2019-10-30 MercuryDay's numerology: 16 Tower 7 Chariot Rational Mind: Change brought about by shock, awakening, liberation from an imprisoning reality
Replying to a friend:
Did your "sacred anatomy" training include information on
dealing with the spiders and snakes (non-physical) so often found in people's space?
As for "B" and attached entities and realities, and his (mind controlled) rejection of you / your mail, he has "signed his life away" and they choose to keep him.
Yes, soul / heart is the key, along with [a]scension... for the way we win the war for our sovereignty is by out- [a]scending the reptilians and the A.I. with unconditional forgiveness.
Yes we have to clear psychic pain.
Regardless the polarization of the shape of our body, it is always the androgynous balance of yang and yin which fuels [a]scension of our soul.
Yes -- willful ignornace is rampant and fatal = descending Ea-Rth.
Universal Law of the Prime Creatrix:
- create anything you prefer, share the experience and akashic records back to the Creatrix
- do not destroy what others create. (instead copy the reality to a parallel reality / time-line and edit your copy and invest your soul into your copy)
- what you put out comes back * 3
...so, no, we don't need to fight, destroy, convict, or punish the deep evil, we just need to be balanced enough in neutrality to walk away from it.
As a faery = multidimensional being, i am aware of the here-now-ness of the Angela Kahealani embodyment, but also of my other incarnations running concurrently, or even in other time-lines, with manifestations across multiple star-systems, so my perspective is not only Gaian, nor restricted to fae or human forms, or existing manifest realities, when i can see and embody codings from other DNA to hybridize with mine. (e.g. the original Namlu'u, well described by Wes Penre, or at crystalfaeries.net).
Mom got preggers with fraternal twins, two eggs at once, 1 each male and female. The plan was to work together, as my brother soul is of my own same soul group. During the pregnancy, my female body was absorbed into his (Di-Ethyl-Stilbestrol was in abundance), producing an chimeric androgyne body, we both incarnated into at 0 degrees Gemini (twin souls) [a]scendant. He drove the body the first part of the life to appease the extremely attached expectations of the dominant patriarch. In 1993 he [a]scended out of the body, which has been single-soul occupancy ever since. So... as solo tantrika, i blance yin and yang and am androgynous, freaky for many people, as was Christ. I embody both the son of God (Christos) and the daughter of God (Sophia).
Yes the Bizarre of Political Insanity is super Bread and Circuses of {Rome, da Pope}.
No worry Dr. Bronner's Liquid Soap concentrate... a local friend refills my little dispenser bottle.
Saying "Pelosi = Witch" is prejudicial, could we say Dark/Black Witch?
Draco (Lucifer / Satan) vs. Kahuna (Angela Kahealani) already spar for Kaua'i... as i celeste:crystalfaery have claimed Kaua'i as a sacred goddess island, a sanctuary, refuge, and temple of the Goddess, whom i serve and am wed to.
Faery blessings -- celeste