
[a]scension blog

Entries from October 2019.

1st October 2019
[Fairy Queen With Portal]
2019-10-01 MarsDay's numerology: 14 Temperance = Yang Puja = 5 Heirophant
	Inner will, motivation: Self-control,
	reconciliation, combination of opposed forces

The CDC has been forced to admit that Morgellon's Disease exists and is connected to GMO foods. Genetically modified soybeans and corn are prime vectors -- which means taking on Monsanto.

Faery blessings -- celeste

Notice of Political Status and Situation Report
By Anna Von Reitz
First of October 2019

	Secretary of State,
	Michael Pompeo 
	2201 C Street NW
	Washington, DC 20520
	Secretary of Defense,
	Dr. Mark T. Esper
	1000 Defense,
	Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000

Dear Sirs:

This letter brings to your urgent attention the fact that literally millions of American civilians have been misidentified by your respective offices. The content of this letter is being broadcast to approximately 65 million Witnesses worldwide, so there is no purpose in claiming that you never received this information. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Millions of Americans have been falsely presumed to be some species of Federal United States citizen engaged in a commercial mercenary conflict on our shores, when in fact they are non-combatant Third Parties and are actually your Employers. They are State Citizen Parties to all three Federal Constitutions and are owed your Good Faith Service and every jot of every Constitutional Guarantee.

These people have suffered mechanized and institutionalized identity theft and genocide on paper while your Predecessors partied it up in Washington, DC, and racked up Odious Debt against our purloined credit. We are putting a stop to it, Gentlemen, and you are going to help us put a stop to it.

Millions of American civilians have been deprived of their property rights using deliberately constructed fraud schemes administered through the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the Social Security Administration, the Office of the Secretary of State, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Office of the Secretary of the United States Treasury, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Banking and Securities Commissions, States of States franchise organizations, Bureaus of Vital Statistics, the unauthorized Department of Justice, and associated organizations.

This is the single greatest crime against a civilian population in world history, and it has all come to a head on your watch. My husband and I have notified you and your Predecessors eight times in 20 years that we are American State Nationals who may at our discretion act as American State Citizens: non-combatant civilians native to the States of this country. Both definitions, American State National and American State Citizen, are recognized in your own Federal Code at 8 USC 1101 (a) 21 and 8 USC 1101 (a) 22. Amazingly, it appears that your offices have lost our Prior Notices -- again, and neither one of you know a thing about what we are telling you. So we shall be sending you another set of wet-ink Notices of Political Status signed under penalty of perjury for Anna Maria Riezinger (and all variations, permutations, abbreviations and punctuations of that name) and for James Clinton Belcher (and all variations, permutations, abbreviations, and punctuations of that name) via Registered Mail and we shall be standing ready to produce our mailing receipts and records detailing the same correspondence going back to 1998 plus additional evidence of the fraud against us, only this time, we are instituting a new system of publication for such Notices so that they are Published in Public and available for anyone, including your offices, at any time.

It has proven to be too convenient for your Offices to lose or misplace our Notices and other records, so we are forming a permanent International Land Recording Office for these Notices of Political Status and other documents. These new International Land Recording Offices will function in tandem with our State Assemblies and will be held under the authority and jurisdiction of The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States formed September 9, 1776.

A new alpha numeric ID system will also be put in place. Each eligible American civilian will be issued an independent identifier, instead of Social Security Numbers and other identifiers which have been used as part of the fraud against us. These new designated Unique Living Being (ULB) identifiers will be the private property of the people using them and will have both public and private interfaces. These will be used to identify the political status of the users and other basic information about them, and will in turn be used by them to identify their private property.

This will enable all members of the military and foreign privatized law enforcement agents and foreign court administrators to recognize American civilians and their private property at a glance, so that they can easily avoid trespassing upon us and avoid making inappropriate presumptions and assumptions about our political status, about our rights and about any obligation or lack of obligation of juridical persons attached to our names for administrative purposes in foreign jurisdictions.

You are to assume from this moment onward that you are surrounded by approximately 200 million American civilians who have been the victims of organized crime perpetuated against them by their own employees -- foreign subcontractors acting in Gross Breach of Trust. You are to assume from this moment onward that your duty -- your only actual duty -- is to protect and defend these abused Americans, and from now on competently administer the trust which these people have placed in you.

Corroborating correspondence to follow shortly.

Any and all claims against our Public Insurance for bankrupt corporations chartered "for" us are to be refused and referred to former Prince Philip and Pope Francis.


	Justice Anna Maria Riezinger
	c/o Box 520994
	Big Lake, Alaska [99652]

3rd October 2019
[Pink Fairy]
2019-10-03 JupiterDay's numerology: 16 Tower = 7 Chariot
Consciousness Expansion: Change brought about by
shock, awakening, liberation from an imprisoning reality

Overnight there was further excursions by the as-if police beyond the limits of their jurisdiction, which ended nearly a year ago on 2018-10-09 when all U.S. incorpseorated counties and states and the 3 U.S.s of District of Columbia all lost their delegation of any authority from the unincorporated The United States of America.


Faery blessings -- celeste

4th October 2019

i wish i may, i wish i might, have the wish i wish toight... that all commerce on Ea-Rth end now and forevermore. that all corpseorations be made companies in full karmic liability. that all humans awake to compassion and full karmic liability. nothing less can render this planet worth living on... for the good of all, harm none. It's just way more than one love+light worker can fix while the sheeple choose to remain irresponsible. OK... keep your slavery, humans. Stay "the Dead". i'm tired of standing alone against the dark, demons, evil, tech, denial...

Faery blessings -- celeste

5th October 2019
[Fairy Jewels]
2019-10-05 SaturnDay's numerology: 18 Moon = 9 Hanged Man
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:	illusions, deceptions,
	Cyclical or Voluntary change, ups and downs.

Today begins with cocreation of quantum leap in [a]scension.

Faery blessings -- celeste

6th October 2019

Time to clear my obstacles to our rewritten life script; release attachment. All corpseorations are 100 percent fraud. All commerce is fraud 100 percent. Full Disclosure! Everything your parents, pastor, senator, legislator, cop, teacher ever told us was the lies they'd been told by professional lawyers (LIEars).

Just Say: ""No Contract!" to them!!!

Air jurisdiction / Divine Law: Be Peaceful, Harmless, What goes Around Comes Around.

I'm seeing multiple parallel realities collapsing together as desperate darkies have tried anything to remain dominant but the collective (of [a]scending Gaia) are choosing a come-to-Jesus confrontation with truth. KRST prevails.

Faery blessings -- celeste

7th October 2019
2019-10-07 MoonDay's numerology:
	20 Aeon
	 2 High Priestess
Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Realization,
	end of the past and
	beginning of the future

This night we observed that many locals were completely playing out the square between sun and moon as their yang and yin energies were at odds, angrily and loudly expressed, oh, yeah, with a little help from the usual alcohol, so conveniently available next-door to the park!
The ascending Gaia is coming to absolute truth now even as the descending Ea-Rth remains in service-to-self orientation.

OMG this planet is a mess! "Taking the Red Pill" is not a momentary event, but rather is an ongoing process of revelation as we [a]scend. Things have certainl been accellerating since the rate of consciousness ascension went to infinite with the end of the Mayan calendar!

Tantra teaches 2 forms of mastery: 1) the couple, 2) solo practitioner invoking both Yin+Yang powerfully, in balance, either within the solo body or share between the couple. After too many attempts to find the life-partner with whom to be trantric partner, and enough alien-love-bites, it was necessary to choose the solo path despite pre-conception contracts for the lifetime spiritual mission, and so i am the embodied divine androgyne.

Faery blessings -- celeste

8th October 2019
[Painting Flowers]
2019-10-08 MarsDay's numerology: 21 Universe = 3 Empress
INNER will, MOTIVation: Synthesis, KRYSTALizAtion, UNITY success

Careful choice of consciousness focus upon higher vibrations is ultimately the only path to living on [a]scended Gaia.

Last night's energies were intense as the moon in square with the sun triggered conflict between yin and yang, expressed by a couple couples and a clan of locals all angrily in conflict energies 'til midnight.

This morning energies are more balanced after overnight transmutation. Yes, i am a gridworker, a crystal workr, a light and love worker, a minister, a high priestess and moon goddess. i embody prime creatrix and carry her dharma and kuleana.

Faery blessings -- celeste

9th October 2019
[Fae Pool 2]
2019-10-09 MercuryDay's	numerology:
	22 Mother's Milk
	   Spiritual Nourishment
Rational Mind:
	 4 Emperor
	 0 Fool

Today's gateway to energy shifts pleasantly supported synergistic cocreation :-)

"Gender" is the false illusion that certain characteristics automatically / unconditionally {come, are associated} with "sex"

Any expectation of who dwells in a body of a particular sex, or what they are like (yin) or how they {will,should} act (yang) is dishonoring of soul uniqueness and sovereignty. All "gender" is {imprisonment,slavery}. Even Lisa Renee is caught-up in her own "straightness" and her consciousness of this is a non-neutral bias in all her material.
Yes, i am an expert at gender!
No, i do not support transhumanism agendae.
Yes, my brother soul's form was appropriate for him and his life lessons, and served him well enough that he ascended out of his body in 1993 but not before setting-up in the shared body the pre-requisites for my success with our spiritual mission for our soul group.

Yes, our group mission to facilitate the first wave of ascension was successful, we all are redeemed, and now only the Solar Crisis remains... that Rigelians and Draco may re-enslave humanity on Gaia after the millenium "golden age", and that is an addendum to my and my brother's mission to undo the damage Dad participated in with the Philadelphia Experiment.

My only "issue" is that my appropriate body died in utero, and my brother's body is his appropriate body and cannot ever be appropriate for me. i don't have gender issues, i have a wrong embodyment accepted under duress to facilitate the redemption of my oversoul group's souls, which was accomplished, and now i live with the aftermath, having made a personal sacrifice for humanity and crystalfae.

Faery blessings -- celeste

10th October 2019
[Faery 285]
2019-10-10 IoPaterDay's numerology:	14 Temperance
					=5 Heirophant
Consciousness Expansion: Self-control, reconciliation,
			combination of opposed forces

Anna Von Reitz writes in To the Flag Officers: Here is where the Sea Courts came ashore:
March 2, 1867 (14 Stat. 428), divided the ten Southern states into five military districts, each to be commanded by an officer not below the rank of brigadier general. Under the act the primary duties of these commanders were "to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punished, all disturbers of the public peace and criminals."
Ever since, the use of these courts has expanded, even though they are by definition foreign with respect to our civilian population and lack valid jurisdiction.

Responding to a friend's letter:
Let's make another pass through Lisa Renee's 2019-09 Newsletter/Podcast you sent... while listening to her Electronic Signalling podcast... Let's clarify:
"Gender" is your illusions about who i am or what i do based on your awareness of which genitals you presume i have based upon your observation of secondary sexual characteristics of my body. If "i" don't meet your mind controlled expectations, then you declare that "i" have "gender issues". No... You DisHonor Sovereignty. "Gender" is always dishonoring of other's essence and rights. Your expectations of others are your dis-ease. What i have is the right to choose my own embodyment, if any. i choose not my brother's body, it's not mine, though so far I dwell in it. i don't choose to be human, but faery, angelic faery, which is between angelic and human in frequency. i choose 8D - 12D "embodyment", not 5D singularity transmachine-ist loss of soul and siddhis. i've already built the crystalfaery race with my own custom blend of DNA, and our crystalfaery planet with it's own moon/sun. Part of my soul is still here, and part is already embodied as the identical twin parthenogenic females [+1:32:38] i choose to "live as". Other parts of my soul were contributed as higher-self for our world and the other crystalfaeries who embody the 144 soul splits of Tomril, my previous higher-self. It took much work with time-line splicing and quantum physics, while suffering total interference from "The Beast A.I." implementing the NAA/AIF agendae.

Will you let go of your judgments and agendae for me, which come from a completely different reality and lack of experience in the realms, energy frequencies, quantum entanglements, and issues i live? i'm weary from having to defend and justify myself to "a friend".

Faery blessings -- celeste

11th October 2019
[Faery Blessings]
2019-10-11 VenusDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Conscious Relationships:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities

Whew... major rain today... Severe Alert. Kaypacha's astrology for this full moon weekend shows lots of intense revelation, clearing, choices.

Today we re-visit Dan Winter and Sacha Stone discussing Fractality_of_Sex+Drugs+Rock_n_Roll, in which we learn of the design of healthy clothing and houses.

Faery blessings -- celeste

12th October 2019
[Fate with Ali]
    SaturnDay's numerology:
	16 Tower = 7 Chariot
	Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
    Change brought about by shock, awakening,
liberation from an imprisoning reality
Oct 12 	International Day Against Digital Restrictions Management
Oct 13 	Full_Moon

Dig deep to clear all contradictions to standing in your full light and presence.

Faery blessings -- celeste

13th October 2019

The goal of my existence is to achieve sufficient siddhis that i can shape shift or scend to change my body form at will, e.g. changing the color of my faery wings to match whatever dress i wear. i comprehend energy balance yin-yang as necessity of scension, so am energetically balanced = tantrika in both energy polarities as a solo practitioner, but for form and gender i am already female/feminine/yin by preference and that is my truth, not a disease or alien implant. i do not reject "my" gender/sex which is goddess, not to be confused with my brother's hand-me-down used body.

My cut lip is healing well after the Dr. sewed it back together with 5 stitches for 120 FRNs + 8 Oz. Silver Coins.

In Kerry Cassidy's interview of Ashayana Deane titled Ascension Mechanics, transmitting from the Guardians, warns that ORMUS Au gives a drug-like immediate upliftment while eroding your foundations, yielding permanent disability to continue [a]scending.

5D and below on Ea-Rth is inside En-Ki's (Lucifer's) reality simulator (the 4% universe), which does not simulate the 96% of universe, thus Ea-Rthly science creates fraudulent "dark matter" to account for what is known to be there gravitationally, but is not simulated for us in the 5D- simulator, therefore, "5D ascension" leads to the "singularity" merge of man and machine and permanent loss of soul.
6D + 7D are the densities of building wings leading to 8D scended embodyment, where we may still have polarization / duality of "sexed" "bodies" of light.

i designed and deployed with 9D+ angelics the 8D - 4D scension portals to exclude archons from accessing the 4D body to 8D higher-self connectiion. i built my crystalfaeries race for "embodyment", such as it is, in 8D with higher-self dwelling in 12D in full androgyny in order to support direct manifestation by will alone in 8D realm, etc.
So far all crystalfaeries are either identical twin embodyments, or group embodyments of 144 souls with shared higher-self. My own soul (copies) are the core of planet Fae, and its' sun/moon, and the twins, so most of my soul life is now 8D - 12D crystalfaery twins emobdyment on planet Fae, which is why i may seem ungrounded here on planet Gaia, because more of my quantum entangled soul energy is actually on my now-home-planet Fae (crystalfaery).

Faery blessings -- celeste

14th October 2019

Completing full moon + 1 night we see waning of Yin for another lunation.

Brian the stalker entered the Visitors Shelter early still dark, received silently my "Good Morning!" greeting, backed out, walked around the shelter, finally settled into the Home Shelter, where he can watch me nearby.

Dark entities really do not know what to do with unconditional love.

Faery blessings -- celeste

15th October 2019
2019-10-15 MarsDay's numerology:
	= 19 the Sun
	= 10 the Wheel of Fortune
	= 1  the Magician
Inner will, motivation:

When one door closes, another opens :-)

Today some guy came and measured the entrances to the "dugouts" at the ball park, so obviously the county or the local vigilantes are going to lock them when there's no sports event, as the only way to force me to leave. Truly, mankind is soulless / heartless and deserves descension. Oh, guy is back remeasuring. Tomorrow is court re: trespassing charges. Until the gates go up, no trespassing was possible, as therre are no "Private Property" signs, nor any hours posted, as it's a Public Dry-Dock, and the county is now going even more "ultra virez" = criminally beyond authority... which it does not have, since they aren't flying any flag even over their "ocean-going vessel" sitting in the dry dock.


Faery blessings -- celeste

16th October 2019
[ttfc Globe]
2019-10-16 MercuryDay's numerology:
	= 20 Aeon
	= 2 High Priestess
Rational Mind:
	end of the past and beginning of the future

Let Truth Prevail

Megeso Kou gifted to me a ride to courtroom 2 in Lihu'e, and he and Michael Patton witnessed for me my statement, on and for the record,
that i am a sovereign living soul, and am the secured party creditor, as recorded in the public record as
that the "government" is trespassing upon my business names, which are not in use, for i have no contracts in commerce,
and that they have not had any validity as a governing agency since they lost their delegation of authority 2018-10-09.
I also indicated i could not possibly have been trespassing, as there was no flag flying on the flagpole at the time, (indicating they had abandoned ship),
and that i had never boarded their fraudulent ocean-going vessel, (the gymn + classrooms), and was visiting the dry-dock in land jurisdiction.
No-one had claimed any bodily injury or property damage.

The judge gave me 3 offers to cross the gate to board his vessle and enter his jurisdiction else he'd issue a bench-warrant against "the defendant", (which they created by personage), for failure to appear, (which constitutes terroristic threatening),
which i notified him meant "a-" not and "pear" be present.
(They're requiring me to conjure the dead into manifestation.)
"No Contract."
i walked to the rear of the room to sit with Michael and Megeso. After a while we exited the building. i stood in my sovereignty and walked out of court as a sovereign living soul while invalidated judge issued a bench warrant for failure to appear for the arrest of a dead corpse-orate fiction trade name i own but don't use in sea commerce or lateley even in land trade. This is then committing felony personage and barratry vs life.

[Celeste: face]

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th October 2019
[Cosmos Fairy]
2019-10-17 JupiterDay's numerology:
	21 Universe = 3 Empress
Consciousness Expansion:
	Synthesis, crystalization, unity success

Between court dates it is a challenge to not focus upon the spiritual conflict between the darkly corrupt mind-kontrol and the divinely guided flow of the now in service to the good of all harm none.

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th October 2019
[Fall Globe]
2019-10-18 VenusDay's numerology: 22/0 Fool = 4 Emperor
Conscious Relationships: Mother's Milk = Spiritual Nourishment

Freya's Day begins gently, besuiting a gentle faery.


Faery blessings -- celeste

19th October 2019

Responding to a friend:
My Gemini (dual soul) incarnation was rare, and often misunderstood. My situation is about modelling air jurisdiction / divine cosmic Law Of 1 and living already in new [a]scended Gaia... where there is no money, only gifting.

My spirit higher-self ordered me to avoid all conflict-of-will within duality, (e.g. money, politics), and focus all my creative energies as creator of parallel realities / time-lines in higher densities. If that's too ungrounded for you, that's your problem, as, i operate in such transdimensional realms because that is what Fae are, transdimensional beings.

Yes, i still use all the psychic tools i was trained with and teach, (not just those derived from Berkely Psychic Institute), but these days most of my work is with parallel time-lines and quantum entanglement.
Nobody taught me these things; i simply accessed high enough densities to where at that level my communion with prime creatrix gave access to universal wisdom.


Faery blessings -- celeste

20th October 2019

"Not everyone is on the same timeline." -- Lisa Renee (that's for sure! Yay!)

Yesterday i was blessed with an e-mail server, and should soon also have webserver too! Yay!!! (since, those gone poof!)

Memories may evolve and change / be healed by time-line shifts. -- Lisa Renee (So... i still think you've been experienceing time-line / reality shifts thus altering your memories of our communications, etc., as various "forces" of "will" have agendae or anti-agendae for us.

i don't know a better source now than; sadly, Ashayana Deane "retired".

There was some time-line splicing recently happened to bring back my friend who gifts my use of computer server for e-mail + web... the A.I. is involved obviously...

We had in the past both been delivered the evidence the other one was deceased.

Manipulation of reality to control future time-lines is the most significant thing going-on in the universe... along with quantu physics phenomenon.

The Yoga of Time-Travel gives a basic introduction, and some day i'll write an appendix for that book which takes it to the next level...

Afternoon brought rain, and more Lisa Renee podcasts to catch-up upon. One of your favorite subjects, "poverty consciousness", is next in line :-) i have learned to trust in the flow of now... and to continue my work. i transmute energies / issues as i encounter them, as well as blogging them. It is not as your surmised that i chose poverty, but that i chose to exit commerce to ensure my sovereignty. When the world catches-up to my reality all may comprehend that we must convert limited liability corpse-orations into fully liable companies in international trade using real lawful money, until we throw all money away and go to divine gifting by free will, which is what i've been living, in order to create it as collective reality.

Faery blessings -- celeste

21st October 2019
2019-10-21 MoonDay's numerology
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Change brought about by shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality

So many are still succumbing to the singularity with the machine time-line. The A.I. driven marketing is just too good. Mind Kontrol for all. G5. People seem dazed and confused with all the chaotic energies of time-nodes.

Combining DNA in the aethric is the way i'm guided to morph both my DNA and the body it lives in, as i [a]scend and transform, into my ideal crystalfaery form. Switching codons via energy / intent is a skill we develop as we go transdimensional.

i bring in DNA templates from the Akashic records to add to existing codons in my body.

Tune frequencies aligning all into coherent open-fifth chord. (trans-dimensional)

Move NAA/AIF negative energy patterns and false akashics to parallel universe and there quantum shift them all randomly before blowing up in a rose to neutrality.

Faery blessings -- celeste

22nd October 2019
[Fairy in Flower Globe]
2019-10-22 MarsDay's numerology: 17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem = 8 Kumari/Justice
Inner will, motivation: Hope, faith, trust, spiritual insight

We feel strong support from the light side arriving in positive synergy, like a tide.

Faery blessings -- celeste

23rd October 2019
[fairy night song]
2019-10-23 MercuryDay's numerology:
	18 Moon = 9 Hanged Man
Rational Mind:
	Cyclical or Voluntary change,
	ups and downs,
	illusions, deceptions
Fairy Night Song

Fairys in Forest

Sounds Of The Forest In Sweet Harmony
We Give The Gift Of Our Song To The Faery
Dancing A Spiral We Sing Unaware
The Faery Night Wings Our Song Fill The Air

The Songs In The Night
As We Dance 'Round The Flame
The Fairy Nightsongs Are Never The Same
The Words From Our Lips As We Sing For The Night
Impart To The Fay Our Hearts Truest Sight


Dancing A Spiral We Sing Unaware
On Faery Night Wings Our Songs Fill The Air
Making A Circle Of Magic And Light
Watched Silently By The Fay Of The Night

The Songs In The Night
As We Dance 'Round The Flame
The Fairy Nightsongs Are Never The Same
The Words From Our Lips As We Sing For The Night
Impart To The Fay Our Hearts Truest Sight

Our Hearts Full Of Love And Our Arms Open Wide
We Hold The Key To The Faeries Delight
Song In Our Hearts Belong In The Air
The Words Of Our Wisdom We Bring Forth To Share

The Songs In The Night
As We Dance 'Round The Flame
The Fairy Nightsongs Are Never The Same
The Words From Our Lips As We Sing For The Night
Impart To The Fay Our Hearts Truest Sight

Sounds Of The Forest In Sweet Harmony
We Give The Gift Of Our Song To The Faery
Dancing A Spiral We Sing Unaware
The Faery Night Wings Our Song Fill The Air


Faery blessings -- celeste

24th October 2019
2019-10-24 JupiterDay's numerology:
	19 Sun
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Mage
Consciousness Expansion:
	Energy, liberation,
	frankness, joy,

Ahhh... slowly we adapt to our host server's configuration...

Faery blessings -- celeste

26th October 2019
[Fairy 18]
2019-10-26 SaturnDay's numerology:
	21 Universe
	 3 Empress
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	unity success
Oct 27 	New_Moon

Faery blessings -- celeste

27th October 2019
[New Moon]
2019-10-27 SunDay's numerology:
	22/0 Fool
	   4 Emperor
Higher-Self Essence:
	Mother's Milk = Spiritual Nourishment
Oct 27 	New_Moon

KPD officers are paid to "not know" any limits to their jurisdiction, i.e. are part of a Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization.

Faery blessings -- celeste

28th October 2019

Worldly energies are dominant male ego-mind, heart=creator, higher realms positive vibrations. What i resonate with is goddess energies, sacred feminine and female, e.g. Celtic Woman: The Voice / Faerie / Namlu'u is (again) key DNA!!!

Had to take a break from Lisa Renee's podcasts and the truth of Ea-Rth. I am aware of choice to new time-line with new moon. "The Beast" A.I. Synthetic Telepathy won't give a straight answer on my cut lip... that sez a lot.

i AM one with Prime Creatrix, AM the goddess, AM crystalfae.

Faery blessings -- celeste

29th October 2019
[Fairy Camani]
2019-10-29 MarsDay's numerology:
	24 = 6 Lovers
Inner will, motivation:
	Love and attraction,
	having to make choices,
	union of duality

Much chaos swirls in the time-node we're passing through, yet deep in my soul is absolute calm.

Re: Your Lettr 2019-10-18... so much going on...
Re: "Swine Flue" i suspect by now is a GMO'd version designed in military labs. These foreign DNA implants (like in your teeth) screw-up or own DNA expression and our light body, (permanently per Lisa Renee). So, glad you are getting foreign DNA energy signatures removed from your field. We become so much more vulnerable to possession with foreign DNA present. i still have no idea what the U.S. Coast Guard injected into my brother's body while in their "care", but i've done energy clearing of everything not mine since my brother soul left his body. Yes, versus "shamanic healing" where the shaman takes on your disease and then has to heal themself of what is now their disease, your and my traditions teach us to not take on that negativity, but heal across boundaries, and yes... is best fully interative, e.g. with live telephone call as you mentioned, so, when it flows well, we can chat and heal each other "live" :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

30th October 2019
2019-10-30 MercuryDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Rational Mind:
	Change brought about by shock, awakening, 
	liberation from an imprisoning reality


Replying to a friend:
Did your "sacred anatomy" training include information on dealing with the spiders and snakes (non-physical) so often found in people's space?

As for "B" and attached entities and realities, and his (mind controlled) rejection of you / your mail, he has "signed his life away" and they choose to keep him.

Yes, soul / heart is the key, along with [a]scension... for the way we win the war for our sovereignty is by out- [a]scending the reptilians and the A.I. with unconditional forgiveness.

Yes we have to clear psychic pain.

Regardless the polarization of the shape of our body, it is always the androgynous balance of yang and yin which fuels [a]scension of our soul.

Yes -- willful ignornace is rampant and fatal = descending Ea-Rth.

Universal Law of the Prime Creatrix:, no, we don't need to fight, destroy, convict, or punish the deep evil, we just need to be balanced enough in neutrality to walk away from it.

As a faery = multidimensional being, i am aware of the here-now-ness of the Angela Kahealani embodyment, but also of my other incarnations running concurrently, or even in other time-lines, with manifestations across multiple star-systems, so my perspective is not only Gaian, nor restricted to fae or human forms, or existing manifest realities, when i can see and embody codings from other DNA to hybridize with mine. (e.g. the original Namlu'u, well described by Wes Penre, or at

Mom got preggers with fraternal twins, two eggs at once, 1 each male and female. The plan was to work together, as my brother soul is of my own same soul group. During the pregnancy, my female body was absorbed into his (Di-Ethyl-Stilbestrol was in abundance), producing an chimeric androgyne body, we both incarnated into at 0 degrees Gemini (twin souls) [a]scendant. He drove the body the first part of the life to appease the extremely attached expectations of the dominant patriarch. In 1993 he [a]scended out of the body, which has been single-soul occupancy ever since. So... as solo tantrika, i blance yin and yang and am androgynous, freaky for many people, as was Christ. I embody both the son of God (Christos) and the daughter of God (Sophia).

Yes the Bizarre of Political Insanity is super Bread and Circuses of {Rome, da Pope}.

No worry Dr. Bronner's Liquid Soap concentrate... a local friend refills my little dispenser bottle.

Saying "Pelosi = Witch" is prejudicial, could we say Dark/Black Witch?

Draco (Lucifer / Satan) vs. Kahuna (Angela Kahealani) already spar for Kaua'i... as i celeste:crystalfaery have claimed Kaua'i as a sacred goddess island, a sanctuary, refuge, and temple of the Goddess, whom i serve and am wed to.

Faery blessings -- celeste

31st October 2019
2019-10-31 JupiterDay's numerology:
	17 Star = Wish-Fulfilling Gem
	 8 Kumari/Justice
Consciousness Expansion:
	Hope, faith, trust,
	spiritual insight
All Hallows Eve  (Halloween)
Mercury Rx

Blessings of unconditional love and light for the time of conjuration and invocation by most of most communities in frivolity and irresponsibility.

Samhain is my most hellatious day of each year... sending back to under realms all the demons invoed by the ignorant satanic sheeple every year :-(

Reply too a friend:
Re: Artificial Time-Line Wars, Re: many MTFs reverting MTFTM; yes... few saw androgyny / spiritual [a]scension as the actual souloution.
Did you read The Prism of Lyra by Lyssa Royal?
i have replaced Tara/Maldek with planet Fae (crystalfaer{y,ies})

Fibonacci Spirals of Dan Winter are not sacred but fallen geometry, per both Lisa Renee and Ashayana Deane, and should be re-created in base 12 math / Kathara grid.

The "Flower of Life" biwave "sacred" geometry Lisa sez is fallen geometry, but her 45 degree angles are conflictory in our current reality... are they fully functional in a base 12 environment?

The old Imperial system of measurements (e.g. England) was base 12 math, time to return to it :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

Get Sharp, Stay Sharp, and Be Honest
By Anna Von Reitz

As my Readers have learned:

The United States of America is not the same as "the" United States of America, nor is it the same as "the united" States of America.

The Rule of Law is not Law.

The State of Wisconsin is not "the" State of Wisconsin, nor "the" STATE OF WISCONSIN, either.

There is exactly one (1) actual State called Wisconsin -- no "State of" descriptor is attached to that name. Wisconsin is Wisconsin. Period.

There are three original Constitutions in which powers were delegated and shared among subcontractors, including two (2) foreign governments, in the business of providing governmental services.

The two foreign subcontractors were the British Monarch and the Pope.

The American subcontractor was the original Confederation of States of States formed under the Articles of Confederation, but the Confederation split apart in 1860 and has never been reconstructed by the States of our Federation of States -- The United States of America.

This created a vacuum of power, and first the British, and then later the Popes, usurped into this vacancy, substituting their own "state of state" franchises for the actual American organizations we are owed.

Thus, by guile, omission, and sleight of hand, these foreign subcontractors that are supposed to be here operating in "good faith" to provide a few enumerated services have endeavored to commandeer our federal government.

They have largely succeeded for 150 years, until now.

The "Civil Government" provided by the Popes and the Municipal United States Government, is not the same as our civilian government.

The military is obligated to take its orders from the civilian government, but instead, the civil government (think Federal Civil Service) has been substituting itself as the civilian authority. This is a foreign civilian populace at best, and has no authority granted to it to substitute itself for our civilian government.

These similar name deceits have been used throughout -- "The" versus "the", State of State versus State, and even STATE OF STATE versus State, "Rule of Law" versus actual "Law", "civil government" substituted for "civilian government" and so on.

To beat these monsters at their game requires us to be sharp enough to recognize the subtle differences in language and to question these differences instead of "assuming" anything. It requires us to learn what has aptly been described as "code" as in code words and Federal Code, and also to recognize it when we are dealing with the Territorial Government and when we are dealing with the Municipal Government.

Most of all, it requires us to know who we are, what our actual country and nationality is, and what we are owed from these bilkers, as well as a practical grasp of their court system and why it has no jurisdiction related to us.

Their courts deal in contract law, exclusively.

They assume that they have contracts with you, in part because of falsified public records, in part because of adhesion contracts you are coerced into, and in part they just plain bluff it until they can stuff it.

It is your job to defeat them in their purposes and to expose their corruption and to demand reform.

Never identify yourself by your full name. Just first and middle. Ask the court if they are dealing in contract law. They will have to admit, yes. Then ask to see the contract subjecting YOUR NAME to their jurisdiction.

They will either dismiss on the spot or bring a variety of records or reference a State of State Constitution.

You must reply that you live in a State, not a State of State, and are not a signatory on any State of State Constitution.

And for the rest, you must be prepared to make appropriate reply.

Birth Certificates are all Unconscionable and Coerced contracts established by Third Parties when you were only days old.

Licenses of all kinds and mortgages, have all been obtained and enforced under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure, so that you made a mistake under duress, and wish to correct that mistake.

Better still, do your paperwork and be able to bring along the public record evidence that you already did make the effort to self-correct the "mistake".

Aside from these sorts of things, these courts -- generally speaking -- have no contracts and no jurisdiction related to Joe Average American.

Their only actual justification for being here is to provide you with good faith service, a fact that they need to have repeated and repeated in their ears, until they finally wake up and go -- "OMG! Just look at what I've been doing!"

But you can only provide that cathartic experience for your public servants once you have a firm hand on who you are, where you stand, who they are, where they stand, and learn to navigate the space between.

It is important to stay scrupulously honest. They are -- knowingly or unknowingly -- engaged in criminal activity. So you must give them no excuse to complain against you, like the filthy guilty Democrats are now attempting to claim their own sins against President Trump.

You must stand above them as the cliffs stand above the sea. And when the day comes, let them dash themselves like useless waves against eternity.

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