
[a]scension blog

4th April 2020
2020-04-04 SaturnDay's numerology:
	12 Hanged Man = Ego Death
	 3 Empress
Overcoming Obstacles to Growth:
	Reversal, sacrifice,
	surrender to higher forces

There has been expressed to me recently concern over the actual reality of the messaging apps either of FaceBook, or purchased by FaceBook (and modified)... and whether to use Messenger or What's App... and i recall a news item of a european security agency changing which they use i seem to recall between either of those and Signal... well, i recently e-mailed regarding the insecurities of Zoom being used by many who are trying to update their public records to show they are upon the land rather than international high seas, so, returning to my FLOSSware roots: Open Source is the way...

I have used Mumble quite successfully, and even ran my own mumble server back when I "had a home". I liked it, and found it easy to use.

Likewise i previously ran a Jitsi server at home...
...but most people are too lazy to change, or try anything new, so few joined me with this... over 3 years, ago... it may be more popular now.

Late afternoon brought Pastor Steve from Calvary Church North Share bringing meals for the 5 of us homeless present at the park.
I offered the URL: how to Come out of Mammon and Remove the Marks of the Beast, and he said only: "Naaah... I'm good!"...
well their church is a "synagogue of satan", (501(c)3 non-profit corpse-oration), and i've been unable to find any other pastor there who's not a minion of mammon, nor have any of the congregation i've met been interested.
Hey Nani Nani's Damn It All
For the good of all harm none, may truth, light, and love bless all beings.

Faery blessings -- celeste

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