berth_estate_trust 2021-12-19 16:52:04 -1000

> From Thu Oct 18 11:24:02 2018
> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 11:24:02 -1000
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Berth Estate Trust
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i am tracking down my
Berth Estate Trust,
for final accounting and disbursement,
all the relevant documents necessary to identify
the nascent being were filed in Washington Republic, as
to claim the trade names in all variations and punctuations to
claim the birthright. 

i simply require the return of
everything that was purloined from me
under conditions of fraud and deceit. 

i own my own name and all variations of it, 
my Indemnity Bond is posted (UCC-1-WA-2000-026-0186),
[ and i am also covered by Indemnity Bond
AMRI 00001 RA 393 427 640 US
-- this fact added 2019-09-01 00:57:23+00:00
but not part of original e-mail. ]
as is my Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act Notice

aloha, celeste:crystalfaery, agent for the Transmitting Utility
Angela Kahealani (UCC-1-WA-2000-026-0186),

All information and transactions are private between the parties,
and are non-negotiable.  All rights reserved without prejudice by
c/o: General Post Office
Keneke Street - 1
Kilauea, Kaua'i, UM [96754-9998]

Basics of Birth Certificates
By Anna Von Reitz
22 Aug 2018 07:01 AM PDT

I have been asked and asked about Birth Certificates -- what are they? Why do we have one? Much less two?

You are given a "certificate" in exchange for "registering" something. When you register a piece of property --- say, a car or truck? Or a name? --- you give up your ownership interest in it and pass the ownership interest on to the "entity" that you register it with. So, when your Mother is subtly misinformed and coerced to register her new possession --- you ---- with the corporation posing as your government, guess what?

You get a "birth certificate" for the same reason you get a car registration. It's a historical document memorializing the event and identifying the property that changed hands, in the event that anyone needs to know the details later on.

This is how the British-backed Territorial Corporation known as the "State of Florida" or "State of Maine" or "State of Texas"...... picked up an ownership interest in "you" and "your name" -- converted your identity from that of a living man or woman, and gained the right (by your Mother's mistake and your later silence) to consider you a "franchise" of their corporation and chattel backing their debts.

But did you or your Mother ever knowingly and willingly give them the right to use your name, steal your identity, use you as chattel backing their debts, or any of this other nonsense? Of course not. It's all fraud. It's all criminal. It's all malarkey.

And the corporations "acting as" governments that have promoted and permitted any such scheme richly deserve to be liquidated for their crimes. So before I get off-track and into the bushes --- that is what a "Birth Certificate" is and it is basically the same as a car registration. You get to use the car, just as you get to use your own body --- with the owner's permission. The sleazy lawyers then step in as the owner's representatives and beat you silly and tax you to death in private customs houses disguised as public courts.

This has been going on since 1702 and has been outlawed worldwide since the Napoleonic Wars, but what the hey? Mack and the Boys got it all started again and the Popes and the Queens sat back and smoked cigars.... but I digress..... Why do you have two different documents purporting to be some form of birth certificate?

Typically, you will have something called a "Certificate of Live Birth" and also something called a "Birth Certificate". The Certificate of Live Birth will usually have your name in Upper and Lower Case, First, Middle, Last --- just as you were taught to write it out in Grade School.

The Birth Certificate will have your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. You have two of them, because two separate commercial corporations have claimed to have an ownership interest in you.

The British-backed Territorial State of State organization doing business as (for example) the State of Oregon has seized upon and laid claim to "First Middle Last" and the Municipal STATE OF STATE (for example, STATE OF WYOMING) has claimed an ownership interest in FIRST MIDDLE LAST.

Two birth certificates, two franchises for them, neither one of them having anything to do with you, except for the fact that they are using and abusing your Given Name without your knowledge, sending their franchise's bills to you for payment, and otherwise working confusion all across the board.

In Law, this is known as "unlawful conversion" -- a form of kidnapping of assets on paper, which converts the nature of an asset (from living man to corporate franchise for example) and the jurisdiction in which it operates (from land law to sea law in this case).

Congressman Louis T. McFadden, Co-chair of the House Banking Committee at the time ---recognized it for what it was back in 1934, and brought charges for it before the House Judiciary Committee which have yet to be heard. He was the only honest and competent and courageous member of Congress. One out of 435. And the odds have remained about the same ever since. Send this article to the local authorities and Congressional "delegates" and object to being treated in this fashion and demand action to correct these practices.

See what you get back. Typically, since 1934, all you hear is silence. This is for the very good reason that they are obligated to keep silence under the whip of 18 USC 472.---knowledge and use of fraudulent conveyances, false securities, etc.

Send it Registered Mail, Return Receipt Requested, so that you have proof you sent it and proof you objected to having your Given Name used and abused in this fashion, and that you want their cooperation in ending this venal practice.

A baby is not a new car. And so far as that goes, they have no right to demand any ownership interest in your car, either. Kick them to curb as hard as you can, and keep kicking. And never register anything voluntarily.

Congressman McFadden was poisoned, mafia-style, for lodging his complaint with the House Judiciary Committee, but because he did the right thing, those charges still stand, as firmly lodged today as they were in 1934. The next question is --- other than objecting on the record, what do we do? Well, look at either one of the "Birth Certificates" that were issued in your name.

You will notice that your actual birth day is always a few days earlier than the "birthdate" of the THING they claim an interest in --- that is, it's "birthdate" is after your "birth day". This gives you a superior claim in commerce, and since all this fraud, theft, and legal chicanery is taking place in the realm of commerce, that is an important point. Now all you have to do is prove who you are, that you objected to being "enfranchised" and that you have recorded your counter-claim to be the true and lawful owner of your Good Name and Estates and all derivatives thereof and re-conveyed your property (Name, Estate, and the derivative Assumed NAMES) back to their natural and permanent domicile

Georgia, you will note, is not the "State of Georgia" nor the "STATE OF GEORGIA" nor "THE State of Georgia" nor "GEORGIA" nor any other version of this corporate franchise naming scheme they can dream up. It's the actual unincorporated and sovereign State of the Union, so they can all go blow. Please also note that it's right and proper for you to record --- record, not "register"--- your interest in your own Given Name and Estate and anything else that is named after you via infringement on your Common Law Copyright guaranteed under the Copyright Act of 1795 and still standing. Most important--- why do you HAVE TO do something to counterclaim your Good Name and Estate back out of Babylon?

For starters, if you don't, you get stuck holding the bag for all their debts, and their debts are insurmountable.

For middles, if you don't, you will not be "identifiable" as a living man or woman, which means they can murder you at will and face no consequences. For lasts, if you don't, the vermin will never be brought to justice and never forced to change their ways.

The Accounting
by Anna von Reitz

Tue, 23 Oct 2018 20:37:26 -0800

For all the confused people out there:

An accounting ledger traditionally has two sides to it, a plus side, and a minus side.

For 150 years, without our knowledge or consent, the purported "Trustees" have had all American land, property, and assets sequestered and held in trust, accruing credit and interest and lease payments and fees and rents.

All that has been going onto the plus side of the ledger for the benefit of the American States and People -- supposedly.

In actual fact, the American People were never told a word about this cozy arrangement, with the result that the Trustees (Queens, Kings, and Popes) were able to invest our assets "for" us and benefit themselves and their bankers via having access to this gigantic Slush Fund and control of all our assets.

They borrowed against all our assets and thus created obligations that they forced their own subjects -- the unwitting "U.S. Citizens" -- to pay off as franchise debts.

So, as you can now see, all the debts and costs have been accruing on the minus side of the accounting ledger, against all the "U.S. Citizens".

Americans = credit. U.S. Citizens = debt.

Of course, accidentally on purpose, we, the Americans, were all systematically mis-identified as "U.S. Citizens" and divested of our lawful inheritance and forced to go through an unmarked legal obstacle course to prove who we are and regain what was always rightfully ours.

All of this, everything we have suffered, is nothing but a gigantic Breach of Trust and Identity Theft swindle -- using a bogus accounting system, falsified public records, a rigged foreign court system, and private, foreign mercenaries operating under color of law to provide enforcement.

The bankers have sat in the middle and profited as middlemen, making sure that they had access to all our assets for their investment slush fund, and making it difficult nigh-unto-impossible for people to ever find their way "home" again and reclaim their estates.

What happens when you bring both sides of the ledger together?

The "U.S. National Debt" vanishes like a pfoof-tee in a high wind. It is literally nothing compared to what the Americans are owed.

And that puts an end to the "presumption" that we are bankrupt and that our service providers are bankrupt and also puts an end to U.S. receivership by "U.S. Bankruptcy Trustees" appointed by the guilty banks responsible for this situation.

We, the People, of The United States of America [Unincorporated] are richer than Midas, several times over. They, the "inhabitants" of the British Territorial United States and Municipal United States, are destitute.

And this is all arbitrary, the result of false accounting practices and deliberate self-interested falsification of public records.

Many banks have benefited themselves from this situation -- not just the Federal Reserve. The IMF has been on the receiving end, too. The World Bank. The IBRD. The BIS. J.P. Morgan. Citibank. Wells Fargo. Bank of America. Bank of England. Bank of Scotland. Parabas. UBS. The list goes on and on.

They all lined up at the trough, they all benefited themselves at our expense, they all conspired to rob us blind and leave us mis-characterized as destitute, endlessly indebted "U.S. Citizens". And at the end of the day, even that wasn't enough.

No, this time around, they planned to take it all, and "resettle" America, just as they resettled Ireland 150 years ago, using mercenaries from the Federal Agencies acting under color of law to displace and evict their clueless victims -- over debts the victims never owed.

What we have done is to reclaim the American Credit side of the ledger and put the screws to these criminals. Now, acting as the Priority Creditors, we are waiting for Mr. Trump to bring us the debt side of the ledger. We will exercise our option to reconcile the books.

By law, we are owed our estates back, free and clear of debt or encumbrance compiled by secondary parties. See the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, which is still standing and still part of the international probate code. See Article 9, Section 402, of the Uniform Commercial Code.

Not only are we owed back all of our actual factual assets and our Good Names free and clear, we are also owed 150 years worth of fees, leases, rents, accruals, insurance payments, labor contracts, and joint venture proceeds, plus interest.

Thanks to action taken by Living Law Firm members, all the assets of the Territorial and Municipal United States and the Federal State of State Trusts have been rolled over and under the protection of the sovereign unincorporated States.

Thanks to our Living Law Firm, the Constitutions are still in place, and the Queen and the Pope are still obligated, but no longer in control of our contracting process.

Thanks to our Living Law Firm, your lives and your property have been re-secured and returned safely to the land jurisdiction States. All you have to do is the paperwork to identify yourselves as Americans, native to your State of the Union.

Best of all, all our Delegated Powers have returned to our control by Operation of Law. That's the cherry on top of the whipped cream. We are free to determine our own future and enjoy our rightful place as a free and independent country.

It has only taken 242 years.

"But, but, but... don't we have to pay taxes to pay for all the public assistance and welfare and costs of government and the military and..."

No. Not anymore. A new way of financing government is being put into place, one that does not depend upon human trafficking, bogus accounting systems, identity theft, enslavement, or any other evil.

This will bring wonderful changes not only for America, but for the whole world. So, take a moment. Bow your heads. Listen carefully to the silence. The Great Fraud is ending as quietly as it began, with the shuffling of some words on paper, and the reconciliation of an accounting ledger.

Have a listen to Anna:

Faery blessings -- celeste

What's Really Going On?
By Anna Von Reitz

2019-07-12 12:44

A lengthy and wide-ranging answer to a simple question from my German readers...

The estate trusts they established for us without our knowledge or consent were housed in Puerto Rico, but those were not the only "primary derivatives" they created in our names.

The Cestui Que Vie Trusts were named like this: JOHN MARK DOE.

Those were what they bankrupted in 2015.

There are also Public Transmitting Utilities named like this: JOHN M DOE. That is what they are using to mis-address us now.

And the third primary derivative is a Public Charitable Trust doing business as JOHN DOE.

These three things represent our private property, our energy, and our public property interests respectively.

This was all done based on fraud and is owed immediate cessation and correction, but that is not so easy to do en masse, because this is the way the governments have been funding themselves and giving themselves access to your credit -- without that or control of that, they are cut back down to size and can no longer function as "plenary oligarchies".

It requires a return to individual national governments or conversion of this nasty brand of corporate feudalism into something totally new.

[ ... ]

Getting back to your original question -- the American ESTATES have been claimed by the Americans. The British Territorial Government DBA "in our names" as "the" United States of America is attempting to horn in and take a middle man position and we are objecting to their presumptions and keeping the pressure on the Pope and the Municipal United States government which has similarly been doing business "in our names" as "the" United States.

Our process was to seize upon and collapse the Municipal Trusts including the STATES OF STATES, then enclose the State of State franchises, then roll them all back onto the land jurisdiction of the actual unincorporated and sovereign government in international jurisdiction, The United States of America (notice "The" -- our Proper Name) -- and from there conveyed all the way back to the soil jurisdiction states of The United States (again notice, "The") and re-assignment of the assets.

There isn't a power on Earth that can say one word about it, because these are our assets and we have claimed them fair and square, and we are not incorporated. We are fact [de facto], they are fiction [de jure].

So, now the Americans -- the actual, factual Americans, not the "US citizens" -- who are the rightful heirs of the actual States and all derivative property, have exposed the whole international criminal enterprise that was afoot and we have claimed back our inheritance and we have no obligation to serve our servants anymore. Instead, there will be a performance review and new contract negotiations. We are finally getting back on track after 150 years of this betrayal of trust.

Fortunately or unfortunately, because we were the first victims of the scheme, we were also chosen as the staging ground for the unfoldment of the patent and copyright and trademark abuses that have been implemented by the criminals as a means of disguising and implementing and profiting from their activities, often using the excuse that their "business models" and other tripe were necessary components of "National Security" -- doublespeak for cloaking criminal activity.

The US Navy was the tool used most consistently to promote this agenda, and its actions were directed by the British Crown and the British Government, though the US NAVY, a municipal corporation, was used as the front for a great deal of the skullduggery. Ditto US ARMY and USAF. They have been trying to set up the same sort of cozy nest to promote this same brand of criminality in China, hence all the cyber attacks and patent and copyright and trademark abuses that China has been committing. They have also made in-roads in the Russian Navy though the Russians have been far less amenable to manipulation. Thus the Devil was cast down into the sea and has ruled for a short time.

The Americans are standing with their feet planted on their land and soil again, operating in their unincorporated -- that is, sovereign -- capacity. All the stuff that these misanthropes accumulated "in our names" under the guise of managing and administering our assets "for" us have to be returned and re-venued, and thence, all the ill-gotten similar gains have to be returned to the other victims. Not coincidentally, it is the Double Jubilee, and this time, no excuses can be offered by the Church and Queen for any failure to deliver a full measure of remedy and debt forgiveness at all levels.

It's time.

An Education on the Birth Certificate from Frank O'Collins

From Anna Von Reitz

Monday, February 19, 2018

I am constantly receiving questions about Birth Certificates. The essence of a BC is that it proves that a live man or woman was born on the actual birth day, as opposed to the "filing date" or "birthdate" which marks the creation of the THING named after you.

A Birth Certificate does not positively identify you, but it admits that a living being with your name came into this world, touched down, and there is no actual, viable proof of your death -- only a presumption of death based on the fact that the Vital Statistics people haven't heard from you since you left the hospital. No doubt it is time we all gave them and the Deputy Clerks of the Probate Courts across America a big, fat "Hulloooo!"

A BC does not function as a valid recording of your Common Law copyright to your own Name and Estate, rather, it is a false claim against your Name and Estate which has to be corrected -- but in a negative way, the proof that it provides does preserve "a" public record of an event which you can prove and invoke by private means and from other public records to reclaim your interest in your Name and estate. So it is a means you should employ in building your claims.

Housekeeping for the State Assemblies
By Anna Von Reitz 2020-02-21 20:24

There seems to be considerable confusion about how to handle cases wherein an American seeking to record and claim their birthright political status has only a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB).

This is what they really need and all they need to get the job done.

Remember that the British Territorial Government and the Municipal United States Government are two, distinct, and different Foreign Governments acting as Subcontractors bound to honor their respective Constitutional Agreements with us. The services they deliver are separate and different, too. The corporations that they have used to deliver services are also different. So you have two different entities, one Municipal and one Territorial, to deal with, and they each interact with you via two separate entities that are foreign persons with respect to you.

The Territorial Government creates a Legal Person, which is in fact a Foreign Situs Trust, that is named after you and uses the same exact name in the form: John Michael Doe. Under certain circumstances, this familiar Lawful Person, your Trade Name, comes to represent a Foreign Legal Person and Subject of the Queen.

This happens when you are on the High Seas or Navigable Inland Waterways or when you are engaged in the interstate manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms. This Person is also invoked when you enter Military Compounds, Navy Yards, Arsenals, and similar facilities.

A Foreign Situs Trust is a form of trust that guarantees the safe transport of your Person while in the safekeeping of the Queen's Government, in exchange for your compliance with their codes and regulations while you are in these locations or engaged in these specific activities.

Similarly, the Municipal United States Government creates a Municipal PERSON that it uses to interact with you. This PERSON appears in a variety of forms: JOHN DOE, JOHN M. DOE, and so on. Each of these is a separate franchise entity created as a shareholder or member or donor, etc., in some kind of commercial trust, business, organization, or enterprise. JOHN DOE is a beneficiary of a Public Charitable Trust, a Pauper on the Dole of the Commonwealth. JOHN M. DOE is a Public Transmitting Utility. And so on. These are all Vassals of the Pope and part of the Federal Civil Service System.

This form of PERSON was meant to create a convenient accounting system by which people could contract for and pay for specific services to be provided by the Federal Civil Service. As such, these PERSONS are more like Trademarks standing for a specific Service Account. The ubiquitous Social Security ACCOUNT is one example that acts like an umbrella corporation for various social services, the JOHN H DOE ACCOUNT is a public transmitting utility franchise used to track use of public utility services, and so on and on.

This is where things got totally messed up, thanks to FDR and his Administration.

FDR pledged the "citizenry" of the Federal Civil Service to the Pope, to be chattel backing the debts of his government, and then failed to make any distinction between Federal Civil Service Employees and the rest of us. He incomprehensibly alluded to this in his First Inaugural Address as President of the Municipal Government and its for-profit Municipal Corporation. What followed was a criminal enterprise based on impersonation, racketeering and identity theft on an absolutely massive scale.

In 2015, the Municipal Corporation responsible was forced into Involuntary Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and we are still sorting out the aftermath. The corporation assets which include all the franchises and their purported assets are being liquidated, but the problem is, that these franchises should not exist and were all created under condition of non-disclosure and constructive fraud.

This leaves the Bankruptcy Trustees trying to sort this mess out. We staked our claims in 1998 and followed up in intervening years. We placed liens against the National Credit accounts backing the National Debt so that Secondary Creditors couldn't claim them. We placed more liens against the assets of the Municipal STATE OF STATE organizations to preserve our State's property interests and prevent them from being "subsumed" as Abandoned Assets, etc.

So the Big Mess and all the worst problems are associated with the misuse and abuse of all these Municipal PERSONS.

That's why we appointed Steven T. Mnuchin, an Interpol Officer, to act as Fiduciary of the Primary ACCOUNT created by the Municipal BIRTH CERTIFICATE process, and instructed him to roll it over into the Territorial United States Account for Safekeeping. That gave both Mr. Mnuchin and Mr. Trump, jointly, a right and an obligation to intervene in our behalf and to protect our assets.

Working in tandem with the US Bankruptcy Trustees (not all of whom like the results) the creation of new birth certificated ACCOUNTS has been stopped with respect to those claiming their birthright political status and as the clean up progresses, the only birth records that will remain will be the Certificates of Live Birth, which very clearly pertain to a living man or woman and the creation of the Foreign Situs Trust they are owed, if and when they decide to participate in Federally Regulated activities or enter military facilities, etc.

As more people are coming on board in this post-bankruptcy period, more and more of them will be receiving only a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) and that means that there is no longer a Municipal PERSON to be dealt with in their case. They don't have to go through the Form 56 Process anymore, because they don't have a Municipal PERSON attached to them anymore, and it most be noted, in a few cases, they never did have a Municipal PERSON operating in their name at all.

So when people come to join the Assembly and all they've got is a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB), that is just fine. Accept them and exempt them from the Form 56 process and don't treat them any differently than anyone else in the Assembly. It's just that changes in circumstance and administration have occurred so that they no longer have to go through this particular part of the Turkey Trot.

CUSIP, AUTOTRIS, What Is This About?
By Anna Von Reitz 2020-02-21 19:53

CUSIPS are just bank registry numbers that attach your collateral to debts so that they can be securitized and traded. They are the equivalent of -- yes, you got it -- Bar Codes on products. What you are more likely looking for is the corresponding AUTOTRIS number, which attaches you to your credits earned, but remember, they aren't YOUR credits, until and unless you claim the PERSON.

This makes for an impossible situation, because if you claim the PERSON, you also claim the debts, and all that happens is that the account gets zeroed out. Remember that in a debt-credit system, it is literally impossible to accrue debt and that is because every debt is automatically offset by an answering credit in the same amount. So anything that appears to be a credit or a debt in such a system is illusory. It's the result of bad bookkeeping, not any actual debt or credit.

You might think that, oh, well, that's dumb. How did all those debt amounts appear to be credits? And credits appear to be debts? Why weren't these things being offset automatically? What's the whole teapot tempest about? Kick the accountants into gear and clean up the mess! That's what I said on Day One when I found out about this fiasco. Their reply? We can't do that. It would collapse the world's stock markets and banks and cause a terrible mess!

Why? Because the entire system, while objectively designed to be clean and just and honest and fool-proof -- isn't. A Third Element was added to the CUSIP and AUTOTRIS System and that Third Element was you, the living man or woman. And your role? You gave value to it all, without knowing it.

Think about my Joe's Hamburger Shop analogy. You give Joe some I.O.U.'s issued by the Federal Reserve Banks in YOUR NAME as "payment" for a hamburger. But as we all know, I.O.U.s aren't really payment, are they? They are just promises to pay at some future date. Nonetheless, Joe is obligated by Legal Tender Laws to accept your I.O.U. "as" payment -- as if you paid when you didn't really. So far you are on the debt side of things, and with every transaction you make, you go deeper into debt.

See how this works and how a huge "national debt" can be accrued, especially when you are adding interest payments to all this?

So go back and ask yourself what really happens when the Federal Reserve Banks issue I.O.U.'s in YOUR NAME? They are standing there as a Third Party Agent. They are placing a value on your NAME and all that it stands for, your land, your labor, your potential earnings, your home, everything -- and issuing credit in your NAME. This is how YOU become a perpetual DEBTOR.

But, what about Joe? The Hamburger Shop guy? He provided the actual meat and bread and labor to make a hamburger. That's real. That's not credit. That's payment.

And he never got his materials and labor back. All he got was an I.O.U. So, in this crazy system, what could he do? He sold your debt on. He traded your debt, your I.O.U., to his butcher and baker suppliers. And then they were in the same boat-- trading your debt for their debts to the farmers. And the farmers were stuck trading your debts to pay for their seeds and animal feeds and so on and on it goes, everyone trading on YOUR debt, in the good faith expectation that "someday" they will all get paid.

YOUR debt is constantly accruing and being accounted for, but Joe's answering credit is nowhere to be seen. That just dropped off the ledger somehow and never got applied.

So that is what the AUTOTRIS number is attached to, YOUR answering credit for actual payments and the earnings from those payments. Yes, they turned that side of the ledger into a giant Slush Fund, so all the Credit owed to Joe and everyone else was being "sequestered" or "blocked" in the language of the banks, and invested by them "for" you.

When the Day of Reckoning comes, of course, that giant Slush Fund of Credit owed to Joe and everyone else on that side of the transaction chain has to pay off all the debt accrued by YOU and everyone else on the debt side of the ledger, including the interest owed to the banks for their services.

Many naive people have made the statement over the years that we can never pay off the debt because of the interest owed on all those debt notes, but they forget that all this while, the answering credit has been invested and earning far, far more than mere interest returns.

So at the end of the day, how does it all turn out? Well, some Americans owe debts far in excess of what they ever contributed. And other Americans are owed credits far in excess of what they ever took out of this system. When its all settled out, the National Debt vanishes, together with the interest owed to the banks, because-- remember -- no debt ever actually existed: Joe paid for your hamburger the moment he accepted your debt note. It all gets offset against the National Credit, and that leaves the left over profit accrued from investing the credit owed to Joe and you and me.

I am presenting the "bare bones" of the issue. In between all of this, the bankers have been shuffling around protecting YOUR assets including your credit and the receipts from investing it, in offshore accounts in Puerto Rico, all conveniently without telling you a word about any of these activities going on in the background. It is all far more complex than the Hamburger Shop example, but in the main, when you crunch it all down -- they've been bootstrapping on YOUR CREDIT and using what is owed to you to back their banks and then investing your asset ledger and keeping it all sequestered so that you couldn't access it via Mutual Offset Credit Exemption Exchange to discharge any of your own debts-- which is what they promised as payment for their use of your credit in the first place.

The rule and the law is and always was that because they were using credit owed to you, you would be able to offset any debts accrued against YOUR NAME by "claiming your exemption". And then, they just conveniently neglected to tell you that you had an exemption and also neglected to tell you how to access and use it. And that "lapse" among other things is what we are taking them and the Queen and the Pope and all their corporations to task for.

It wasn't bad enough that they seized upon and used credit that was owed to us and which should have been used to pay off any debts we owed, but they profited themselves and denied us access to our own credit using spurious excuses -- they didn't know where we were, for example, except when it came time to tax us. Right.

So now, we are showing up with our credentials in hand and saying -- pay up. We didn't agree to this. We weren't told anything about this. We have paid not only our own debts but everyone else's and this has got to stop. To put teeth to this, we have joined together with like-minded people, to exercise our right to Self-Govern and claim our exemption from all this rot. We are assembling the actual State Assemblies and pooling our resources and knowledge to push back.

They, of course, are claiming that they are "broke" and can't pay us. To which we are saying, "BS -- we know where the assets are and who they belong to."

Your best bet on getting access to the credit that is owed to you, and the return of your assets, is to do what we have suggested and join your State Assembly and bring your claims. Forcing them to offset those claims and to respect your standing isn't an easy proposition. They've gotten away with using your assets including your credit for free for over a hundred years. They have developed an Entitlement Mentality regarding your assets and your credit -- and they need to have that knocked out of their heads. One person is not going to do that. Ten people aren't going to do that.

But join together as a recognizable and cohesive Body Politic that actually owns the resources of your State of the Union and is owed the Constitutional Guarantees, and suddenly, everything changes for the better. They can no longer claim that you are a "US Citizen" and they can no longer excuse their laxity and failure to provide you with the Good Faith Service and Exemptions you are owed. We are on the uphill climb and I won't sing you any songs of easy money and pina coladas in the shade.

What we will guarantee you is that you are owed the offset and/or discharge of all Public Debts addressed to YOUR NAME and the return of your assets free and clear of debt or encumbrance. Together, through our State Assemblies, we are standing tall and demanding that this be done for everyone who wakes up and declares their political status as an American.

Dear Mr. Trump 2020-03-27
By Anna Von Reitz

Posted 2020-03-27 18:35:00+00:00

SPV = "Special Purpose Vehicle" = "Public Transmitting Utility", etc.,

So, what the attached, (FB Friends go to my website to see the document), run down shows that the Exchange Stabilization Fund, (a giant currency commodity rigging fund), is being used to buy a fictitious first position interest in other fictional entities.

In this case, the Territorial Government is creating new fictitious "PERSONS" to convey the assets of other fictitious PERSONS belonging to the Municipal Government, (our estates and public transmitting utilities), and offering to use our credit to do it; and all of this is fraud.

It was fraud in the beginning (1868), and in the middle (1933), and it is still fraud now (2020).

Obummer did this same schtick during the 2008-2009 bailout and Big Short on Wall Street. All those "Billing Statements" that used to come to "JOHN MICHAEL DOE" were converted by a similar process to the name "JOHN M DOE" and next, unless I am mistaken, they will attempt to roll that PERSON into a John M. Doe or JOHN DOE or some other variation of "fictional entity" to function as a "Special Purpose Vehicle" -- and all of it is fictional conveyance of language, that is, fraud.

It was fraud to impersonate Americans and create Cestui Que Vie Trusts named after them. It was fraud to use DOG LATIN to convey those Trusts. It is still fraud no matter what they do or say. And they are still trying to victimize the actual owners of the property to do this.

The actual gold, silver, land, and other assets owed to us, is staggering. The middlemen armed with nothing but hot air and lies are trying to intervene and cut a "priority creditor status" for themselves out of their own lies and fabric of their constructive fraud.

The actual asset accounts have been sealed and coded so that they cannot be opened except by the actual living man, Julius Divinagracia. Instead of expediting his access to the accounts and allowing him to do his job, the Mindless Ones have contrived to render him misidentified and helpless, while they do everything in their power to prevent the re-venue of the actual assets to the actual owners --
who are all living people.
Not governments.
Not institutions.
Not corporations.

Mr. Trump's advisers are a bit slow on the uptake. They have been told that Julius Divinagracia has entered the jurisdiction of the States of the Union and is under the protection of The United States of America. He is fully empowered and set free of any possible claim of Municipal citizenship obligation. Or Territorial Citizenship obligations.

It's time for the Territorial Officers to assist in bringing forward the actual asset accounts, instead of playing stupid games aimed at cashiering those accounts to generate fictional credit for themselves.

This isn't about "gold" versus "credit" versus "stocks" versus "bonds" versus "cryptos". It isn't "United States Citizens" versus "U.S. Citizens" versus "citizens of the United States", either.

This is about basic ownership and rights to private and public property that has been purloined and abused, about incorporated "governmental services corporations" abusing their Employers in Breach of Trust, about generations of bankers and politicians and military officers acting in Gross Breach of Trust to defraud, impersonate, impoverish, enslave, and prey upon their own Employers, about the Pope playing a two-sided game of fraud and false pretenses and employing schemes to impersonate people and disrespect them as THINGS.

Dear Mr. Trump.... it's a sorry business at best. Don't make it worse.

No more "SPVs" being dreamed up by some schmuck in the Treasury Department, Department of Commerce, or DOT.

We have denounced the Scottish Interloper's role in 1868 and we denounce its attempts at a repeat performance now. You may not use our credit to buy yourselves an unearned interest in our assets or seek to replace us as the actual Parties of Interest owed all right, title and interest related to the Municipal Corporations that have been used as a fraudulent fictitious conveyance and bankrupted under conditions of fraud, too.

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals,
and Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

You all need to straight up and fly right and expedite the re-venue of our assets to us. Stop playing this criminal game of deceit and impersonation, identity theft, False Registrations, and color of law governance.

The cats are back. The rats have to go.

The boys in blue have been busted and that's all there is to it. Move on. Do the right thing. Remove the False Registrations and restore the proper owners to the possession and enjoyment of their own property, free and clear of all debt or encumbrance.

Do not offer to use our own credit to buy interests in our estates. Re-venue our estates to us. We are clicking our silver slippers together and saying,
"There's no place like home."

The only Special Purpose Vehicle that needs to function is the Treasury Account for the United States of America 1789. It needs to transfer all associated assets including the valid credit assets back to The United States of America 1776 mercantile account, and from there, to disburse to the individual, (former), franchise owners and their States of the Union.
Not the Territorial States of States.

And, it's time to come clean and talk to the American States and People in terms of their political status choices. Everyone has the right to know and to choose. This should have been done in 1865. For God's sake, do it now.

We have the key to the asset accounts and we know exactly what went on here. Any attempts to lie to the American People or anyone else about the actual ownership and status of our accounts will only result in more acrimony and present-day accusations of fraud. Better to lay the blame on FDR than continue this corruption and have nobody to blame but yourself.


Living Name, Living "natural" woman,
Alleged Beneficiary/Trustee vs. CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust
AND Living Name Cestui Que Trust

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

Case No.: ____________________

For the Revocation and Liquidation of the CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust
AND Then the Liquidation of the Living Name Cestui Que Trust

I, Living Name, the Living Individual; the Creator of the Original
"Certificate of Live Birth" Trust known as
the Living Name Cestui Que Trust,
The Living Individual known as Living Name
is also to be referred to as the Trustor/Trustee of
the Living Name Cestui Que Trust, and as such has the Right
to hereby declare the following actions be EXECUTED.

First Part: The Second Trust which was setup
from the Living Name Cestui Que Trust
under Constructive Fraud and is known as
the CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust,
with the Federal corporation being the Trustee
and the Living individual, Living Name was to be the Beneficiary.

Created by and as the Settler/Grantor of the initial funding from assets
came from the Living Name Cestui Que Trust,
under the direction of the soon to be Trustees,
the Federal Government Corporation,
formed the CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust.

The CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust contract
was never properly ratified, only implied,
proper considerations were never given,
under SUPPRESSIO VERI the truth has been held in Concealment,
and under SUGGESTIO FALSI the Trustees have made
numerous statements of falsehoods about
this Social Security Trust for their OWN UNJUST gain.

The Living individual, Living Name has been
a Sub-Funder of labor value into the CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust account
and at the same time is the named Beneficiary but only after the age of 65,
thereby being prevented from having Lawful access to full labor funds.

The Living individual, Living Name is hereby rejecting and terminating
the Beneficiary part of the CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust,
therefore there is no longer a need for this Trust to be in existence.

It is hereby requested by the real Trustor/Settlor,
that the Hawaii State District Chief Judge
should also operate as the Protector of the Court
and for the CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust liquidation
and the return of all required assets to the Living Name Cestui Que Trust.
It is also required that the assets,
labor value that was deposited into the CAPITAL NAME Social Security Trust -
banking system and then held in the Trust account -
of the Living Individual Living Name by Right
are to be returned under ACTIO DEPOSITI DIRECTA.

Second Part: The Living individual, Living Name
was the Creator of the Original "Certificate of Live Birth"
Trust known as the Living Name Cestui Que Trust and that
the US Bankruptcy Trustees were the Grantor/Settlor of the Trust.
The Trust was setup as follows; the Trustor/Trustee is the Living individual,
Living Name and the Federal/State corporations were to be the Beneficiaries.

The requirements of the Living Name Cestui Que Trust have been fulfilled and 
the Trust is to be Executed;

First requirement was the initial time of 18 years as required by the US 
Bankruptcy Trustees, as the Grantor/Settlor of the Trust.
That being completed the next point would be in that the maximum life of a 
Cestui Qui Trust is limited to 25 years and
with no contract renewal and is now operating only on the fact that
no one has contested its operation.

Second requirement falls under the completion of a citizen's obligation to the 
defense of the country.  This has been met by the filing of
the Selective Service Form and/or the completed DD-214 government military form.

Third requirement is the Living individual,
Living Name has also under civil law obtained FULL AGE,
twenty-five years old as being of the Age of Legal Majority.

With the Fulfillment of the above requirements it is also NOTED that
the Living individual, Living Name has the Free and Clear Title to
the property known as the earthly Living Body.

NOTE: At this point in time, the Living individual, Living Name
is now to be classified as an Ambassador from the Divine Realms,
and therefore as a fully Sovereign Living Soul
offers to every other Sovereign and each "nation"
a Treaty of Unconditional Peace,
is not under the requirements of the Statutory Laws,
for lack of Commercial Contract in the Law of the Sea.

There can be and is no justifiable Equitable Title claim
by any of the Beneficiaries of the Living Name Cestui Que Trust,
because the obligation has been fulfilled. Therefore,
the Trustor/Trustee is hereby terminating the Beneficiaries of
the Living Name Cestui Que Trust and taking control of the Equitable Title.

It is a hard and fast rule that in Trust Law
the Trustees can't enjoy the benefits of the Trust property,
nor can the beneficiaries exercise any real control (owner-ship) over the Trust 
property. Whenever a single individual holds both the Legal Title and
the Equitable Title to Trust Property,
the "Sub-Titles" are once again unified into a single 
"Perfect" Title, the Trust is said to be"Executed"
and Ceases to Exist. So when the Beneficiaries have been terminated,
both Titles will have been unified into a single "Perfect" Title.

At this point the Trustor/Trustee has determined to have
all of the Assets of the Living Name Cestui Que Trust
transferred into a new Express Trust under the name Living Name Trust.

All assets (being stocks, physical or monetary) remaining in the Trust
after settlement of the accounts are be transferred to
the direct control of the Living individual, Living Name, as the 

ORDER FOR THE COURT: This Order is based on the facts of sound law and is also 
under the conclusive presumption of law.

Therefore, the ORDER is hereby given and concurred with the District Court 
Chief Judge. That the District Court Chief Judge is to have the court contact
all of the required parties from both Trusts to meet with Living Name, 
Trustor/Trustee and start the Liquidation/Settlement process of these
Two Trust matters within the next 3 days.



Address DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Kilauea, Kaua'i County,
this 15th day of February 2020.


____________________, Chief Judge