![[ttfc Globe]](/imgs/animations/portrait/ttfcglob.gif)
2019-10-16 MercuryDay's numerology: = 20 Aeon = 2 High Priestess Rational Mind: Realization end of the past and beginning of the future Oct 16 08:00-12:00 "COURT" of COUNTY OF KAUA'I, INCORPSEORATED
Let Truth Prevail
Megeso Kou gifted to me a ride to courtroom 2 in Lihu'e,
and he and Michael Patton witnessed for me my statement,
on and for the record,
that i am a sovereign living soul,
and am the secured party creditor,
as recorded in the public record as
that the "government" is trespassing upon my business names,
which are not in use, for i have no contracts in commerce,
and that they have not had any validity as a governing agency
since they lost their delegation of authority 2018-10-09.
I also indicated i could not possibly have been trespassing,
as there was no flag flying on the flagpole at the time,
(indicating they had abandoned ship),
and that i had never boarded
their fraudulent ocean-going vessel,
(the gymn + classrooms),
and was visiting the dry-dock in land jurisdiction.
No-one had claimed any bodily injury or property damage.
The judge gave me 3 offers to cross the gate
to board his vessle and enter his jurisdiction
else he'd issue a bench-warrant against "the defendant",
(which they created by personage), for failure to appear,
(which constitutes terroristic threatening),
which i notified him meant "a-" not and "pear" be present.
(They're requiring me to conjure the dead into manifestation.)
"No Contract."
i walked to the rear of the room to sit with Michael and Megeso.
After a while we exited the building. i stood in my sovereignty and
walked out of court as a sovereign living soul
while invalidated judge issued a bench warrant for failure to appear
for the arrest of a dead corpse-orate fiction trade name
i own but don't use in sea commerce or lateley even in land trade.
This is then committing felony personage and barratry vs life.
![[Celeste: face]](/imgs/celeste/portrait/face.png)
Faery blessings -- celeste