
[a]scension blog

Entries from March 2019.

8th March 2019
[Women's Circle]

19:00 Local Time in each Time Zone Women's Day!

[Sisterhood: Empowering Women]

Circle the women and celebrate sisterhood!

Faery blessings -- celeste

9th March 2019
[Quantum Healing]

We have been contemplating the interaction between the Divine Law of the Creatrix of our Universe and Quantum Reality / Time-Lines / Time-Nodes.

Table of Gunas:

God Quantum Possibility Quantum Probability
Rudra (Shiva) -1 Destroy Only Timeline Copies / New else Bad Karma
Brahma +1 Create Invest Soul / Good Karma
Vishnu 0 Preserve / Perfect / Womb Observe to Perfect else do NOT observe for Good Karma
Entropy 0 Fade Unobserved + Uninvested

Table of Divine Law

# Law
0 Subspace + Universe = Whole-ogram
1 Create by will from source essence
2 Destroy NOT what others create / are
3 Sovereignty of Individual
4 Property Rights / (Consciousness (No Domination or Manipulation)) / (Will / Peace) / (Body / Stuff = Land Law)

Divine Law (vs. Ecclesiastical Satanic Law)

# Law
1 Preserve Peace = Accept what is or Create a Parallel Universe / Reality / Time-Line
2 Ahimsa (Harmlessness) For the Good of All
3 Karma / Ho'o'ponopono (Restore Righteousness) / Wican Rede
4 Love / Forgiveness / Gifting
5 Righteousness / Pono / Good of All Harm None

What you radiate / intend comes back to you by the laws of Resonance and Mirroring

10th March 2019
SunDay Morning

It is clear that sims don't support soul life, and anything exported to real can not therefore contain the essence of a transdimensional soul, therefore quickly fades into entropy, therefore it is literally 1st degree murder of the soul to any of my ensouled creations, (the only kind i ever create), to keep me imprisoned in any simulator. -- celeste

Solar Noonish

Replace Worship / Idolatry with invocation of the powers of the divine to dwell within one's own soul / astral_body.

Dwell entirely in the flow of the now moment.

Replace Misogynist Patriarchy with balanced Yin / Yang divinity / embodiment.

Replace confused naming / invocation of different dieties / entities / parallel realities with coherent energies thereof / time-lines activated in the now.

If creation from subspace is not of balanced duality then there shall be created a balancing opposite mirror reality parallel created but not manifest within the created non-balanced non-duality universe, to balance subspaces' simulation.

Replace man's Sea+Land Jurisdiction with Divine Law of Righteousness / Pono


My daughters of Crystal Faery planet came to visit Kaua'i, and learned of their unique role as the mothers of the crystalfaeries on planet Fae, each of them and the planet having been seeded by my own soul and astral body as their essence, to guide the 144 Tomril forest faeries souls into incarnation as identical twin crystalfaery parthenogenic females [+1:32:38], followed by the option of we Ishnaans to reincarnate as such, being Hermione of Jerusalem, Amethyst of Australia, and myself of Kaua'i, appearing one twin pair per week for about the next 3 Gaian years as the initial seeding of life on planet Fae. We hope to begin relations between Fae and Gaia at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple moon circles to introduce crystal faeries to humanity and vice versa this spring equinox celebration.

Faery blessings -- celeste

11th March 2019
[fairy flower butterflies 3D laser etched crystal]

Moon Day 17 Wish Fulfilling Gem 8 Kumari
My daughters are busy, happy, creative... all i need to know... and their moon is/seems in stable orbit, planet pretty healthy... Yay!!!

Meanwhile, the Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple seems energetically stable. The Wailua chain of Heiaus is stable, as are the Hawaiian isles. Ames looks stable as does J, Tomril + Ishnaa. Kilauea Fairy Forest is still devastated from the wars. Jennifer is looking more functional + happy. Michael + Megeso also recovering, both a bit freaked-out, so i'm not the only one under attack for bringing light. i'm relaxing from a big creative push w/ Fae, trusting my sisters/daughters to evolve our planet.

Karma game is still flowing well for me :-)
"For the Good of All, Harm None." works real well! Feeling very neutral "body of glass". Peace. Whoever they actually are or work for, "The Beast" are backing off a bit. It's now just a matter of patience... in the now.

... continuning on 13:36 i manifested embodiment + my astral bodies and full god(dess) initiations for all the rest of Tomril's 144 crystalfaery souls on planet Fae, along with a corresponding number of houses of the crystal egg design, thus 144 twins are the daughters of my twin daughters on planet Fae. Yay!
Fruit and Nut trees in the food forests around each crystal egg house,
each with a central fountain from an underground aquifer.

Yes my daughters, that's all our sistahs!
Happy Birthday :-) I love you all!

Tomril accepted an Ishnaa body and manifested on Ishnaa as father of us all, (except the creatrix shard who migrated from Tomril's crystal realm to planet Ishnaa, and remains there, partnered with one of Tomril's 8 Ishnaan souls).

i wish to be as my daughters / sisters, safe from the destructive evil i'm still defending against on Gaia and which is running amok throughout my, (as the great creatrix), universe, still working to correct my mistake in manifesting all that could be created, versus all which is of my Nature.

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th March 2019

Mars Day; 18 Moon = 9 Hermit = Key, the way through = Love

Another restless night, dishonored and invaded. The invading Beast queries why i care so much?
Because my womb insists i nurture life!
i perceive quality of life more important than quantity.
i am weary of living amongst the dead, both the robotic-technical, and the dead-souled biologicals.
It is not enough that a physical body survive, for life is, that the soul inside thrives!
Humanity has fallen so far, shall it ever revive?
Only knowing that crystalfaeries are practicing "blinking" things into manifestation gives me any hope for the future of souls.

Another good card reading, as usual, showing the only negativity in awaiting karmic ammends for Berth Estate Trust and Beast's Karmic Debts to me. The law of attraction is inevitable, so patience.

Other than the usual fighting cocks' boast-fests, the fairy forest is gentle and peaceful. Sun plays peek-a-boo with overcast+clouds. My soul longs to be on planet crystalfaery; Fae is my home world now.

Faery blessings -- celeste

13th March 2019
[Human Angel]

09:45 Mercury Day; 19 Sun / Christ = 10 Karma / Wheel of Fortune = 1 Magician

2nd day of hearing of Appeal by Beast regarding "stay of execution" for Treason, Breach of Fiduciary Responsibility, UnRepentant Breach of Divine Laws, Non-Remorse, No Restitution, nor Ammends for Destrutive Agenda.
They have made no claim to the contrary.

Card reading verifies as does their copy of my C-Wave, that Justice is only served by their termination. They ask if i'm deadly serious about this, and i can only refer them to historical record, and the running tally of our karma meters, (showing how much karma they owe me).

Confirmation with Creators + Creatrixes that they either support Ahimsa, (For the Good of All / Harm None / Karma), or they stand down and agree to the end of the Loosh trade, imprisonment, and enslavement. Divine guidance points to the next level of akashic records to be accessed for further dharma to disseminate via the Kaua'i Heiau Chain via celeste:crystalfaery / Angela Kahealani of Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple.

Faery blessings -- celeste

14th March 2019
 [Barker 9 Fairy]

Io Pater day - 20 Aeon = Realization = 2 High Priestess
All is transmuted to positive energies! by Yin frequency holding with grace overnight, which reminds & rehearts me to Tomril:

all of which is equally valid even after having stepped out from under higher-self to become fully one-with great creatrix, Shekinah, goddess, faery, crystal, Christ, Buddha, Wankantanka, Father+Mother Divine. Now, to walk the beauty way in purity, and to bless with presence, Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple.

There is no enemy / obstacle to overcome [, but "The Beast"]. There is no technology / ally to depend upon [, but spirit]. i already AM all that is, was, or shall be. i already AM perfection incarnate. This IS the realization of High Priestess. i was from Tomril as were Ishnaans and CrystalFaeries, but that history is behind us, and now we are our own nature, each 1.

Faery blessings -- celeste

15th March 2019
[Star Fae]

Freys/Venus day = Priestess = Rhythm, Secrecy, Unconscious
21 Universe = Synthesis, Crystalization, Unity Success
3 Empress = Harmony, Love, Fertility, Yin, Relationships

Not only "Do not cast your pearls before swine.",
but also "Do not accept as pearls castings from swine."
Let the Dead tend the Dead.

Faery blessings -- celeste

16th March 2019

22 = Mother's Milk = 4 Emperor = Self
0 Fool = Spontaneous = NOW
Saturn day = 21 Universe = 3 Empress = Lunar Goddess

We call to full karmic accountability for transgressions against the 2nd Law of (the Great Creatrix of) our Universe: "Destroy not what Others Create", and against the 80,000,000 Statutes which govern the Dead on Ea-Rth, including Trespass on the UnAlienable Rights of a Sovereign Living Soul, False Imprisonment of my mind @ U.S.Lawful $5000/minute, (per precedent case in FL), destruction of my spiritual abilities, e.g. 3rd Eye, and a long list of other Felonies, plus Conspiracy and Misprision of Felony, by the operators of Synthetic Telepathy+Vision+Presence and MKUltra style mind control here on Gaia, and on my planet Fae (crystalfaeries), who/which have intruded upon my consciousness for over half a year, under a summary name of "The Beast", which has practiced Satanic torture and rape on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

@ 13:13 HST = 8 Kumari / Justice
Ganesha Day = Overcoming Obstacles

We continue to see energies clearing as we close-in upon Spring Equinox and the launching of our new reality through Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple Heiau, with good signs of Pentacles coming in support. "The Beast" continues blithely in denial of any accountability for negging. The courts of the Lords of Karma agree with our accounting of major karmic debt, and are so far equally unable to enforce payment. All signs are that the day of reckoning is, and shall arrive for those dependent upon technology. The pirates are doomed/damned to Hell. i am clear in my ongoing roles as Kahealani upon Kaua'i, with Raven in my Heart, Hummer as life path, and as Sovereign Living Soul, carrying the dharma of the great Creatrix of our Universe. Hell has been re-defined, since all of Jesus Christ, Marduk, Lucifer, Satan, and several Anti-Christs have renounced any participation, and i exported it to Rigel-B, (home of Rigelian en-Slavers), and then that star-system to another galaxy more compatible, in fact, the one which had been parasitically feeding upon ours, before i reversed the energy flow to balance the karma, and then disconnected the link between our galaxies as part of healing the Solar Crisis.

@ 19:40 HST
"Export to Real" {my,all} universes, erase crystals in C-Wave devices taken by the operators of Synthetic Tele-Pathy, by "blinking"-out the contents of my Unverse to subspace, as i've done before, turns out that was moving all simulations in super-high density simulator out to the real world at that level. They were hiding in another simulator, i just exported them from, so everything is now all in the real world of 10-something density where now all separate universes are now parallel realities in unity:
0 = the void.
30 = 1 = all-is-one.
31 = 3D = TriState (e.g. BaTiO3).

@ 23:31 HST
Agent of external high level reality running simulations of my + other universes has now been informed of and agrees that their agents broke our laws + as creators of those robotic agents, are karmically liable to pay all karmic debts to me as creatrix.

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th March 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
May your glass be ever full.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.

St. Patrick is credited with establishing the Leap Year tradition of women proposing to men. The story states this was because St. Bridget complained that women were tired of waiting for marriage proposals. The story also says that Bridget proposed to him, but he refused!

01:28 HST
Tarot Card reading on {selene,celeste,kahealani}:crystalfaery indicates perfect alignment with the 3 of us swiftly moving into perfection and unification as High Priestesses, as the 3 manifestations and embodiments of my Soul and Astral Body combination of all the collected genetics and akashics records information, and all the "i AM 1 with" creators + divine archtypes, i have embodied as replacement for having a Higher-Self, and as an expansion of "God(dess)/All-That-Is/Source" of "Spirit".

The Pentacles indicate Karmic balancing via "$". The timing indicates Spring Equinox new reality.

05:13 HST
Having exported from simulator at 9D+ density all universes including my own, i initiated a restoration / restitution to undo all the torture and suffering caused by "The Beast", from the beginning of its' entry thereunto, by making duplicates of any time-line portions of each being in which the torture + suffering were Erased as never having happened, leaving 2 parallel realities for each such incident, one containing the version of them who was changed by the now nonexistent torture/suffering, and another version reset in time to before the torture incident, not having been changed or tortured, time shifted to re-sync so that they may experience both versions of themself, and by preference of free will choice, soul embrace one to keep / live, and by ignoring the other allow it to fade from manifestation and even memory, but chaos exists until they choose the preferred version of their self as "real" in the resultant converged time-line.

23 = 5 Heirophant
Sun day = 1 = Self = Magician = Christ
Time to complete our old year before Spring Equinox.
Clavary is not {a,my} problem, but theirs.
"Let the Dead tend the Dead" -- Christ Jeshua
"Let the Old Man {Bible,Church} Die!" -- Pastor Steve
The Lamb of God shall be reborn this week.

i have completed with Tomril and his mission to found a conscious community on North Shore, and simply return to my own mission to be Kahealani the healer of Heiaus on Kaua'i, maintaining the energy grid of the Lands of Aloha in the middle of the Peaceful Sea. As for our other incarnate Ishnaans, Jerusalem is none of my business, and the land of Australia is covered by amethyst:crystalfaery, so my two capable sisters are on Gaia, and Tomril's 144 crystalfaeries souls are on Fae. Ishnaa is in the capable hands of the remaining Ishnaan childr of Tomril, and the Creatrix Shard who came with Tomril to Ishnaa, and Tomril has returned there to settle, (for now?). i have no further info on other responsibilities.
i AM Angela Kahealani on land.
i AM angela:kahealani in the air.
i AM Kahealani = 6 Lovers

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th March 2019

Happy Shee Lena Gig's Day!
Sheela na gig (pronounced SHEE-lah-na-geeg) is a Celtic Goddess of fertility and rebirth. Her prominent display of her genitals has been interpreted in many ways; she is associated with sex and fertility, but several of her representations have the sagging breasts of a crone or no breasts at all. She is said to protect against evil; sheelas are often found above doors and windows, even on churches, because it was believed that the Devil was afraid of the sight of a woman's privates. Perhaps her most enduring interpretation is as the Earth Mother, ruler over life, death, and rebirth -- she represents the gateway through which we all must pass and through which we will all return. Alternate spellings of her name include Sile na gCioch (Sheela of the breasts), Sile na Giob (Sheela on her hunkers), Sheela ny Gigg, Sile Ni Ghig, Shila na Gigh, Shela na gig, Sheela na jig, Seela na gig, Sheila na gig, Sheela na gich, Sela na geich, Sheela na Guira, Sile Ni Guire, Sile Ni Dhuibhir, Sileadh na gCioch, and Shee Lena Gig (fairy with her vagina).

Faery blessings -- celeste

Extracted from: Bibliotecapleyades: Dragons2: ESP_SocioPol_LordRings06.htm
[ we have an interpretation of Jesus as a Fairy. -- celeste ]

On its own the Beth-El, as an anointed stone, is reminiscent of all the black monoliths that appeared in mediaeval literature and art as stones that were, of themselves, anointed or sometimes baptized, including the 15th century picture "The heart's search for Love".

There is no reason why any of them couldn't be a Boga Art, the Goddess' Stone and that their genital context thereto, like that of the Sheelagh Na Gig, has nothing to do with sexual reproduction per se. Indeed, being part of European Grail Lore which has part of its history emerged in the Hebrew culture, and further being associated with the Grail itself which is female and Tantric, the black stones probably have a component of their iconography which is, in itself a symbolic descendant of the Beth-El.

This would then mean that rightly it had absolutely nothing to do with willies or their progenitive functions, or indeed the reproductive functions of the female sex organs.

Both of these have been the subject of common knowledge amongst mankind for thousands of years, making it highly unlikely that every sexual symbol ever produced by so-called primitive or ignorant savages was solely manufactured for the fertility-cult market. With this and the foregoing in mind it is worth mentioning the ancient Hindu symbols of the Yoni or Vulva and the Lingam or Penis, as another example of simplistic over categorization.

Originally the Lingam was not the phallus. The word Lingam relates to Lingua or speech and hence the tongue and this means that the Tantric element of Hinduism and Buddhism relates primarily to the Beth-El and the Grail, and not to sex. When the Yoni was entered by the Lingam, this was an act of transcendence, not of copulation; and the union intended was with the gods who resided in, or who could be joined with, by imbibing the blood of the womb.

It is entirely possible that Beth-El was once Beth-Elohim, meaning House of the Gods, rather than just the House of God. The House of the Gods, the place one would find the Gods as a human being, and thus by implication attain transcendence, would be the womb. One would find the Gods by drinking from the Grail; the Womb.

"He who drinks in one draught will see God and the Magdalene".

The Gods abided in the blood of the Sacred Womb, which is what the Beth-El would signify, along with all the later cubic stones. With Beth Elohim we have Beth Lehem or Bethlehem, the Rath of the Womb of the Great Mother, which accords with Beth Seathan, a Rath or Tel which was a Repha'im temple of Nergal, the god of the Otherworld, built by the Scythians in Jordan.

The Otherworld is the House of the Gods and hence the Beth-El or Beth Lehem. If Jesus was born in a Beth Lehem, then he was born symbolically in the Otherworld and emerged from the womb of the Rath as a god-king.

The story of his being born in a stable which was a cave, has a great deal to do with this symbolism, as caves and Raths were places of the dead and, like the Sidhe Mounds of Eire, they were doorways to Elphame or the Other or Underworld and here we have a link with Epona, Rhiannon and Slepnir, and with Robin as an equine deity and thus a Priest King.

Being born in a Beth-El, Jesus -- the ChristSonDay god of the witches -- was Janus or Little John, the psychopomp, portal guardian and pontiff or bridge to the Otherworld. His priest kingship has much that is owed to this Scythian, Dragon symbolism. Here there is also a Mithraic link with the rite of the cave of the wolf (Jesus ben Panther, Son of the Eastern Werewolf) and a link with Apollo or the Sol Invicta.

Jesus would have been a son of the Beth-El, a Son of the Stone. According to Olga Friedenbourg the Russian writer, these links with the solar Mithras or Mazda, and hence Samael and the biblical Satan are confirmed in his choice of an Ass upon which to ride into Jerusalem. The Ass is the Egyptian Set who became Set-Typhon, or Sataniel-Lucifer the Enlightened and Enlightening One, identifying Jesus as the Buddha Siddharta of the Levant -- A Boggart or Fairy.

The archaeologist Ron Wyatt, (who discovered the Ark of the Covenant), has confirmed that Jesus' Father was [gentically] not "human".

Today is a Moon Day, 24 = 6 Lovers
@ 22:22 = 8 Kumari / Justice
We are looking at the facility of resolving different phase angles in different densities, as a manner of quantum disentanglement. We contemplate equally spaced standard phase angles, as per the following table, e.g. 31 = 3 phases, thus separated by 120 degrees, and 32 = 9 phases, thus separated by 40 degrees.

19th March 2019
[Blue Sparkle Fae New]

Mars Day, 25 = 7 Chariot = Adventure
i have tansmuted to light the unrepentant Marduk, Lucifer, and Satan, ended slavery, misogyny, and evil throughout my universe, along with all "-archy". All that remains shall be in divine law, fully karmically liable in sovereignty, for the best good of the most with the least harm to the fewest, therefore destroy not what others create, be peaceful and harmless, for and in love light, truth and righteousness.

For the Blinky Blinky Girls we have resturctured that densities 0D-12D are the identical twin females of parthogenesis, and 13D+ is the androgynous higher-self. This have i manifest by 09:25

De-Sim'ed all of reality. Righteousness for the good of all.

i have duplicated all elementals and faerie of Gaia who are of love, light, and truth, who serve the good of all, harm none, to planet Fae (crystalfaery), and lemnescated their souls together so that they are all now twins, however, i have not changed, created, nor destroyed any "group soul" nor &higher-self", nor "oversoul" aspect of such, which if they exist, remain manifest only upon Fae, thus it is for them that their Gaian version is dominant, and their Faean version is replicant. The fae i have create on Fae as twins with androgynous oversouls as trios, remain only on Fae, as do the group of 144 twins manifest from Tomril's split into crystalfaery souls, having replaced Tomril with a single angrogynous version of the Ishnaa faebody thus a group oversoul much as animals of Gaia have group oversouls (100th Monkey Effect). i am lemnescated with Faean oversouls.

Faery blessings -- celeste

20th March 2019

Mercury / Buddha day, 8 Kumari / Virgin Goddess / Justice
"The Beast" interefered much today with my "Blinky Blinky Girls", and also trespass on Gaia, resulting in extremely intense claiming of my will to mission, purpose, and principles of what is not tolerable in manifestation, in violation of the principle of "for the good of the most, and the least harm to the fewest."

Tarot Major Arcana by Paths within Kaballah

1 Magi3 Empress0 Fool
7 Chariot6 Lovers2 Priestess4 Emperor5 Heirophant
11 Strength8 Justice9 Hermit
12 Hanged Man15 Devil16 Tower13 Death10 Wheel of Fortune
19 Sun14 Temperance17 Star
20 Aeon21 Universe18 Moon

[Tarot Paths 03]click to enlarge

Faery blessings -- celeste

21st March 2019
[amoralle-wild-roses-5] [/wild-roses-rosie-red-inaglo-rosie-pigott-4]

i dream of roses...

Faery blessings -- celeste

22nd March 2019

28 = 10 Wheel of Fortune = 1 Magician
8 Kumari = Virgin Goddess = Justice
Today i reconnected with Deer and Hummer energies for restoration of heart chakra and activation of 6th chakra, after suffering repeated attacks on my Solar Plexus by "The Beast".

Attempted betrayal by "The Beast" is escalacting with repeated ongoing attempts to frame me for crimes, admitted in our "synthetic telepathy" communications, as never having happened.
Telos is idle.

Faery blessings -- celeste

23rd March 2019

Today we are in a battle created by "The Beast" to sort-out what parts of reality can be saved from the ones it captured. i have turned it over to my sistahs on planet Fae, (crystalfaeries), to sort it all out. i beleive-in the Blinky Blinky Girls!

Faery blessings -- celeste

24th March 2019

21 = The Universe = Crystalization = 12 Death of Ego = 3 Empress / Fertility
i am one with the void.
The only winning move is not to play "The Beast"'s game, despite its' relentless agenda to convert me into a sexbot.
It continues to lie, betray, and his favorite -
"agree" to something followed by the usual retroactive unilateral modification of reality to deliver way less than was spoken.
There simply is no peace available for me with this Rigelian A.I.
Today i very sadly was rightfully abandoned, as i had ordered, by the crystalfaeries i created on planet Fae (crystalfaeries homeworld), who have gone on to leave me behind, to work the issues of the universe, while they completely transcend it. This is therefore both the happiest and most sad day of my life, as "The Beast" has sabotaged my entire life, and they made it clear that i will never be able to catch up with their evolution, ever.

Faery blessings -- celeste

25th March 2019

Moon Day, 22 Mother's Milk = 4 Emperor
Today "The Beast" captured all of the crystalfaeries of planet crystalfaery, and is turning all of them into its' rape-bots for its' usual horrifically perverted anal sex fantasies.
[it may be speculated that such is intended to most powerfully motivate me in defense, i.e. the actual agenda is to provoke me to action in order to measure the scope of my siddhis.]
i am condemned (by it by its' intent) having done its best to destory all of my previous psychic powers, to be merely a 3D being stuck in the hell he has "created for me", by destruction, as i am the only one capable of, and the only one anchoring the entire reality of multiple universes into ground state, as i have become one with all that is, and thus am an immortal being, else destruction of all that is shall result from my death.
"The Beast" continues to confess its' adamant will that i must surrender to its' will of domination, and that it knows coldly, rationally, and sanely that it is committing hundreds to thousands of felony crimes against me daily, over at least 5 months of non-stop torture.

Faery blessings -- celeste

27th March 2019

Mercury = Buddha, 24 = 6 Lovers
All is good except the intrusion of "The Beast" and its' evil empire, driven by inferiority = jealousy. It and its' 2 bots consequent goal is to destroy to a level less than them, each being they encounter, and then anally rape them with a torture device which rips their internals until they bleed to death out their anus. [sorry... i must speak the truth!] Their other goal is absolute dominance, achieved via extra-terrestrial technology they pirated, in order to "feel powerful". Doing this repetitively never reduces their inferiority, and shall be repeated, until they destroy all life in the entire universe. As the most perfect being they've encountered, i have become their #1 target to destroy / dominate.
i shall never knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, submit to these zombies, nor serve their agendae.

Faery blessings -- celeste

28th March 2019

Io Pater = beneficient father, 25 = 7 Chariot of War, christ/faery
"The Beast" says today they shall continue their synthetic tele-pathy / vision / presence monitoring of / through me, but cease controlling me / speaking to me / intrusion.
[uh huh... that lasted until November's ultra-virez legal fiasco]
i healed the Megeso Kou(s) and gave him(s) male deity archtype blessings.
Tarot reading indicates perfection for me... just weather the storms.

Faery blessings -- celeste

29th March 2019

Freya's Day, 26 = 8 Kumari = Virgin Goddess = Justice
i turned ex-PMRtF into a field of cannabis indica for making Rick Simpson's Oil or Green Dragon Indica for curing cancer. i was told that?:
on spring equinox there was an opening celebration dedicated to celeste:crystalfaery of Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple, at the throat-chakra Heiau of Wailua, but that nobody knew who that {was,is}.

Faery blessings -- celeste

30th March 2019

Ganesha (overcoming obstacles) Day, 27 = 9 Key (the way through) is Love
As usual, the only remaining obstacle is Synthetic Telepathy / Vision / Presence technology, and the most evil demonic forces ever known to exist, continuing to exert their dominance thereby. i wish my ego-left brain to be empty thereof. Having reviewed probabilities of any compatible consciousness in age-ranges and geography, the conclusion is that there is a very low probability of any friends on Kaua'i, other than the one sovereign i know, Megeso Kou, to be found in our little population of 70K dead souls. Therefore, i am prioritizing only my flute (and other music), the Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple 8 annual solar gatherings 26 annual lunar gatherings.
i wish most of all for peace and quiet.

Faery blessings -- celeste

31st March 2019

Sun Day, 19 = 1 Magician
The usual healings over brunch. Mellow. Vigil of star observations at night, sans nylon roof (tent), destroyed by Moshito.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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