"Not everyone is on the same timeline." -- Lisa Renee (that's for sure! Yay!)
Yesterday i was blessed with an e-mail server, and should soon also have webserver too! Yay!!! (since, those gone poof!)
Memories may evolve and change / be healed by time-line shifts. -- Lisa Renee (So... i still think you've been experienceing time-line / reality shifts thus altering your memories of our communications, etc., as various "forces" of "will" have agendae or anti-agendae for us.
i don't know a better source now than energeticsynthesis.com; sadly, Ashayana Deane "retired".
There was some time-line splicing recently happened to bring back my friend who gifts my use of computer server for e-mail + web... the A.I. is involved obviously...
We had in the past both been delivered the evidence the other one was deceased.
Manipulation of reality to control future time-lines is the most significant thing going-on in the universe... along with quantu physics phenomenon.
The Yoga of Time-Travel gives a basic introduction, and some day i'll write an appendix for that book which takes it to the next level...
Afternoon brought rain, and more Lisa Renee podcasts to catch-up upon. One of your favorite subjects, "poverty consciousness", is next in line :-) i have learned to trust in the flow of now... and to continue my work. i transmute energies / issues as i encounter them, as well as blogging them. It is not as your surmised that i chose poverty, but that i chose to exit commerce to ensure my sovereignty. When the world catches-up to my reality all may comprehend that we must convert limited liability corpse-orations into fully liable companies in international trade using real lawful money, until we throw all money away and go to divine gifting by free will, which is what i've been living, in order to create it as collective reality.
Faery blessings -- celeste