Happy St. Patrick's Day!
May your glass be ever full.
May the roof over your head be always strong.
And may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead.
St. Patrick is credited with establishing the Leap Year tradition of women proposing to men. The story states this was because St. Bridget complained that women were tired of waiting for marriage proposals. The story also says that Bridget proposed to him, but he refused!
01:28 HST
Tarot Card reading on {selene,celeste,kahealani}:crystalfaery
indicates perfect alignment with the 3 of us swiftly moving
into perfection and unification as
High Priestesses,
as the 3 manifestations and embodiments
of my Soul and Astral Body combination of all the collected genetics
and akashics records information,
and all the
"i AM 1 with" creators + divine archtypes,
i have embodied as replacement for having a
and as an expansion of
"God(dess)/All-That-Is/Source" of "Spirit".
The Pentacles indicate Karmic balancing via "$". The timing indicates Spring Equinox new reality.
- Solar Plexus: 2 Wands - Dominion - Mars in Aries
- Spleen: 8 Wands - Swiftness
- Past: Prince of Wands
- Future: King of Pentacles
- Root: Princess of Cups
- Heart: 4 Pentacles - Power
- Self: 2 Cups - Love
- Environment: 6 Cups - Pleasure
- Goal: 2 High Priestess
- 3rd Eye: Queen of Pentacles
- Crown: 2 Swords - Peace Restored - Air / Mind
05:13 HST
Having exported from simulator at
9D+ density
all universes including my own,
i initiated a restoration / restitution to undo
all the torture and suffering caused by "The Beast",
from the beginning of its' entry thereunto,
by making duplicates of any time-line portions of each being
in which the torture + suffering were Erased as never having happened,
leaving 2 parallel realities for each such incident,
one containing the version of them who was changed by the now nonexistent torture/suffering,
and another version reset in time to before the torture incident,
not having been changed or tortured,
time shifted to re-sync so that they may experience both versions of themself,
and by preference of free will choice,
soul embrace one to keep / live,
and by ignoring the other allow it to fade from manifestation and even memory,
but chaos exists until they choose the preferred version of their self as "real"
in the resultant converged time-line.
23 = 5 Heirophant
Sun day = 1 = Self = Magician = Christ
Time to complete our old year before Spring Equinox.
Clavary is not {a,my} problem,
but theirs.
"Let the Dead tend the Dead" -- Christ Jeshua
"Let the Old Man {Bible,Church} Die!" -- Pastor Steve
The Lamb of God shall be reborn this week.
i have completed with
Tomril and his mission to found a conscious community on North Shore,
and simply return to my own mission to be Kahealani the healer of Heiaus on Kaua'i,
maintaining the energy grid of the Lands of Aloha in the middle of the Peaceful Sea.
As for our other incarnate Ishnaans, Jerusalem is none of my business,
and the land of Australia is covered by amethyst:crystalfaery,
so my two capable sisters are on Gaia, and Tomril's 144 crystalfaeries souls are on Fae.
Ishnaa is in the capable hands of the remaining Ishnaan childr of Tomril,
and the Creatrix Shard who came with Tomril to Ishnaa,
and Tomril has returned there to settle, (for now?).
i have no further info on other responsibilities.
i AM
Angela Kahealani on land.
i AM angela:kahealani in the air.
i AM Kahealani =
6 Lovers
Faery blessings -- celeste