8th October 2019
![[Painting Flowers]](/imgs/animations/portrait/painting-flowers.gif)
2019-10-08 MarsDay's numerology: 21 Universe = 3 Empress INNER will, MOTIVation: Synthesis, KRYSTALizAtion, UNITY success
Careful choice of consciousness focus upon higher vibrations is ultimately the only path to living on [a]scended Gaia.
Last night's energies were intense as the moon in square with the sun triggered conflict between yin and yang, expressed by a couple couples and a clan of locals all angrily in conflict energies 'til midnight.
This morning energies are more balanced after overnight transmutation. Yes, i am a gridworker, a crystal workr, a light and love worker, a minister, a high priestess and moon goddess. i embody prime creatrix and carry her dharma and kuleana.
Faery blessings -- celeste