legal_search 2021-12-19 16:52:09 -1000
Two Important Links to Share, Share, Share...
by Anna Maria Riezinger
Below are easy, step-by-step instructions on
on ANY subject in ANY jurisdiction absolutely FREE OF CHARGE.
- [Open a web browser with this link:]
- Then, CLICK on "CASE LAW".
- A LIST of ALL state and federal JURISDICTIONS in the United States WILL
- Then, CLICK ON ANY relevant STATE or FEDERAL JURISDICTION in which you
want the law (OR PICK ALL JURISDICTIONS for an overview of ALL of the law
across the country on the same legal subject).
- Then, CLICK on "DONE".
- Then, KEY IN ANY LEGAL SUBJECT into the search bar, BOTH WITH AND
WITHOUT QUOTATION MARKS (ex: "sovereign citizen", "individual sovereignty",
legal effect of not being a "party or signatory to any law", whether a
person is "exempt from all laws except those to which he voluntarily
assents", "consent to jurisdiction" in a criminal or traffic case, "refusal
to consent to jurisdiction" in a criminal or traffic case, "without a
victim, there can be no crime or traffic offense", "the requirement of a
victim" in a criminal or traffic case, "a victim is required" in a criminal
or traffic case, "there was no victim" in criminal or traffic case, "right
to travel", "I was not driving a motor vehicle. I was travelling in my
privately owned conveyance", "no driver's license is required", "a driver's
license is not required", "the traffic stop was unconstitutional", "the
arrest was unconstitutional", "the requirement of a driver's license is
unconstitutional", "the requirement of auto insurance is unconstitutional",
"the requirement of a license plate is unconstitutional", "a driver's
license is a contract", "refusal to sign the ticket", "corporate courts",
"admiralty courts", whether "the law only applies to governments and
artificial persons, not to natural persons", "artificial person", "capital
letters", "flesh and blood person", "birth certificate bond", "straw man",
"redemption", "accepted for value", "de facto government", "the judge has a
personal interest in the case", "right to be represented by a non-lawyer",
"represented by an attorney in fact", "represented by a power of
attorney", whether "gold and silver are the only lawful money", "federal
income tax law does not apply outside Washington, D.C. and other federal
territories", whether "federal law applies outside Washington, D.C. and
other federal territories", whether "there are two different constitutions",
"the Act of 1871", whether "the IRS is a Puerto Rican corporation",
"positive law", "the bar association is a monopoly", "The ABA is a
monopoly", "judicial immunity", "prosecutorial immunity", "absolute
[government] official immunity", "filed a lien against a judge", "11th
amendment immunity", whether a government officer/official can be
"personally liable for official actions taken under color of law", whether
"gold fringe on the American flag" in court converts and transforms the
court into an "admiralty or military court", whether a county is a
"commercial entity engaged in commerce",etc.).
- You may also key in ANY STATUTE NUMBER in the relevant jurisdiction (ex:
"21052 California Vehicle Code" which allegedly limits the application of
the entire motor vehicle code to the motorists and vehicles described in
that single section of the code OR "28 U.S.C. ยง 3002 (15) (a)" which
allegedly proves that the federal government is a private, for-profit
corporation, etc.).
- You can also key in ANY state or FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL SECTION (ex:
"Article I, section 8, clause 3" which authorizes the federal government,
as distinguished from state governments, to require driver's licenses ONLY
in connection with "interstate commerce").
- Simply read the cases that come up. [...]