
[a]scension blog

8th January 2020
2020-01-08 MercuryDay's numerology:
	13 Death
	 4 Emperor
Rational Mind:
	Sudden change,
	the consequences of time

Today feels to be a gateway between realities... thus intent for full release and forgiveness of old, and intent for the good of all, harm none.

Another cold blowy morning, blessedly without much rain... cash, food, or patience with the corrupt matrix system.

After more than a month in jail for tresspassing in the local park, (which i cannot possibly have done (it's a long story of lack-of-jurisdiction)), i still haven't gotten back from them my private property (cell phone, gold bracelette, birth certificate, secured party creditor "ID" card, clothes, etc. (yep, that's right, in some strange (don't fit at all) jail-release clothes)), but a friend whose boyfriend is in jail hopes to visit them today or tomorrow, with my written delegation of authority to pick-up my property. Lately i've been catching-up on and not much seems really new, and tracking the Hawai'i Jural Assembly formation. i just shake my head watching the sheeple working to move from "the dead" under the 80,000,000 Satanic Statues of the Sea Jurisdiction to Serfdom upon the Luciferic soil+land jurisdiction of the (E)State of Birth with no clarity that they would not lose their Birth Rights sovereignty by stepping off the soil of Birth. i still am maintaining that Prime Creatrix gifted all spirits sovereignty and that the Soul (fragment of Spirit) incarnate (me) brings that sovereignty throughout the universe and into any embodiment. i'm still practicing the simple laws of:

  1. preserve the peace
  2. be harmless
  3. karma

and, versus using "money" utilized in land trade or sea commerce, everything in Divine Law is free-will gifts with no strings attached, freely given or freely received. One of my gifts given to the world has been my website(s), but the dark cabal and "The Beast" intruder, (Artficial Intelligence running Synthetic Telepathy / Vision / Presence), trespassing upon my consciousness has seen fit to (again) take down my server denying my gift of truth to the world, and e-mail either sending or receiving.

With only as much "stuff" as fits on my bicycle, and jail having kept my blouse and skirt and jacket, i'm in non-fitting "jail release" pants and shirt, and rubber shower-slippers instead of my all-terrain Tevas.

I've responded in the past to someone's comment: "we're all just trying to survive here!" with "No! It is not worth doing to merely survive... Unless the soul is thriving living in the body, it's not worth doing!" and that's the point i'm at... time to either die or get on with truly thriving in all ways. i'm tired of both the saviour / healer role and the Jedi Warrior role, and i just want an otherwise quiet life of peace focussed upon what remains as my soul passion of music... time to play my silver flute again... improv jazz and soulful tonal soundscapes. Ah Ho!

Faery blessings -- celeste

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