invocations 2021-12-25 17:24:59 -1000


Invocation: From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]: Invocation \In`vo*ca"tion\, n. [F. invocation, L. invocatio.] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or form of calling for the assistance or presence of some superior being; earnest and solemn entreaty; esp., prayer offered to a divine being. [1913 Webster] From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]: invocation n 1: a prayer asking "God"'s help as part of a religious service [syn: {invocation}, {supplication}] 2: an incantation used in conjuring or summoning a devil 3: calling up a spirit or devil [syn: {conjuring}, {conjuration}, {conjury}, {invocation}] 4: the act of appealing for help

 [choice to change]

Let us note that globally and historically, throughout most of [mankind]'s traditions, cultures, religions, etc., that the majority role of [mankind] has been as disempowered victim, and from that place seeking any method to manipulate or entreat others, seen to be the holders of power which the [mankind] sees lacking in themself, to use their power for the benefit of the [mankind].
Yet, both the biblical Paul and Hermes Trismegistos re-mind us: "Know ye not that ye are gods?"
That, of course, brings us back to the main theme we embrace and share, the present ascension of the life forms hostessed by Gaia, which may alternately be called the undoing of "the fall". It is a return to unity consciousness, the heiros gamos divine marriage between the conscious self and the higher self, the piercing of "the veil (of consciousness)", the undoing of the intentional blockage (by enslaving entities) of our truth, the anti-gnostic enslaving blocking of "know thyself".
i suggest that the law of ahimsa prohibits both (masculine) overt control (domination) of others, and (feminine) covert control (manipulation) of others, each of which blocks the entity utilizing its own unhindered free will choice and true self knowing, both of which are required for it to know and follow the appropriate path of its own soul unfoldment and expression as the unique manifestation as a piece of the puzzle of the wholeness of the one.
While one may offer an opportunity to voluntarily join in positive synergy of co-creation with other entities, such synergy can not come from disparity of power, but rather, entreating or invoking as a disempowered dependent seeking to control the power of another entity to one's own advantage is extremely karmic, and ill advised.
A particular version of this is dealing with the Jinn interdimensional entities, which i strongly dis-advise!:

There are many kinds of "fairies", some such as we crystal faeries are quite aetheric, celestial, transdimensional, and some are more akin to the varieties of "elementals", and so we bother to comment that, aside from the premise of invoking angelics or demonics, various traditions have also sought to wrest control of elementals, if not aggrandizing to control everyone and everything, (except one's self), where the most appropriate control is of one's own free will to comply with ahimsa, and not, under any circumstances, seek to control others, to override anyone else's free will choice.
i am pursuing the path of individual dominion, the path of mastery, not over others, but of the use of one's own consciousness to hop, skip, and jump between alternate time-line parallel-realities. So far, the secret to this is known to me as discipline of one's own thoughts, words, deeds, and vibration, to maintain persistent focus in positive realities of high frequency, i.e. ascension of consciousness. Because our beleifs create our own reality, we may also transcend the dysfunctional assertions that we are stuck with any entity attachments, e.g. a "guardian angel" or a "jinn", that we are the victims of "AR.KHANs" or other parasitic entities, or any other negative or limiting "thing" or "entity".
Only our belief in limitations can make such real for us.
Beleif in our own divinity might be just a bit wiser, no?
Therefore, what is wise to "invoke"?
Our own higher-self.

From the Rosicrucian Brotherhood's Mystic Light edition "Rays 98", pages 15-19, authored by Sylvia Baker, an article titled "Magic, White and Black, Part 1"
A side-bar in the article declares:

Magic is a process whereby we may accomplish certain results not achieved by means of laws ordinarily known...
Both of them [White and Black Magicians] use and manipulate the same forces, the difference being the motive which prompts them. The White Magician is prompted altogether by love and benevolence. Although [s]he is not actuated by thoughts of reward, a soul growth wonderful to contemplate results from [her] use of magic. [She] has put [her] talents out to usury and is gaining interest a hundredfold. [This metaphor is broken, but yes, much grace results from serving the good of all. -- celeste] The Black Magician, on the other hand, is in a sad state, for it is said that the 'soul that sinneth, it shall die', and all we do contrary to the laws of God[dess] inevitably results in a deterioration of the soul qualities.
-- Max Heindel, Questions and Answers, Vol. 1 p. 279

The explanation under a picture titled "Liberation of St. Peter" declares:
"Technically, angelic intervention in [mankind] affairs is not magic because spiritual forces are not being directly wielded by the individual. Such manifestation is magical in the sense that laws governing normal physical processes have been suspended or superseded by higher laws relating to spirit worlds."
As we invert that defintion, we may derive that "Magic" is:
"spiritual forces being directly wielded by the individual"
NOTE: that definition includes in it nowhere that the individual is using any intermediary spirits to wield their power for them. This, then, at last, is a definition of Magic based in individual mastery or adeptness, not in control of other entities to do one's bidding! Yay!
i was beginning to think that only faeries had a sense of ethics about Magic!
OK... finally getting to the article contents, we extract "the rules":

  1. White Magic has a beneficial, and Black Magic an injurious, effect upon the moral characters of those who practice it for any length of time.
  2. White Magic is never used either for money or for show. It is only used for some definitely good purpose.
  3. White Magic does not depend upon matter for its manifestation. Here we must consider the study of ecstasy.

The ultimate "magic" is that wielded by "the gods" themselves, right?
Well, depending upon external tools is a secondary debility compared to depending upon other entities/spirits, and in-animate non-sentient "tools" don't appear to have free-will you have to override to accomplish your miracles, but that's still a step away from direct manifestation by intent.
Going back to original creation, we find:
"However, as Farrell is pointing out, YWHW as the Creator of Heaven and Earth in the biblical tradition, as well as the creator of mankind, has little to do with, the sorcerer -- especially as YHWH seems to prohibit such practices. What he fails to understand, however, is that the original "YHWH", who created 'Heaven and Earth', was a female Creatrix. When the AlienInvaderForce took over, they blended the YHWH female Goddess of all creation with their own inferior characters. Hence, if Ea became YHWH of the Bible after mankind was genetically manipulated into existence, it makes sense that 'she' became a 'he' and that he was a sorcerer, but he did not want the general population to be sorcerers. 'Sorcery' was an occult trait that you learned within secret societies and not something that ordinary people should occupy their minds with [within the slave society dominated by Ea]. Therefore, when we realize these things, everything seems to be put in place — it definitely looks like Ea was [the fraudulent later version of] YHWH." -- Wes Penre

So, we see that much of the "godly" practices are dark arts, sorcery, abusive, and not to be copied, and that the hierarchal patriarchal power structure is one we wish to escape from, not become a master of or in.

While many of us practice manifestation magic [k], (either solo, or with others to benefit from the multiplicative power of synergy), it is well known that such work performed synchronistically with certain astrological events avails of empowerments supporting such manifestation. These "beneficient timings" have been traditionally based upon either lunar (monthly) or solar (yearly) alignments. The annual solar events of Solstices and Equinoxes are fairly well documented, except that a particular negativity, (associated with Gaia's Solar Crisis), may result in negative effects upon the practitioner, as described starting at 2:39:54 into Ashayana Deane's [A]scension Mechanics part 2.

 [power stones]

It seems we've collected some invocations:

Faery blessings -- celeste

The Power of Egregores, and how we invoke or banish them.