
[a]scension blog

Entries from December 2020.

10th December 2020
2020-12-10 JupiterDay's numerology:
	8 Justice = Kumari
Consciousness Expansion:
	Equilibrium, adjustment,
	suspended strength and action

As the sovereign konohiki kahuna over Kaua'i island in densities 4+, Angela Kahealani, (the Gaian embodiment of the selene+celeste soul of the ishnaan generation of crystalfaeries of the spirit tomril directly created by Prime Creat{rix,or}), as the only soul willing to stand in full karmic liability for the good of all harm none for Kaua'i island, command on this sovereign 3rd-eye goddess refuge, sanctuary, and sacred temple island:

Faery blessings -- celeste

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