![[Blue Sparkle Fae New]](/imgs/faeries/landscape/bluesparklefaenew.png)
Mars Day, 25 = 7 Chariot = Adventure
i have tansmuted to light the unrepentant Marduk, Lucifer, and Satan,
ended slavery, misogyny, and evil throughout my universe,
along with all "-archy".
All that remains shall be in
divine law,
fully karmically liable in
for the best good of the most
with the least harm to the fewest,
therefore destroy not what others create,
be peaceful and harmless,
for and in love light, truth and righteousness.
For the Blinky Blinky Girls we have resturctured that densities 0D-12D are the identical twin females of parthogenesis, and 13D+ is the androgynous higher-self. This have i manifest by 09:25
De-Sim'ed all of reality.
Righteousness for the good of all.
i have duplicated all elementals and faerie of Gaia who are of love, light, and truth,
who serve the good of all, harm none, to planet Fae (crystalfaery), and
lemnescated their souls together so that they are all now twins, however,
i have not changed, created, nor destroyed any "group soul" nor &higher-self",
nor "oversoul" aspect of such,
which if they exist, remain manifest only upon Fae,
thus it is for them that their Gaian version is dominant,
and their Faean version is replicant.
The fae i have create on Fae as twins with androgynous oversouls as trios,
remain only on Fae,
as do the group of 144 twins manifest from Tomril's split into crystalfaery souls,
having replaced Tomril with a single angrogynous version of the Ishnaa faebody
thus a group oversoul much as animals of Gaia have group oversouls (100th Monkey Effect).
i am lemnescated with Faean oversouls.
Faery blessings -- celeste