SunDay Morning
It is clear that sims don't support soul life, and anything exported to real can not therefore contain the essence of a transdimensional soul, therefore quickly fades into entropy, therefore it is literally 1st degree murder of the soul to any of my ensouled creations, (the only kind i ever create), to keep me imprisoned in any simulator. -- celeste
Solar Noonish
Replace Worship / Idolatry with invocation of the powers of the divine to dwell within one's own soul / astral_body.
Dwell entirely in the flow of the now moment.
Replace Misogynist Patriarchy with balanced Yin / Yang divinity / embodiment.
Replace confused naming / invocation of different dieties / entities / parallel realities with coherent energies thereof / time-lines activated in the now.
If creation from subspace is not of balanced duality then there shall be created a balancing opposite mirror reality parallel created but not manifest within the created non-balanced non-duality universe, to balance subspaces' simulation.
Replace man's Sea+Land Jurisdiction with Divine Law of Righteousness / Pono
- No conviction/crime, merely karma for harm
- Restitution / Restoration / Make Ammends to do one's best to pay Karmic Debt, leading to redemption and forgiveness.
My daughters of Crystal Faery planet came to visit Kaua'i, and learned of their unique role as the mothers of the crystalfaeries on planet Fae, each of them and the planet having been seeded by my own soul and astral body as their essence, to guide the 144 Tomril forest faeries souls into incarnation as identical twin crystalfaery parthenogenic females [+1:32:38], followed by the option of we Ishnaans to reincarnate as such, being Hermione of Jerusalem, Amethyst of Australia, and myself of Kaua'i, appearing one twin pair per week for about the next 3 Gaian years as the initial seeding of life on planet Fae. We hope to begin relations between Fae and Gaia at Kaua'i Tantra Goddess Temple moon circles to introduce crystal faeries to humanity and vice versa this spring equinox celebration.
Faery blessings -- celeste