yhwh 2021-12-19 16:52:15 -1000

Two Capitols, Three Kingdoms (Goddoms)
Anna von Reitz
Fri, 24 Aug 2018 08:54:11 -0800

A few days ago I observed that there are two Gods in the Bible.

It should come as no surprise that there are also two capitols of Israel, neither one of which is Tel Aviv.

Bethlehem, not Jerusalem, is the City of the Kings.

Is it not apparent that this same little town was the birthplace of King David? And also the birthplace of Jesus?

Bethlehem is the source of all glory and honor and love and life and truth.

And what comes forth from Jerusalem? Just the opposite.

Jerusalem is the place of death and reckoning and scheming, jealousy, lies, and hatred.

So how can you think that Jerusalem should be crowned? Except that you are deceived?

Jerusalem is Satan's capitol in the land of Israel.

The "New Jerusalem" spoken of in the Bible is not a re-make of Jerusalem. It is a new city, one that is not built on misery and blood.

Likewise, our capitol is Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love, not Washington, DC.

Tiny Assisi is the true capitol of Italy, not Rome.

All around the world, it is the same. We have the capitol cities of the True God, and the capitols of Satan. They belong to two separate kingdoms.

This should not surprise anyone, yet it does.

Now comes a Third Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven.

We must learn to think with new thoughts and see with new eyes, or we will all be in a constant state of paralyzing amazement, even though everything has been foretold for thousands of years and has been here in front of us the whole time.

As the Kingdom of Earth is restored and the Kingdom of Heaven takes root and grows, the Kingdom of Satan is naturally overthrown and taken over, because Mankind is no longer deceived and makes new choices accordingly.

Suppose that we were all afflicted with some strange delusion and we all believe that dog poop is wonderful food. When that delusion ends, the truth is bound to come as a shock, but would you rather continue to suffer the delusion?

It is the same way with our condition now.

The waking up isn't entirely pleasant, but we are set free by it, and enabled to make new choices.

For many generations you have been taught that the Kingdom of Heaven comes like a thief in the night, which is true. It is already here, already taking form. There is no big thunderclap, no announcement.

Our Father doesn't talk a lot about doing things. He does them.

Soon, miracles will become common place, and the new capitols of the new kingdom will appear. Don't be surprised or dismayed; be grateful and rejoice.

But Which "God"?
Anna von Reitz

I don't know how this is possible, but it is very clear that a great many people have remained ignorant about their professed religion as well as their government.

The Bible tells us explicitly and by inference that there are multiple "gods" out there plying their wares. Why say, "have no other gods before me" if there aren't other "gods" being offered to you for you to worship?

"God" is a title, not a name.

So when someone (especially the vermin) start talking about "God" you have to inquire, "Which God?" the same way you have to ask, "Which United States?"

The True and Living God we know as the Creator, whose name and title in Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic is: "Yahavah", means, "Yah, the Creator" -- or some "other" God?

Yahavah's Son is "Yashuah" sometimes transliterated as "Yeshuah" -- which means "Yah's Anointed One".

There is only one Living God.

All other gods are dead.

They are little idols, like carved wooden statues, or the coins in your pockets -- "representations" of reality, not reality itself.

"Christ" means "Anointed One" -- but again, whose anointed one? The Anointed One of Yah? Or the Anointed One of Sam Spade?

Likewise, "Christians" translates as "Followers of the Anointed One" -- but which Anointed One?

The Satanists have built a whole "parallel" religion to mirror the faith of the Apostles -- which was never a "religion" and never a "church".

They have taught us to use the name "Jesus" instead of "Yahshuah" and they have taught us to worship "God" and "Jehovah" instead of "Yahavah" and they have taught us to say "Amen" -- the name of an Egyptian deity at the end of every prayer, to make sure our prayers get dropped in the "Dead Letter Box" the moment they leave our lips.

Then we wonder why prayers go unanswered?

Instead, worship "in spirit" and "in truth" -- with your living heart and soul, not with twisted words. Just try. You will discover that you know how to pray without words. And then you will discover that "double-mindedness" vanishes and that in union with Yahavah, all things are possible.

Make good things manifest according to the ultimate and unfathomable goodness of our Creator. Bypass all the fear and ugliness and go straight home to your Father, and let the sons of the Devil go home to theirs, too.

Yah, the One, lives in you and makes you part of All. There is only one "God" -- one Creator, one Life, one Ordering Principle.

All else is deception and idolatry and just plain old hot air.

If these vermin would deceive you about "which" United States of America they are talking about, would they hesitate a moment to deceive you about which "God" they are serving?

Or which "law" they are observing?

Do you think it is amusing that cannibals want you to drink blood from your communion cup? Instead of remembering "as often as you drink (wine)" -- Yah's Anointed One?

What would happen if every time wine touched your lips, you remembered Him? And every time you had a piece of bread?

Do you think it is a coincidence that churches have converted the faith of living men into the doctrine and rules of dead institutions?

That they have also mis-represented their laws as "God's Laws"?

Or that the leaders of these institutions have set themselves above you and sought to place themselves between you and Yah as middlemen and arbiters?

Do you think it is funny that they have sought to keep you from communion and placed a price on it and also sold forgiveness which they have never earned?

That they have turned your body, the House of Yah, into a bonded slave for them and called a business Joint Venture a "marriage"?

Where is your common sense?

How could you believe in, much less consent to this?

There is no end to their blasphemy and evil, their recklessness and greed -- but if you would save yourselves and save your country, you must wake up.

You must repent of all this error and discern the gaping Pit prepared for them. You must come out of Babylon and know which "God" you serve.

[ Above a certain density there is no duality, which means a balance of yin and yang, i.e. everything above a certain level is purely androgynous. Therefore, there is no "God" versus "Goddess" -- There is only God(dess) / All-That-Is / Source / Creator and all of its' creations... a whole universe full! It is "anthropomorphization" by humans, to create a "God" who looks like them, when the infinite faceless nameless source, (to me, the Great Creatrix), is vastly beyond anything like an "embodiment".
Let me further clarify between my "having been reborn with Christ spirit within one's heart+soul" versus accepting "The Bible" in toto, as i have found many errors therein, along with a lot of {psycho,socio}pathy: -- celeste ]


Adam's Punishment
By: Anna von Reitz
Wed, 5 Sep 2018 22:55:04 -0800

You remember the Book of Genesis account of the Garden of Eden story -- Adam, Eve, Serpent, and Apple?

I've brought this to everyone's attention before, but it is time to do it again --

Okay, the Serpent has worked his typical half-truth deceit, lied to Eve -- you won't die... right away... and Adam and Eve have eaten the apple and the Lord Almighty has, of course, figured out the whole situation.

It is now Judgment Day in Eden. What happens?

The snake is condemned to crawl on his belly in the dust for the rest of his days and his children and Eve's children will be enemies ever after.

Eve's child-bearing risk and pain is greatly increased. She is stuck with being attracted to that lunk-head, Adam, and forced to serve him.

Both the serpent and Eve take their lumps in silence. They accept their guilt and their punishment.

Adam is the only one that whines and blames Eve for his sin -- and God doesn't pronounce that same kind of judgment and specific punishment for him. This is because Adam punished himself.

Let me explain --

What happens when you abdicate responsibility?

You lose the rights that went with the responsibility.

Adam lost the keys to his kingdom, his peace, the balance of his mind, and his eternal life -- not because he sinned -- but because he failed to accept responsibility for his sin. He lied about it and became subject to self-delusion and death and helplessness instead.

Eve and the Snake, however, passed the test.

They both accepted responsibility and the right to rule.

So here in the very beginning of the scripture is also the end of it. It is in Genesis that the entire secret is revealed: Adam can accept responsibility for his sins. Even now.

When the men of this planet accept their responsibility for their sins all the blaming and the delusions and the unending punishment can stop.

Jesus accepted responsibility for everyone else's sinning and forgave it. Like Eve and the snake, he did so in silence, not blaming anyone.

That is how Jesus overcame Adam's sin and became the King of Kings -- not as a sacrifice, but as a ruler who accepted all the responsibilities of being King, and who earned all the rights that go with them.

So then, let us follow after Him, Our King, resolved to pass the final test and soldier on, no longer blaming anyone else, no longer being deluded, and no longer needing to deceive anyone.

We, too, can overcome.