
[a]scension blog

Entries from November 2017.

3rd November 2017
 [New World]

When you are born in [to] a world you don't fit in;
it's BeCause you were born to help create a new one.
Be the Cause of YOUR reality...
be the CREATOR of YOUR reality...
why your "reality" is as it is...
step up into creator role!

8th November 2017

"We crystalfaeries have rather moved into a quiet stance, reticent to say much of anything anymore...
...and so it is that we allow others to share, as we synthesize Pamela's perspective with that of Anna Grace:
'Let the feelings go!'

P.S.: If you eat enough of the right mushrooms, you, too, may be able to see the fairies!

Faery blessings -- celeste

11th November 2017
[Know Thyself]

Find and Know Thyself.
To thine own self be true.

Faery blessings -- celeste

"To find the likeness of your own heart, do what you love, and make it into art." -- the Arcturians

18th November 2017
[Lotus Fairy]

For our next time-line, what am i to know, be, do?
-- celeste
'Release all of duality, and especially, let not your compassion for others trigger you into responsibility for them.'
-- tomril
"Release all which, and those whom, are not both fully supporting our new reality, and appropriately active co-creators thereof."
-- crystalfaeries

Faery blessings -- celeste

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