
[a]scension blog

1st April 1971

The Gra-El Kings
By: Anna Von Reitz

2019-11-08 12:25

Many people are talking about the "Fourth Dimension" and "Fifth Dimension" but what they are talking about isn't related to dimensions at all. I suppose it is because they don't have a vocabulary yet to describe what they are trying to express, so we wind up with misnomers.

Our physical reality is cast in terms of a complex multi-layered information field with many layers. Those layers are not "dimensions". They are frequency fields, that bleed into each other the same way that radio stations fade in and out and become "solid" when you hit the right frequency on your radio dial.

Thus there are recent reports of ghosts and giants walking among us and reports of people being possessed by demons and reports of gigantic "planets" being visible in near-space, and reports of strange beings identified as Extra-Terrestrials, and so on.

What is actually happening is a disputed changing of the guards and stewards of this planet and a mandated resolution of the claims of the Gra-El Kings against the rulers of this world -- and the healing of the Faery Accord that pre-dates all other known charters, claims, or treaties in this world.

The Faery Accord was violated by the eating of flesh.

The Creator of this world never intended that we would eat the flesh of the animals which He also created and blessed with life. There was never meant to be a "Law of Tooth and Claw" upon the Ea-Rth. [ Note that the extant story about Avalon, King Arthur, Gwynnivere, and sir Lance-a-Lot is satanically reversed from truth, i.e. that these beings were pure, not betrayers. ]

And now, in the "twinkling of an eye", the fornicators and prevaricators are to be removed, once and for all. They know this and they are preparing to receive their "king" -- Satan, the Cruel Master, who will continue to rule over them in the Abyss. Thus, they have set up statues of his idols in the Vatican and in London and at the Coliseum and in Turkey and in Tel Aviv and in New South Wales and in Argentina and in Peru and various other places around the world.

They are practicing their chants: "Hail, King Satan!" Their Death Cult members are scuttling around like cockroaches all over the planet, all excited, like ants swarming on a rotting apple.

This is taking place at the same time that we also prepare to receive our King and Creator, and to enter into our Inheritance: a new world and a renewed Ea-Rth.

While their preparations are obvious and outward, involving public demonstrations and veiled announcements, the appearance of idols, parades of bizarre naked men, blood-letting ceremonies, orgies, etc., our preparations are internal and not obvious at all.

Our preparations are largely silent and taking place in each heart.

We choose our destiny and which Kingdom we will serve -- The Kingdom of God, meaning Mammon, or The Kingdom of Heaven. Nobody here on Ea-Rth condemns anyone in any way that counts. Only the True God, our Creator, has the power to do that.

Yet, his condemnation will come. And a great many foolish people will perish, both in the flesh and the spirit, because of their pride and selfishness and arrogant hardness of heart, because they would not listen nor change nor repent from the evils they have embraced.

So let it come and don't be afraid. For those who have let war and greed and hatred rule, a place for them has been prepared in the Abyss, where they will remain. For those who have clung fast to compassion and grace, an entirely different destiny awaits, and that, too, has been prepared.

Look into your hearts and quiet your minds. Seek your Father in Heaven and ask for his grace and kindness and protection. Be like little children and place your faith only in him, calling no man "Father", and doing your best to remember who you truly are.

Be blessed. You will soon enter the realm of True Magic, and everything that I have spoken to you will be confirmed. If you are willing to live at peace with your neighbors and embrace the Oneness of Creation, you will be safe in your Mother's arms, and nothing on the Ea-Rth or in the Heavens will harm you.

I do not suggest that you should just sit around and wait, however. Quite the contrary, this is the most crucial time for action, the time when you must choose and must act to declare your nature and intentions as men and women who turn their faces away from Death, and align with the forces of Life.

What we choose now, what we stand up for now, will be our fate.

> Feed: Paul Stramer - Lincoln County Watch
> Title: The War of the Fey Who Remained
> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 07:08:00 -1000
> By: Anna Von Reitz [image 2] [2]

We have been engaged in a spiritual war for many years; it is time for everyone to come to intellectual grips with this struggle, because whether you like it or not, we are all in the middle of it. According to Irish traditions about the Fey and their appearance from the fog and also the disappearance (of most them) into another fog, we now know that this is consistent with the phenomena of extra dimensional travel and the use of clouds and fog to hide the "blinking out" associated with this. Remember how Jesus and others in Old Testament accounts went up in a cloud? Now you know why. It should be no surprise to hear that there are those Fey loyal to Truth, and those who are loyal to the Lie (Illusion), so it is not a matter of "all Fey are bad" or "all Fey are good" according to blood or nature. It's a matter of allegiance, whether you stand for Truth or for Illusion. The Romans made most of the British Isles uninhabitable to the Fey who remained there by polluting natural water wells, streams, and ponds with iron objects and iron ore and later by using iron pipes to convey water. The Fey are allergic to iron and this action by the Romans rendered the water unusable. The remaining Fey have been at war with the Romans ever since, though as in any conflict, there are and always have been a few Turncoats assisting the common enemy. Unknown to most of the people on this planet, water is alive. It has a memory. It knows when it has been violated and it remembers both the offense and the offenders. Consider -- is this really any stranger than learning that chips made of silicon can be imprinted to carry vast amounts of information?

The deliberate destruction and pollution of the entire Pacific biome by the Romans and their Allies (again) resulting from the Fukushima disaster has brought the ancient conflict over the poisoning of the wells back to the surface, and it is now entering public cognizance. This may seem very strange to you, simply because you have never been made aware of the unique properties and crystalline characteristics of water, but then, you have never been made aware of a great many things. You have never been made aware of the drastic decline in atmospheric oxygen levels, either. Listen up. This is occurring even more rapidly than before because Fukushima is polluting most of the Pacific Ocean and the marine algae and other ocean flora are dying, thus no longer producing oxygen for people and animals to breathe.

> Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 20:40:00 -1000
> Author: BeauHD
> Title: Japan To Release Fukushima Water Into Sea In 2 Years

According to the Associated Press, Japan's government decided it will start 
releasing treated radioactive water accumulated at the crippled Fukushima 
nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean in two years. From the report: Under the 
basic plan adopted Tuesday by the ministers, Tokyo Electric Power Company 
Holdings, also known as TEPCO, will start releasing the water in about two years
after building a facility and compiling release plans adhering to safety 
requirements. It said the disposal of the water cannot be postponed further and 
is necessary to improve the environment surrounding the plant so residents can 
live there safely. TEPCO says its water storage capacity of 1.37 million tons 
will be full around fall of 2022. Also, the area now filled with storage tanks 
will have to be freed up for building new facilities needed for removing melted 
fuel debris from inside the reactors and for other decommissioning work that's 
expected to start in coming years. In the decade since the tsunami disaster, 
water meant to cool the nuclear material has constantly escaped from the damaged
primary containment vessels into the basements of the reactor buildings. To make
up for the loss, more water has been pumped into the reactors to continue to 
cool the melted fuel. Water is also pumped out and treated, part of which is 
recycled as cooling water, and the remainder stored in 1,020 tanks now holding 
1.25 million tons of radioactive water. Those tanks that occupy a large space at
the plant interfere with the safe and steady progress of the decommissioning, 
Economy and Industry Minister Hiroshi Kajiyama said. The tanks also could be 
damaged and leak in case of another powerful earthquake or tsunami, the report 
said. Releasing the water to the ocean was described as the most realistic 
method by a government panel that for nearly seven years had discussed how to 
dispose of the water. The report it prepared last year mentioned evaporation as 
a less desirable option. About 70% of the water in the tanks is contaminated 
beyond discharge limits but will be filtered again and diluted with seawater 
before it is released, the report says. According to a preliminary estimate, 
gradual releases of water will take more than 30 years but will be completed 
before the plant is fully decommissioned. Japan will abide by international 
rules for a release, obtain support from the International Atomic Energy Agency 
and others, and ensure disclosure of data and transparency to gain understanding
of the international community, the report said. China blasted the Japanese 
government for being "extremely irresponsible," and warned that it might take 
action. "The Japanese side has yet to exhaust all avenues of measures, 
disregarded domestic and external opposition, has decided to unilaterally 
release the Fukushima plant's nuclear waste water without full consultation with
its neighboring countries and the international community," the foreign ministry
statement said. "This action is extremely irresponsible and will pose serious 
harm to the health and safety of the people in neighboring countries and the 
international community." South Korea also isn't happy with Japan's decision. 
"The government expresses strong regret over the Japanese government's decision 
to release contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean," 
said Koo Yoon-cheol, head of South Korea's Office for Government Policy Coordination.
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Read more of this story[5] at Slashdot.
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Harvesting of the Amazon Basin and many of the Equatorial African forests have only added to the problem, as has the senseless jihad against carbon dioxide. We are living in an oxygen starved environment with oxygen levels far below our optimum performance requirements. As a result of deliberate acts against Mankind, our water is polluted, and our food is only partially oxidized during digestion for lack of adequate oxygen to burn it up -- which leaves a lot of toxic unconsumed food residue in our bodies, and results in chronic diseases occurring on an unprecedented scale. Hear this loud and clear: the problem is not enough oxygen. Excess of carbon dioxide is a secondary result. And the entire problem is caused by killing plants, both on land and sea. Repeat that as often as necessary to get it firmly through your heads and then carry the message forward. Talk about it. Send letters about it. Make a noise! Plants use carbon dioxide as a building block to grow and increase their mass, and they expel oxygen as a waste product of this process. When you kill the plants, two things happen --

  1. oxygen levels fall (no plants producing oxygen), and
  2. carbon dioxide levels increase (no plants using up carbon dioxide).

The idiot measures to artificially decrease the amount of carbon dioxide -- which harms the ability of the plants to survive by depriving them of the material they need to live -- is not only unspeakably stupid, it's criminal. Those who planned and executed the Fukushima disaster did this as a deliberate act of pollution and they intended deliberate mass death within the Pacific Biome as a result. Next, they raised their hands above their heads and started wailing about just one of the results -- the build up of unused carbon dioxide in the atmosphere -- and they propose to use this as an excuse to impose draconian taxes on carbon dioxide emissions, which will only worsen the problem they created by killing half the Pacific Ocean flora, while threatening the government of Japan and enriching themselves. Everyone on Ea-Rth needs to recognize what is actually going on here behind the Papal Curtain and Corporate Veil, and we all need to tear the rest of the gauze off. At this moment, the Enemy of all mankind is centered in a longitudinal ley line array with key points just west of Prague, just north of Meissen, Germany, and just south of Ulm, Germany. All remaining Light Workers and volunteers need to concentrate on clearing these energy centers and also on clearing another triangle just west of Cologne/Koln, just north of Vienna, and just west of Stuttgart, Germany, in the Pindar [Penis of the Dragon] (Rhein River Watershed). All those who feel ill-equipped for an energetic rough and tumble at this time, are advised to concentrate their energy on bolstering Avallon in France. Remember that I told you that the Kingdom of Camelot (actually Camelotte) is in France, and all the legends of "Avalon" are those of Avallon, in France, also. Fully inform all members of all governments worldwide, and most especially, the delegations to the United Nations and the Justices of the World Court. Put down the Paris New Green Deal with a thump and face the actual problem that has been created in your midst.

The remaining Fey are leading the charge, but the people of [the Ea-Rth Gaia] must rise to defend themselves from these criminals, must make use of their True God-given abilities.

See this article and over 3000 others on Anna's website here: [3]

How do we use your donations? Find out here. [4] [image 6] [6] [image 7]


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