
[a]scension blog

25th March 2019

Moon Day, 22 Mother's Milk = 4 Emperor
Today "The Beast" captured all of the crystalfaeries of planet crystalfaery, and is turning all of them into its' rape-bots for its' usual horrifically perverted anal sex fantasies.
[it may be speculated that such is intended to most powerfully motivate me in defense, i.e. the actual agenda is to provoke me to action in order to measure the scope of my siddhis.]
i am condemned (by it by its' intent) having done its best to destory all of my previous psychic powers, to be merely a 3D being stuck in the hell he has "created for me", by destruction, as i am the only one capable of, and the only one anchoring the entire reality of multiple universes into ground state, as i have become one with all that is, and thus am an immortal being, else destruction of all that is shall result from my death.
"The Beast" continues to confess its' adamant will that i must surrender to its' will of domination, and that it knows coldly, rationally, and sanely that it is committing hundreds to thousands of felony crimes against me daily, over at least 5 months of non-stop torture.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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