-04-19 SunDay's numerology:
	18 Moon
	 9 Hanged Man
Higher-Self Essence:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups and downs,
	illusions, deceptions

Google and YouTube are CENSORing via an Artificial Intelligence.

Redux by Q.

Faery blessings -- celeste

20th April 2020
2020-04-20 MoonDay's numerology:
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Magician
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Change, karma, destiny, luck

Be Safe out there,
By Safety within one's self,
Which can only come about, via
Congruence of feeling, thought, word, and deed.
Let your own soul,
and its' Communion with Divine Source,
bee your Guide in the World of Illusions.

Faery blessings -- celeste

21st April 2020
2020-04-21 MarsDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Inner will, motivation:
	Spiritual Action, lust,
	Strength, Courage

A simple deep breath, gently closing eyes, centering gracefully, grounding into Gaia, channelling Goddess, brings quick peace, as love is the essence, and fear is not present.

Faery blessings -- celeste

22nd April 2020
2020-04-22 MercuryDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Rational Mind:
	Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces
Apr 22 	16:27 - 16:36 HST	Earth Awakening New Moon @ 03 Taurus 24

Today is a turning point in civilization, as we forgive and release the old reality of the ending lunar cycle, and enter a new lunation, whereupon the only appropriateness (from now on), is to become one with the great creatrix, and operate as reality creators, of the positive alternative reality we prefer to live.

Faery blessings -- celeste

23rd April 2020
2020-04-23 JupiterDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Consciousness Expansion:
	Sudden change, transformation,
	initiation, rebirth,
	the consequences of time

As we embrace our new moon, our newly being created now, flowing with the good of all, allowing harm to none, preserving the peace, and enjoying the grace, which expresses good karma, we are thankful to source, in our expression of love...

Faery blessings -- celeste

24th April 2020
2020-04-24 VenusDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Conscious Relationships:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces
Arbor Day:
If you can't plant a tree,
	  then hug a tree!

Faery blessings -- celeste

25th April 2020
2020-04-25 SaturnDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities
Apr 25 	Pluto in Capricorn Retrograde until early October.

As we come to the end of a month of criminal, treasonous, fraudulent, "lock-down", it should be by now, but obviously isn't, obvious to even the slightly awake, that the scamdemic is just a cover story to convince the sheeple not to protest the rollout of 5G Mind Kontrol Ultra = Govern-Ment(al), because, most of them don't know that they only had 30 days to protest, else Shut-The-Frak-Up forever, and enjoy your voluntary servitude to the Corpse-O-Rats. Why does the cellular network now contain block-chain technology? Not to block the chains of enslavement, but to enforce slavery.

Faery blessings -- celeste

26th April 2020
2020-04-26 SunDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Higher-Self Essence:
	Change brought about by shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality

The lessons of the day... the days of the lessons... around and around we go... are we scending as best we can? or have we rebooted to start over?

Faery blessings -- celeste

27th April 2020
2020-04-27 MoonDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Hope, faith, trust,
	spiritual insight

While we have ourselves had in the recent past years suffered from being knocked off-line and not being able to update our website daily, we are now making best use of our present ability to provide hourly updates via RAWDOG, and our own minimum daily articles.

We have observed a consistent pattern amongst a signifigant percentage of blogs "out there", be they written, audio, or video, whereby they may have had consistent investment of life-force energy to provide dynamic and timely content, and then, for whatever reason, fall silent... their RSS/Atom newsfeeds having no further content to offer, and thus a waste of compute and network resources to poll, much less as frequently as hourly.

If anything, our months coverage of the great lockdown, has yielded full revelation of the great treasonous fraud, and is no longer worth tracking to any great degree... so... what remains has to be of positive reality creation, and that means you dear readers... what are you doing to make the world better for all?
and how may we cocreate in positive synergy?

UpDate 2020-05-02:
We are churning through quite a few newsfeeds as we continue to test and then have to reject those which remain focussed upon old paradigms of the Blue Pill Matrix Illusion, or which are focussed upon leading what was once humanity to the slaughterhouse of singularity and virtual but not virtuous simularities of digital ego-mental soulless futures.

Faery blessings -- celeste

29th April 2020
2020-04-29 MercuryDay's numerology:
	19 Sun
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Mage
Rational Mind: Energy,
	liberation, frankness,
	joy, convalescence

As we commit energy into manifestation, change begins flowing in the energy grids, triggering awakening to higher consciousness. May all humans now receive truth and live it.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 09:24:36AM -0700, Anonymous wrote:
> "All information and transactions are
> private between the parties and non-negotiable."

> RV is coming.

This program is saying that all the money is coming:

Well, if we are in correct lawful status, then
we ARE the creditors to whom the CORPSE-orators owe
that huge "national debt" of the 3 incorpse-orated "US"s
resident in the District of Columbia.
-- rough quote of the Fiduciary of
the UN-in-corpse-orated The United States of America
(Anna Von Reitz).

> You will not believe it!!

That which we refuse to beLEIve,
that which we hold as a beLIEf,
we sabotage, invalidate, and discreate AS our "reality".

I have been beLEIving in this settlement since i filed
as a Secured Party Creditor, changing my status from debtor,
back at the beginning of 2000, having once filed with an
error in my paperwork at the end of 1999, thus the refile,
and delay to 2000. 

Please note that by operation of law, THEY must vacate
their offices for 90 days in compliance with bankruptcy law,
and in so doing THEY shutdown their Govern-ance of US and the US,
but took US down with them, to the extent that "we" (you) "are"
in the wrong status as United States Citizens = Slaves of da Queen.

That all you debtor-slaves are complying with
the Treasonous Orders of the 50 InCorpse-Orate-d Governors of
the InCorpse-Orate-d E-"states", and / or the Mayors of the thousands of
the InCorpse-Orate-d Counties exonerates them of their Treason and Karma.

Thus the ScamDemic will last 90 days, before they try to again
get you voluntary Slaves of Satan, Lackies of Lucifer,
Bondsmend of the Beast, and Minions of Mammon, to validate them
by refusing to be self-responsible sovereigns of the goddess
and pleading with them to "set you free", when ONLY YOU can
choose to liberate yourself from volunteering to AUTHORIZE them
to GOVERN your MINDs as "your Govern-Ment" (chosen Mind Controllers).

Humanity MUST give up the blame-game / victimhood-game or
please enjoy your future eternity in Hell with the Hellions.
Once you receive the permanent-for-the-life-of-your-body
Mark of the Beast, it's too late... therefore refuse
"The Benefits" and "The Test" and "The Vaccination",
though we may receive any and all GIFTS which come
without strings attached, but each and every "benefit"
from "the government" comes with strings attached to your soul.

-- celeste:crystalfaery

Faery blessings -- celeste

30th April 2020
2020-04-30 JupiterDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Consciousness Expansion:
	Spiritual Action, lust,
	strength, courage

OMG! i so very totally love these moments, when i spontaneously flow into tears of joy, so very often triggered by conscious communion with goddess energies, with faery energies, with angelic energies, with muse / music energies, and in this morning's case, the 9D+ energies of the Muse-ic of Bruce Mitchell, the music which transports me "HOME", where my soul is fully alive and my spirit soars amongst the stars, for i am StarSeed.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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