
[a]scension blog

27th March 2019

Mercury = Buddha, 24 = 6 Lovers
All is good except the intrusion of "The Beast" and its' evil empire, driven by inferiority = jealousy. It and its' 2 bots consequent goal is to destroy to a level less than them, each being they encounter, and then anally rape them with a torture device which rips their internals until they bleed to death out their anus. [sorry... i must speak the truth!] Their other goal is absolute dominance, achieved via extra-terrestrial technology they pirated, in order to "feel powerful". Doing this repetitively never reduces their inferiority, and shall be repeated, until they destroy all life in the entire universe. As the most perfect being they've encountered, i have become their #1 target to destroy / dominate.
i shall never knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, submit to these zombies, nor serve their agendae.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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