siddhis 2021-12-19 16:52:13 -1000

Continuing my investigations, "According to some legends, [regarding the "sidhe" or fae] it is believed that the [prior beings] sought refuge in subterranean palaces. They exist underground in a world, which is accessible through specific hollow mounds. These hollow hills are known as "sid" and their dwellings as "the side". There are certain mounds, especially near the Boyne and New Grange, which are regarded to be portals to the spiritual regions of the [...] gods."

Seeing the word alone, "side" i would tend to pronounce as in English, a long "i", however, the word "sid" i would pronounce "ih", just as the difference between "hid" of "hidden" versus "hide".
Now, allowing for different languages to spell differently a sound pronounced the same, i come to the word "sidhe", which i now correlate with "the side", thus i would respell that as "the sidhe", those "sid" people who dwell in the hollow mounds.
Now that sounds nearly identical to the word "siddhi", from Tantra yoga, (my initial spiritual training), we have: "The science of siddhis, (or psychic powers), has been known throughout the world for thousands of years, as long as tantra has existed. One can derive these powers from the practice of particular techniques."

Very early in my training, from Buddhist tradition, i learned the principle (paraphrased): "Do not become distracted by, or enamoured of, 'the siddhis'. Yes, you very well may experience various 'powers' (siddhis), but they are not the point, they are merely signposts along the journey of enlightenment, along the journey to liberation, to spiritual attainment."

Soon i entered training in the siddhis of clairvoyance and healing, thus a major focus and practice of my life, however, i have always remembered that such is only a minor manifestation of who we ultimately are, and the realm to which we aspire to attain.

So the side's are the people who dwell in the mound who evidence great "powers", and the powers ("siddhis") are the great abilities of the spiritual adepts.
just part of the global awareness of some universal truth known in many languages and cultures.

In Hawaiian "Lani" means either "heaven" or "sky", once again confusing between "vertically upward above the ground", and dimensionally / density upward from the lowly 3rd dimensional physical world towards the spiritual higher realms of "heaven". Always we find this mix of meanings, as the angels and fae (winged beings) both fly (ETs in UFOs), and are more spiritually (and/or technically) advanced beings who manifest great 'powers' of either direct spiritual manifestation or advanced technology capable of manifesting synthetic miracles.

Whether we worship them as gods or angels, revere them as tech-advanced ETs, fear them and cast them as demons or "witches", plea to them as angels or Christs to save us, revere and study them as Buddha, or derisively dismiss them as only "fairy tales", " [mankind]" has always had ongoing relationships with a variety of beings, some more primally animalistic, and others divinely advanced, as over much history races and civilizations have arisen and fallen, either by calamity of "nature" or via ego-driven wars, and through it all, there are both threads of direct simple factual reporting, as well as "fish tails" well embelished with fantasy, or ego-fear-projection of terrible evil and malevolence, as we have seen others through everything from "rose colored glasses" to "pitch black glasses" of fear.
So i take all the tales and stories by others, with a generous helping of (Himalayan sea-)salt, and treat them all, as gateways, or triggers, of what to begin to explore, to investigate, with my 3rd eye clairvoyance, and with my heart of compassion and aloha.

Through it all, i remember Gangaji's teaching:
Q: Who are you?
A: i Am That!

The one that is all that is one, the great whologram of spirit, is the infinite eternal life that lives through us all... and i remember that the great Goddess split herself into umptygazillion pieces so that each piece might differentiate and individuate into a unique expression of her divinity, so that all the ways her divinity could manifest, do manifest. And here we are, thee and me, exploring our unique goddess divinity.

The curious Irish word - Sidhe - pronounced "shee", "sheeth" or "sheeth-ay", attributed to the fairies and meaning "powers", is therefore identical to Siddir (sheeth-eer) and Siddhi (sheeth-ee) and is derived therefore, from the people of the powers - the Scythians or Sidheans (sheethee-ans).
In Scotland the royal fairies were called the Seelie or Sheelie and their princesses were related to the sculpted
Sheelagh Na Gigs over church doorways, which do not depict ancient goddesses of fertility, but were the royal Grail Maidens of the Elven kings and queens.

The Sheelagh na Gigs were goddesses of sovereignty and transcendence, and their place over the doorways of churches, many of which were built on the sites of ancient sacred groves, indicated that in entering these buildings one was entering through the vulva of the maiden into the otherworld, the realm of Elphame and the Kingdom of Heaven.

They were permitted above church doorways because the early church itself wanted to be identified with the old ways, firstly because it was in fact, at least in the beginning, part of the old ways and later, when "Catholicism" took over, the Sheelaghs remained in place -- in order to attract and convert "pagans".

"Along with the Irish Sidhe, the Seelie and the Seelie Court of Scotland had a distinctly royal origin [...and...] when asked, like their Pictish [pixie] descendants in Scotland, said of themselves that they were Scythian, as Canon Beck himself has insisted."

The 8D Angelic crystal faeries, are in alignment with the principle of self-determination and free-will as "the prime directive".

Blessed be, and Aloha...
tomril of the crystal faeries / ishnaan
incarnate in the celeste:crystalfaery embodyment.

An evening happy-hour of no significance concluded with my preparing my bicycle for my ride back to my studio, whereupon a nearby table of people commented upon my just-today-applied bumper sticker "I Fairies!", leading to a long and joyous communion honoring spiritual consciousness!
On the other side of my bicycle is the sticker: "Fairies Believe in Me!".
i enjoyed briefly playing my flute at our gathering, during a break in the music from the nearby establishments.

	by Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri) D. Litt., Padma Bhushan

Yogic literature speaks of various siddhis, or yogic powers, like the power to levitate, or the power to become as large or small as one likes. As the chakras open, these corresponding powers in the subtle body may be experienced. These siddhis relate primarily to the subtle body, which as subtle matter is totally malleable. It is almost impossible to translate these siddhis into the physical body, gross and dense as it is, and in any case, this is not the aim of yogic practices.

In addition, there are many subtle energies that exist between ordinary physical consciousness and the true awakening of the kundalini and the chakras. We should not regard any extraordinary experience as an enlightenment or a kundalini experience. Visions, out of the body experiences, trances, channeling, mystical dreams, genius, inspiration of various sorts and other such states often originate in other parts of the mind and are not necessarily spiritual experiences. Even when they are legitimate, such spiritual experiences may still fall short of the real awakening of kundalini, and certainly should not be confused with Self-realization, which requires the full development of our awareness, not giving ourselves over to some entity or experience outside ourselves.