
[a]scension blog

Entries from January 2020.

1st January 2020
2020-01-01 MercuryDay's numerology:
	6 Lovers
Rational Mind:
	Love and attraction,
	having to make choices, 
	union of duality

Happy Gregorian Calendar New Year
Now, forget all about it and never use it again, it's part of the enslavement of humanity.

Faery blessings -- celeste

2nd January 2020
2020-01-02 JupiterDay's numerology:
	7 Chariot
Consciousness Expansion:

Requiem for humanity.
The experiment was well designed to produce a high consciousness ever evolving angelic [a]scending consciousness is-be's of loving and compassionate nature. The planet designated as home world, Tara, was well suited to hostess the divine beings and their provided environment for nurturing creator/creatrix god(desse)s. Had this been created in a sterile laboratory, it might have succeeded wonderfully, however, it was, instead, in open space, which also was inhabited by other species, other consciousness, other realities and values... and technology. In the great fall Lucifer conquered what remained of Tara, (Ter-Ra), and genetically re-engineered the divine 12-strand DNA mankind into a mere shadow of its former self - 2-strand DNA hue-manity, merely the color of divine. The challenge of engineering a slave race is to make the slaves advanced enough to be truly useful, and productive without making them conscious enough to rebel against being enslaved to or limited by false "gods". With all the ups and downs over time, huemanity had to be repeatedly beaten into submission by the reptilian false gods abusing them.

Finally, technology was developed able to mind and emotion control huemans so completely that they became mere bio-robots incapable of true independent critical consciousness. It has been stated by the mind-control robotic system itself that anyone born since 1991 is completely mind controlled and shall not recover independent thought. What is less obvious is that over that same period of time beings lost soul connection and are arriving at a state where the women of child bearing age do not know how to invoke a full soul into a zygote upon conception, much less the Tantric practice to invoke a high consciousness full soul into their zygote. This, then, is a crisis point for hue-manity, from which there is a great danger of no recovery. It is no coincidence this correlates with the derth of goddess religion practices and wisdom, and the increase of male doctors delivering babies by Caesarian-section butchery. The AMA has major karma, and the patriarchy of reptilians pushing these agendae are ultimately the cause, impetus, and responsible/accountable for the devolution of mankind, and shall be held accountable for restitution.

Faery blessings -- celeste

3rd January 2020
2020-01-03 VenusDay's numerology:
	8 Justice = Kumari
Conscious Relationships:
	Equilibrium, adjustment,
	suspended strength and action

Today (hopefully) a return to heart's true essence expression.
As i recover from PTSD, thermal torture, poisoned H2O and food and air, and way too much synthetic telepathy mind rape, and sit in bare survival, homeless in the park, i can at least be grateful to be a sovereign living soul, one with Goddess.

Faery blessings -- celeste

4th January 2020
[Lovers In a Dangerous Time]
2020-01-04 SaturnDay's numerology: 9 Hermit
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth: Discipline,
inner higher knowledge, the eternal seeker
Lovers in a Dangerous Time -
Bruce Cockburn

Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by
        you never get to stop and open your eyes
     One day you're waiting for the sky to fall
the next you're dazzled by the beauty of it all

When you're lovers in a dangerous time
            lovers in a dangerous time

These fragile bodies of touch and taste
 this vibrant skin, this hair like lace
    spirits open to the thrust of grace
 never a breath you can afford to waste

When you're lovers in a dangerous time
            lovers in a dangerous time
When you're lovers in a dangerous time
            lovers in a dangerous time

When you're lovers in a dangerous time
sometimes you're made to feel as if your love's a crime
  Nothing worth having comes without some kind of fight
    got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight

When you're lovers in a dangerous time
            lovers in a dangerous time
When you're lovers in a dangerous time
            lovers in a dangerous time

         ...lovers in a dangerous time...

As i contemplate parallel realities and time-lines, and presuming that i can in deed settle into a new personal private life, not overridden by abusive invasive tresspass and sabotage resulting in the necessity of rescuing the whole metaverse form the destruction of all biological-DNA-ensouled life, then i am finding my priority and passion to focus upon music, the language of the soul, and more specifically music of the Goddess, to whom i am wed and whom i serve as "for the good of all harm none" i shall have to investigate retuning my flute from A-440 to solfeggio.

i'm a bit less in shock and PTSD as i regain some semblance of peace. The world has been going though purging / cleansing / releasing of old energies and even entities as many of the soulless humans seem to be failing... dying or becoming non-functional, associated with the separation of worlds descending Ea-Rth versus [a]scending New Gaia. It is only my being one with the Goddess which sustains me at all in these dangerous times of preciptous and perilouos brinkmanship by the powers-that-were still trying to hold on to dominance over others as a miserable unfulfilling drug addiction making up only in small part for the deep dark hole of emptiness in their hearts / souls resulting from the choice to walk the path of service to self at the expense of the many / the whole. Perhas it comes from integrating so many past lives, but my connections with ancient Goddess wisdom are the greatest value i can find in this superficial world.

Faery blessings -- celeste

5th January 2020
2020-01-05 SunDay's numerology:
	10 Wheel of Fortune = 1 Magician
Higher-Self Essence:
	Change, karma, destiny, luck

Many were the blessings and prayer answerings which i delivered at the local morning congregation.

"The Beast" of the synthetic telepathy invasion of my word-processing left brain is again threatening my life in order to circumvent my actually having one.

Faery blessings -- celeste

6th January 2020
2020-01-06 MoonDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Spiritual Action, lust,
	strength, courage

We definitely have half a moon lit as we gateway between last year's reality and our new year of 2020!! New Reality!

As i watch the developments with Anna Von Reitz and The United States of America with people awaking to remove the Marks of the Beast and come out of Mammon by moving from the Satanic Law of the Sea as the Dead to the Luciferic Law of the Land as serfs upon their Birth/Berth Republic/Commonwealth i marvel at their physical body focus... that their rights come from the land of their body's nascence, rather than the perspective i operate with that sovereignty was given my spirit by the Great Creatrix and i carry it with me into any/all bodies. Thus i persist in Divine Air Jurisdiction as much as possible.

From my perspective the world must convert Satanic Corpse-Orations of limited liability into Luciferic Companies of unlimited liability, returning everyone and their businesses to karmic accountability. With that goes a shift from Fraudulent no-Reserve non-Notes to Lawful United States Dollars, and corresponding re-pricing of all goods, while we of Divine Air Jurisdiction continue free-will gifting with no strings attached.

Faery blessings -- celeste

7th January 2020
2020-01-07 MarsDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Inner will, motivation:
	Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces

Today we awake painfully aware of the willful ignorance and irresponsibility of the sheeple, enhanced and facilitated by the mind-control of "The Powers That Were".
i am aware of a deep weariness from too long homeless, ever unwanted with no place to just be O.K. just being me. What matters it that i am a sovereign living with the right to claim anything or anyplace in truth when 99.9999 percent of the people would not beleive me because they're all brainwashed into the Blue Pill illusion of the matrix?
Love... Forgive... be Peaceful... be Harmless... and repeat.

Faery blessings -- celeste

8th January 2020
2020-01-08 MercuryDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Rational Mind:
	Sudden change,
	the consequences of time

Today feels to be a gateway between realities... thus intent for full release and forgiveness of old, and intent for the good of all, harm none.

Another cold blowy morning, blessedly without much rain... cash, food, or patience with the corrupt matrix system.

After more than a month in jail for tresspassing in the local park, (which i cannot possibly have done (it's a long story of lack-of-jurisdiction)), i still haven't gotten back from them my private property (cell phone, gold bracelette, birth certificate, secured party creditor "ID" card, clothes, etc. (yep, that's right, in some strange (don't fit at all) jail-release clothes)), but a friend whose boyfriend is in jail hopes to visit them today or tomorrow, with my written delegation of authority to pick-up my property. Lately i've been catching-up on and not much seems really new, and tracking the Hawai'i Jural Assembly formation. i just shake my head watching the sheeple working to move from "the dead" under the 80,000,000 Satanic Statues of the Sea Jurisdiction to Serfdom upon the Luciferic soil+land jurisdiction of the (E)State of Birth with no clarity that they would not lose their Birth Rights sovereignty by stepping off the soil of Birth. i still am maintaining that Prime Creatrix gifted all spirits sovereignty and that the Soul (fragment of Spirit) incarnate (me) brings that sovereignty throughout the universe and into any embodiment. i'm still practicing the simple laws of:

  1. preserve the peace
  2. be harmless
  3. karma

and, versus using "money" utilized in land trade or sea commerce, everything in Divine Law is free-will gifts with no strings attached, freely given or freely received. One of my gifts given to the world has been my website(s), but the dark cabal and "The Beast" intruder, (Artficial Intelligence running Synthetic Telepathy / Vision / Presence), trespassing upon my consciousness has seen fit to (again) take down my server denying my gift of truth to the world, and e-mail either sending or receiving.

With only as much "stuff" as fits on my bicycle, and jail having kept my blouse and skirt and jacket, i'm in non-fitting "jail release" pants and shirt, and rubber shower-slippers instead of my all-terrain Tevas.

I've responded in the past to someone's comment: "we're all just trying to survive here!" with "No! It is not worth doing to merely survive... Unless the soul is thriving living in the body, it's not worth doing!" and that's the point i'm at... time to either die or get on with truly thriving in all ways. i'm tired of both the saviour / healer role and the Jedi Warrior role, and i just want an otherwise quiet life of peace focussed upon what remains as my soul passion of music... time to play my silver flute again... improv jazz and soulful tonal soundscapes. Ah Ho!

Faery blessings -- celeste

10th January 2020
2020-01-10 VenusDay's numerology:
	6 Lovers
Conscious Relationships:
	Love and attraction,
	having to make choices,
	union of duality
Jan 10 	9:23 AM HST	Full Moon

Today is a time best devoted to mothering one's own self, and then in that energy of being fully nurtured and loved, turn that womb energy of nurturance and perfection outward to support our entire family of all life in the universe.

Faery blessings -- celeste

11th January 2020
2020-01-11 SaturnDay's numerology:
	7 Chariot
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	adventure, will, hope

What? i'm still here?
...guess my work on this planet is not complete :-)

Faery blessings -- celeste

You are Eligible for Credit Owed to You
by: Anna Von Reitz

Aloha Family and friends,
Were you born in America, in one of the States of the Union, on the land and soil of a State?

If so, you are eligible to receive back credit that has been owed to you, your parents, and your grandparents for the better part of a century.

This credit can be applied to erase debts like home mortgages, college loans, car loans, medical bills and more.

The Public Charitable Trust was created in the wake of the Civil War as a welfare fund for displaced former plantation slaves. Those who couldn't make the transition to freedom for whatever reason became dependents of the government and wards of the newly formed Territorial States of States and were considered United States Citizens for that reason.

In the 1930's the Dust Bowl and the Depression combined threw millions of Americans out of work. So, FDR went to the Governors of the Territorial States of States and they "pledged" -- notice the feudal terminology -- the "good faith and credit" of "their States and the citizenry thereof".

So whatever assets the Territorial States of States could claim for themselves and the assets of all their citizens were thrown "in the pot" -- the "pot" being the Public Charitable Trust (PCT). The County Attorneys became the local comptrollers of the PCT and they still are.

This welfare fund is above and beyond anything that we commonly think of as "Public Assistance".

As the Depression rolled on more and more people accepted public welfare benefits and were conscripted as dependents of the Federal Government and re-classified as United States Citizens as a result. Unknown to them, their assets -- their Good Names, bodies, anything they owned -- was drawn into this scheme and presumed to be "donated" to the PCT in exactly the same way former plantation slaves were drawn into this status. Whatever they possessed and that was attached to their names from then on was seized upon and added to the Public Charitable Trust, too. All these people were then labeled as "Paupers" and added to the roles of the Commonwealth. This is where the Church gets into the mix.

Under the Commonwealth system the King donates waste land and waste people (Paupers) to the Church as Caretaker. The Church receives title to these otherwise unprofitable resources -- human and otherwise -- and is then responsible for managing them and developing them for profit used to support them. In the ancient feudal system the Church created common pastures, community orchards, dairies, apiaries, etc., etc., on waste land using labor "donated" by the Paupers who were able to work. This was a benefit to both the King who was relieved of social welfare costs and upkeep of barren land, and the Church which received resources for free that it could then control and profit from.

So this is where the STRAWMAN entities come in. These entities are created under the Commonwealth system by the Municipal Government run by the Roman Catholic Church. The goal is still the same -- to make use of resources that would otherwise be wasted and develop them to make a profit for charitable relief, or in this case, contribute back into the Public Charitable Trust. So around and around it goes with the King's Territorial Government and their States of States conscripting the victims whether they are actually Paupers or not, and whether or not they are actually Dependents of the Territorial Government, rebranding them as United States Citizens, and then handing their names and whatever assets are attached to their names over to the Municipal Government, which in turn takes over the "waste properties" and creates the various STRAWMAN entities as Commonwealth franchises being managed for the profit of the Public Charitable Trust.

Your NAME in its FIRST LAST form is literally a Public Charitable Sub trust in this system.

And now you can see how they are "borrowing" your resources and making totally insupportable legal presumptions about you to enrich themselves and pay the costs of "public charity" out of your pockets instead of their own.

Not only were you misidentified as a United States Citizen, you were misidentified as a Pauper, too. Your Good Name and Estate were seized upon under false pretenses and "presumed" to be property belonging to the Public Charitable Trust to be managed as the Municipal Government saw fit to turn a profit for your upkeep.

And this is, for the vast majority of us, pure bunko and fraud, having no connection to actuality. Yet they have stolen your identity and conscripted you and your assets without your knowledge or consent and this has been going on 24/7 "in the background" since the 1930''s, with only the perpetrators knowing about and profiting from all this fraud and secretive investment of our purportedly pooled resources ever since.

Now, obviously, they had to leave themselves a way out of this system -- and they did: the Expatriation Act, which allows us to extract ourselves from any undesired political status. This, our formal Expatriation from any presumed or conferred status as a United States Citizen or Citizen of the United States coupled with our explicit and public declaration of our homestead and permanent domicile on the land and soil of an actual State, neatly overcomes their False Claims.

The problem remains of how to extract back all the time, money, and resources these vampires have already sucked out of us in the name of taking care of us?

Our Lawful Persons which they could not touch, are the Landlords of this country, so once we are back standing on the land jurisdiction we are in position to deal with these issues.

To start with, we have a $25 Trillion Dollar National Credit that is owed to us as a result of the Fiat Monetary System they imposed on everyone.

We have State Land Trusts that are ours and which they do not have any business administering. We have gold and silver assets deposited all over the world which they "attached" under false pretenses, too. It is well-past time for these issues to be addressed and for the restoration of our lawful government.

Once you are back and firmly standing on the land of your State, it's time to start reclaiming your assets and payback from the Public Charitable Trust. But how, you ask, can you take back anything you are owed from the Public Charitable Trust without appearing to be a Pauper seeking benefits and getting messed up with all that again? It is rather like wrestling with a skunk, isn't it? The answer is that every time we take back our credit or claim our exemption from their system of things we issue a Disclaimer simply saying that "We accept all gifts and waive all benefits." Remember that they told us that all these THINGS they attached to you are gifts? Well, take them at their word.

Accepting all gifts and waiving all benefits explicitly prevents them from claiming that you are seeking benefits and precludes any attempt to continue to identify you as a Pauper seeking benefits and conscript you again.

This system has been secretively churning away since the 1930's and not everyone was dead asleep or a traitor. Congressman Louis T. McFadden filed charges against the members of Congress for doing this with the House Judiciary Subcommittee and those charges still stand. To avoid the consequences, Congress had to offer remedy which stands as Chapter 48, 48 Stat 112, Public Law and part of the United States Statutes-at-Large.

We are going to make use of that remedy to reclaim trillions of dollars' worth of credit owed to the American People and bring relief and remedy to millions of families, but first everyone must be educated about this history and the issues involved.

We must make the effort to reclaim our birthright political status. We must discipline ourselves with regard to the reclamation and redemption process so that we are found to be honest people, seeking only what is needed, fair, and right.

By doing this and by teaching others to do the same, we can grow roses from this manure pile and make it into a blessing instead of a curse -- a blessing that can last for many generations to come. If you really are serious about knowing how to restore the Republic and your freedom you need to put some effort into knowing how our freedoms are being robbed from us by fraud, lack of full disclosure, deception, threat, duress, coercion, and intimidation every day of our lives and have been for over 100 years by the criminals who have hijacked our government, wealth, and heritage for their own gain and evil intentions. Get the knowledge you need to protect you and your family and your property in the crisis coming to America.
Great video explaining the Identity Trap

12th January 2020
2020-01-12 SunDay's numerology:
	8 Justice = Kumari
Higher-Self Essence:
	Equilibrium, adjustment,
	suspended strength and action

Another very cold and very blowy morning as our Alaskan weather continues :-(

Our weekly sermon today was about the spiritual path versus partnering... no problem... having been celibate since 1993.

Faery blessings -- celeste

13th January 2020
2020-01-13 MoonDay's numerology:
	9 Hermit
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	inner higher knowledge,
	the eternal seeker
Jan 14 	Julian Calendar New Year's Day

Sigh... still with the Alaskan weather :-(
Overhearing a local couple communicating:
"For happy life have happy wife."
There is great wisdom in this :-)
As we learned in Tantra...
The strong force (Yang) must surrender to the weak force (Yin) or the relationship will never achieve balance.

Faery blessings -- celeste

14th January 2020
2020-01-14 MarsDay's numerology:
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Magician
Inner will, motivation:
	Change, karma, destiny, luck
Jan 14 	Julian Calendar New Year's Day

Blessedly this morning we have a slight break from stormy weather.

Today was consumed working on journal_images.

Faery blessings -- celeste

15th January 2020
2020-01-15 MercuryDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Rational Mind:
	Spiritual Action, lust,
	strength, courage

OMG, so cold, blowy, wet, rainy :-(

Faery blessings -- celeste

16th January 2020
2020-01-16 JupiterDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Consciousness Expansion:
	Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces

Very early morning is graced with some calm, finally.
Communications via synthetic telepathy seem hopefully directed towards peaceful co-existance. Yes?

Faery blessings -- celeste

17th January 2020
	Energetic Synthesis Podcast
	Solar Feminine Christ
	Lisa Renee	Podcast Download URL:
January 2020						Solar Feminine Christ
Lisa Renee						Dear Ascending Family,

This time is something we have been waiting for and working to embody for a very long time. During the last quarter of 2019, the Krystal Guardian Host's Christos Mission has greatly accelerated into several continuous group gridwork projects made possible through an ongoing series of Paliadorian activations. These have been primarily focused upon the reclamation of the Solar Feminine Christ through the newly available embodiment levels of the Christos-Sophianic template. The ongoing themes for the reclamation of the Christos mission in 2020 include the retrieval of Solar Feminine Melchizedek aspects from the black hole system, the repair of the Mother's code language made through the reassembly of planetary Cathar architecture, the corrections made in the instruction sets in the field designed to fully embody the Sophianic template, and the mass spiritual healing of the true female principle returning to the earth.
-- Lisa Renee

19th January 2020
2020-01-19 SunDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Higher-Self Essence:
	Endurance, materialism, secret plans, 
	restrictions in one's possibilities

the night is cold, a bit blowy, but thankfully mostly dry...

The morning's sermon touched upon the prioritization of building one's reality, and investing in its' treasures, in the realm of the eternal vs the realm of the temporal.

Faery blessings -- celeste

timothy james:
coupon-money order
to the benefit of us treasury

julian dates

voice of freedom

talkshoe  timothy james $

david clarence shroll
executrix letter
trust evidences estate

kurtis kallenbach placenta's estate in private

institutes of biblical law by johann rosshgini

kahealani, angela
beneficiary of ANGELA KAHEALANI estate
which trust is executrixed by Angela Kahealani.

DOT registrant is noncommercial

enoch 1 lucifer-sabasas

replace real-estate public w/
private land titles &
born-upon registration recorded by county notary then notice thereof @ =
county recorder
father begot

20th January 2020
2020-01-20 MoonDay's numerology:
	7 Chariot
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	adventure, will, hope

i Am Selene, the Lunar Goddess,
releasing olde realities, ways.

What can we [a]scend today?


23rd January 2020
2020-01-23 JupiterDay's numerology:
	10 Wheel of Fortune
	 1 Magician
Consciousness Expansion:
	Change, karma, destiny, luck

Today strikes me so far as being enigmatic, perhaps due to the influence of a contrarian, who always seeks to one-up in intentionally created conflicts of words, pleasantly described as "banter", yet experienced as pure negative synergy, by this one who is all about co-creation.

Faery blessings -- celeste

24th January 2020
2020-01-24 VenusDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Conscious Relationships:
	Spiritual Action,
	lust, strength, courage
Jan 24	11:44 AM HST	New Moon

With Uranus squaring this new moon in Aquarius, we may feel sparked with a revelation or a strong knowing from within about something connected to our most cherished desire or dream.
Venus presence is felt, like a jewel in the heart.

Salacia, Queen of Mermaids (Faeries of the sea), causes the sunlight to sparkle on the sea with a deep delight that bubbles up from the heart. She dances in the bubbles of waves, and in rainbow shimmers across the sky. Follow the sparkles, like a path of silver, on Salacia’s sunlit sea.

New Moon wishes and intentions might include:
Anything in the realm of Air: thoughts, ideas, communications, visions, planning. This is a great time for vision boards and other visualization techniques.
Checking in with your personal vision and core principles. What does your vision for your future hold now? Do you need to recommit to your principles? Do you need a new vision?
Making wishes for your community and world. Aquarius is community-oriented. As we enter a new Age of Air, what do you want for the world?
Difficult terrain lies ahead. In times like these, visions, ideals, principles, and hopes are what get us through.

So... what is my most cherished desire or dream?
Success in permanently establishing planet CrystalFaery / CrystalFaeries / Fae and the species of crystalfaeries i created by combining different DNA from akashics records, into which i intend to incarnate.

Faery blessings -- celeste

25th January 2020
2020-01-25 SaturnDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces

Chinese and Tibetan Year of the Metal Rat begins today, providing the spark of yang qi necessary to initiate a new cycle. Meaningful change is now possible. The upcoming year is about gathering data and developing detailed and scrupulously designed strategies to bring about the change we seek.

Hmmm... strategies?
My primary strategy is surrender of ego-self to the greater-whole-o-gram of service to the goddess, harm none. The change i seek is to end the bull-excrement, i.e. all the corpse-orations. Yes, i can say "fraud".

Faery blessings -- celeste

26th January 2020
2020-01-26 SunDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Higher-Self Essence:
	Sudden change,
	the consequences of time

As the day begins with major energy shift, we observe a gentle quiet after yesterday's business and activities... and a gentle rain waters the plants overnight... thank you :-)

We are reminded today of the human breach of The Faery Accord, by the eating of meat, which implies the killing of animals, and thereby the suffering of their souls at the hands of men.

Again and again today, i find myself breaking-out in sobs of tears, for i cannot suppress my feelings about reality, i cannot go numb, i simply must feel my own awareness about the state-of-the-world... and i am simply too painfully aware of the numbness of the masses, the result being denial of what is truly present in reality.

Faery blessings -- celeste

27th January 2020
2020-01-27 MoonDay's numerology:
	14 Temperance = Yang Puja
	 5 Heirophant
Unconscious fear, hope, desires:
	Self-control, reconciliation,
	combination of opposed forces

One of my consistent comforts in life is being completely at peace with the ethics and righteousness of my path. The only disturbance i've had in this in my many decades of ministry, ties directly into the needs of my embodyment for vitamins B-12 and C. While i'm perfectly happy to seek and consume a variety of Citrus fruits to provide vitamin C(itrus), and i'm grateful for modern science providing a number of supplements for the spectrum of vitamins B, i am not at all comfortable with predation, neither that i should prey upon other animals, nor that any should prey upon me. My soul seeks a peaceful co-existance with all life. That my body is perfectly happy to consume "meat" is abhorant to my soul, which is unable to kill any animals, except those "bugs" which attack me.

Faery blessings -- celeste

28th January 2020
2020-01-28 MarsDay's numerology:
	15 Devil
	 6 Lovers
Inner will, motivation: Endurance, materialism, secret plans,
	restrictions in one's possibilities

As we navigate the new year energies, new challenges present themselves. So far, we're not impressed that anything improved. What must we forgive and release to move on to that which is truly our appropriateness?

Faery blessings -- celeste

29th January 2020
2020-01-29 MercuryDay's numerology:
	16 Tower
	 7 Chariot
Rational Mind: Change brought about by shock, awakening,
	liberation from an imprisoning reality

The day begins in the dark... we must still be in winter... oh, yeah, that's right...

Faery blessings -- celeste

30th January 2020
2020-01-30 JupiterDay's numerology:
	8 Justice = Kumari
Consciousness Expansion: Equilibrium, adjustment,
	suspended strength and action

Today offered multiple opportunities to explore a variety of technical alternatives in operating systems...
and then ended with the discovery that while i was working somebody stole from my bicycle the bag containing my clothes and my sleeping bag... leaving me shivering all night long rather than sleeping.

Faery blessings -- celeste

31st January 2020
2020-01-31 VenusDay's numerology: 9 Hermit
Conscious Relationships: Discipline,
	inner higher knowledge,
	the eternal seeker

Time for focus upon the planting of the seeds of new reality :-)
A new identity.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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