The goal of my existence is to achieve sufficient siddhis that i can shape shift or scend to change my body form at will, e.g. changing the color of my faery wings to match whatever dress i wear. i comprehend energy balance yin-yang as necessity of scension, so am energetically balanced = tantrika in both energy polarities as a solo practitioner, but for form and gender i am already female/feminine/yin by preference and that is my truth, not a disease or alien implant. i do not reject "my" gender/sex which is goddess, not to be confused with my brother's hand-me-down used body.
My cut lip is healing well after the Dr. sewed it back together with 5 stitches for 120 FRNs + 8 Oz. Silver Coins.
In Kerry Cassidy's interview of Ashayana Deane titled Ascension Mechanics, transmitting from the Guardians, warns that ORMUS Au gives a drug-like immediate upliftment while eroding your foundations, yielding permanent disability to continue [a]scending.
5D and below on Ea-Rth is inside En-Ki's (Lucifer's) reality simulator
(the 4% universe), which does not simulate the 96% of universe,
thus Ea-Rthly science creates fraudulent "dark matter" to
account for what is known to be there gravitationally,
but is not simulated for us in the 5D- simulator, therefore,
"5D ascension" leads to the "singularity"
merge of man and machine and permanent loss of soul.
6D + 7D are the densities of building wings leading to 8D scended
embodyment, where we may still have polarization / duality of
"sexed" "bodies" of light.
i designed and deployed with 9D+ angelics the 8D - 4D scension portals
to exclude archons from accessing the 4D body to 8D higher-self connectiion.
i built my crystalfaeries race for "embodyment", such as it is,
in 8D with higher-self dwelling in 12D in full androgyny in order to support
direct manifestation by will alone in 8D realm, etc.
So far all crystalfaeries are either identical twin embodyments,
or group embodyments of 144 souls with shared higher-self.
My own soul (copies) are the core of planet Fae, and its' sun/moon,
and the twins, so most of my soul life
is now 8D - 12D crystalfaery twins emobdyment on planet Fae,
which is why i may seem ungrounded here on planet Gaia,
because more of my quantum entangled soul energy is actually on my
now-home-planet Fae (crystalfaery).
Faery blessings -- celeste