In English, the iris was often called fleur-de-lis or flower-de-luce, (the flower of light), since the 16th century. Arches are a form of portal between realities. The flower over the arch symbolizes a portal of life and light. The female / flower is the portal from the realm of light into the realm of embodied life. The female form is specialized to nurture and perfect a life, a particular kind of creative energy, different from the creative / destructive energies of the throat chakra. The combination of the destroy / create energies to manifest change, and the preservation / nurturing / perfecting energies is most versatile, and goes beyond the throat chakra working alone without the baby-making organs. In the timeless higher realms of manifesting with the ajna chakra and higher, too much "perfecting" of a reality, continually changing it, can actually interfere with any version of it manifesting. Faith and trust in the creation process, and patience for manifestation to precipitate down to lower realms, are part of divine expression. What to intend is of yin-yang polarity. The motivation of intent to manifest is our hearts true passion, symbolized by the ruby colors. May everyone's dreams manifest so as to passionately live their dreams rather than merely dream their lives :-)
The following is from Sevan Bomar's Code to the Matrix, which i share as a trigger for contemplation as to just how much of present "reality" is inside-out, upside-down, and backwards:
The Fleur-de-lis was also the symbol of the exotic Blue Lily. This was a flower that grew out of the marshes of the Nile. The Kemets / Egyptians were masters of chemistry and Alchemy. This was the core religion of the Priest. Kem is where these words derive from in fact, the Egyptians had extensive knowledge about minerals, plants, and animals; this is the meaning of each side of the triangle.
A little digging uncovered that during the Initiation Rites, the Kemites, would procure concentrated doses of the Blue Lily and administer it to the Initiates. They would then place the vibration rod more commonly called an Ankh against the back of the Initiate's neck to transfer vibration. After this the Initiate would be lead through the inner chambers of the great Pyramid, each room carried a particular frequency that would prepare the body to go into an astral death state. Finally they would be placed in the Sarcophagus and depending on the initiation his or her soul would descend to the underworld, Mars, or Sirius due to the Zero Point field of the Great Pyramid lined up on the Van Allen Belt on 6 major ley lines. In that moment they would meet the Lord Dog of the Underworld Anubis, Bael, and others all surrounded by the hounds of hell and many other goons like Ra hanging out in the Netherworld of Dar which is were we get the word Dark.
The Fleur-de-lis is also the symbol of the Jester's Hat or simply the Trickster or Magician who concocts magic and illusions. Just as you see the Three Wise Men come from the East also known as the Magi. You will begin to see that although it is profusely banned in the Bible for all others, often time people who are in the "Grace of God" are affiliated and acclimated with magic. It goes further to admit that Moses himself was schooled in all the wisdom of the Egyptians.
Feminine energy is intuitive while masculine energy is analytical power of reason and strength. Women say men need to be more sensitive to their surroundings in order to get in tune, which is true. There is seldom any response by men on what woman get to do. This is what I've learned, if we "sense" all the time without "analyzing" we will just go with the flow of life. That current flow of life in our present world condition is actually going in the opposite direction of progress, it is headed towards decay as anything material will, it just is, and this is something that has happened before. It is also true when we become too analytical all we have is mountains of data that are not attached to feeling thus higher senses cannot be activated so there can be no power to do anything about your findings. Especially when it comes to divining the "real truth" or the "root" of what is going on in your individual life so it can be adjusted properly so you can have a stable foundation.
For males it is of value to know that females make at least 50% more paranormal contact than males. One main reason these Beings can communicate with women better than men is because they possess a womb, this is known as a "Soul Matrix". The fluid is highly magnetic and as any Yogi can tell you, there is actually brain tissue around the stomach region. In short the stomach area is the keeper of Chi/Force/Power this is where it is harnessed and stored. Women have a high generative cycle of this magnetic fluid in their Menstrual Blood or Plasma, which is also a high energy substance. This was known by the Knights Templar as Sangrail, which they would drink in their rituals of the Holy Blood / Holy Grail / "Mag"delena. Unfortunately this also results in more women being used to harness the dark powers without questioning whether or not it's correct, they just go with the "flow". As the "New Age" woman develops more analysis she will again deal a heavy blow to the Wicked One who is no match for the Fury of Woman but is ever seeking to use her prowess.