2020-04-02 JupiterDay's numerology: 10 Wheel of Fortune 1 Magician Consciousness Expansion: Change, karma, destiny, luck
The day for me has begun just after midnight
allowing finally a clear view of selene / luna
as she is passing below 30 degrees above the horizon.
With no sleep so far, due to the invader in my space,
i'm utilizing my awake time to make the world better...
at least until 03:00 - 07:00 when i slept :-)
Now, how much love, light, and truth is Gaia able to hold without blowing-out humans? :-)
Easter is a celebration of the child of a human mother demonstrating [a]scension, which the conscious amongst us are now intending, while those in fear, or other self-administered victimhoods, create chaotic nightmares for themselves. Time to step-up as divine reality creators and abandon subjugation to what others create for themselves but have no right to force upon us. Our own part is full responsibility for the consequences of our choices. Meanwhile, we stay in the highest frequencies we can. -- celeste