
[a]scension blog

7th October 2019
2019-10-07 MoonDay's numerology:
	20 Aeon
	 2 High Priestess
Unconscious fear, hope, desires: Realization,
	end of the past and
	beginning of the future

This night we observed that many locals were completely playing out the square between sun and moon as their yang and yin energies were at odds, angrily and loudly expressed, oh, yeah, with a little help from the usual alcohol, so conveniently available next-door to the park!
The ascending Gaia is coming to absolute truth now even as the descending Ea-Rth remains in service-to-self orientation.

OMG this planet is a mess! "Taking the Red Pill" is not a momentary event, but rather is an ongoing process of revelation as we [a]scend. Things have certainl been accellerating since the rate of consciousness ascension went to infinite with the end of the Mayan calendar!

Tantra teaches 2 forms of mastery: 1) the couple, 2) solo practitioner invoking both Yin+Yang powerfully, in balance, either within the solo body or share between the couple. After too many attempts to find the life-partner with whom to be trantric partner, and enough alien-love-bites, it was necessary to choose the solo path despite pre-conception contracts for the lifetime spiritual mission, and so i am the embodied divine androgyne.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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