
[a]scension blog

24th January 2020
2020-01-24 VenusDay's numerology:
	11 Strength
	 2 High Priestess
Conscious Relationships:
	Spiritual Action,
	lust, strength, courage
Jan 24	11:44 AM HST	New Moon

With Uranus squaring this new moon in Aquarius, we may feel sparked with a revelation or a strong knowing from within about something connected to our most cherished desire or dream.
Venus presence is felt, like a jewel in the heart.

Salacia, Queen of Mermaids (Faeries of the sea), causes the sunlight to sparkle on the sea with a deep delight that bubbles up from the heart. She dances in the bubbles of waves, and in rainbow shimmers across the sky. Follow the sparkles, like a path of silver, on Salacia’s sunlit sea.

New Moon wishes and intentions might include:
Anything in the realm of Air: thoughts, ideas, communications, visions, planning. This is a great time for vision boards and other visualization techniques.
Checking in with your personal vision and core principles. What does your vision for your future hold now? Do you need to recommit to your principles? Do you need a new vision?
Making wishes for your community and world. Aquarius is community-oriented. As we enter a new Age of Air, what do you want for the world?
Difficult terrain lies ahead. In times like these, visions, ideals, principles, and hopes are what get us through.

So... what is my most cherished desire or dream?
Success in permanently establishing planet CrystalFaery / CrystalFaeries / Fae and the species of crystalfaeries i created by combining different DNA from akashics records, into which i intend to incarnate.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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