2019-03-20.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000


Mercury / Buddha day, 8 Kumari / Virgin Goddess / Justice
"The Beast" interefered much today with my "Blinky Blinky Girls", and also trespass on Gaia, resulting in extremely intense claiming of my will to mission, purpose, and principles of what is not tolerable in manifestation, in violation of the principle of "for the good of the most, and the least harm to the fewest."

Tarot Major Arcana by Paths within Kaballah

1 Magi3 Empress0 Fool
7 Chariot6 Lovers2 Priestess4 Emperor5 Heirophant
11 Strength8 Justice9 Hermit
12 Hanged Man15 Devil16 Tower13 Death10 Wheel of Fortune
19 Sun14 Temperance17 Star
20 Aeon21 Universe18 Moon

[Tarot Paths 03]click to enlarge

Faery blessings -- celeste