
[a]scension blog

1st April 1971

Cannabis as Entheogen and Herbal Medicine

While I agree in general with Teal Swan's stance on Entheogens, please note that she is coming from the perspective of living in a female human body.
The reality of male human bodies is quite different, especially when it comes to the driving effects of testosterone.
Back in the '60's there was some concern amongst male tokers over "gynocomastia", the growth of breast tissue due to the cannabanoids' similarity to female hormones.
Cannabanoids can be quite helpful to the male seeking to balance yin and yang in his body.
Take, for example, this testimony by D. W. Klousie.

Cannabanoids are also a complete cure for cancer, witness the Patent therefore held by THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INCORPSE-ORATED, and the efficacy demonstrated by the simplest process of extracting oils, (yet a bit of a fire hazard), (preferrably from Cannabis Indica versus the more common Cannabis Sativa), pioneered by Rick Simpson in Canada.

It is also fairly well known that the actual smoking of Cannabis demonstrates its amplification of cell apoptosis, (cell suicide), preferrential for cancerated lung tissue, thus curing lung cancer.

In general, any tool, including entheogens, is best used on the spiritual path, to make you aware (revelation) of a reality or state of consciousness, and then the challenge is to learn how to directly create by intent alone, the same reality or state of consciousness, sans entheogen.

The entheogens consistently take you to a vibrational state or consciousness level, the set of frequencies of their DNA.
If that state is higher in frequency than you were previously at, it has "uplifted" you, whereas, if that state is lower in frequency than you were previously at, it has "lowered" you... a sign that it no longer serves you, that you have outgrown it.

One of the female survivors of the CIA's M(ind)K(ontrol)-Ultra program stated that the only "drug" they were prohibited from consuming was cannabis, because it facilitates creating new neural connections in the brain, whereas all the trauma-based mind control is based upon breaking connections, fracturing consciousness into different personalities.

My own spirit continues to support the idea that cannabanoids support my creativity, specifically, my writing, (either articles or software), and my music, (jazz improvization via my flute).

-- celeste

Changes - Cure All
by Aug Tellez

I was informed that this is part of the big process of unveiling the hidden knowledge. This is about herbal healing. Herbs, essential oils, frequencies, plants, balance within the body’s systems.

Herbs like turmeric, cinnamon, and ginger and healing plants along with the vital bio-available nutrients in plants. Humanity is currently separated from this form of healing. The land and the natural resources are polluted and the body is as well. What happens to Earth, happens to the human.

Herbal healing and vital eating can not only bring health but can have an impact on the environment dealing with physical pollution, e.g. mushrooms that can digest oil as shown by Paul Stammet

Some of us have been here before, and there are multiple reality streams present. In one of them hemp and cannabis is used to reverse the DNA damaging effects of basically all the poisons that have been ravaging all life on Earth.

Could this be what initiates ‘higher’ cycles of change in society? If it is acknowledged that cannabis is one of the ‘cure-alls’ on Earth and can heal or slow the damage from wifi, free-radicals, mental/psychic attack, programming, brain and body disease, and that ‘highs’ are related to enhanced or altered perceptions and psychological states while alcohol, chemical sedatives, depressants, barbiturates, stimulants, and others are merely blocking out or numbing those signals of the brain.

This is about the possibility of using hemp to replace plastics, oils, fibers, clothing, and to produce food along with many other products.

CBD’s and juicing are what the health aspect is about. This is the main aspect. It’s not about people getting stoned although that is something. It’s the fact that those oils and juices can actually reverse all the diseases and disorders that are plaguing Humanity, being caused by artificial products that people buy, and are profited off of by the [p]harmaceutical and private for profit prison industry.

Then the nature of psychedelics, and the relation to the tribes and the ancient civilizations, the nature of reality, vibrations, energy, consciousness, all would begin to unravel and change the perspective of psychology, leadership, death, and ultimately the entire deception based system.

Finally, people would have to come to terms with the reason WHY they were misinformed. This would change their understanding of authority FOREVER.

This would be a beneficial way of doing this. If we come to terms with the deception system through the masses not being reached and continuing to buy into the system until it up roots them, then we have a repeat situation of economic drain and recovery but the chances for this will likely never be the same again.

Quantum computers have been developed that guide the decision making process of changes and only a mass communal ‘reaching in’ of the people to each other to show and see the truth will change the outcome.

It’s about the heart. If people want a war over ideals and differences, then reality becomes a war-zone at the cost of the true cure of existence. If people see through the heart, then the truth will be safely understood starting with those who are aware of where all of this is going and the possible ways it can play out.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will reclassify marijuana as a "Schedule Two" drug on 2016-08-01, essentially legalizing medicinal cannabis in all 50 STATES OF STATES, with a doctor's prescription, said a DEA lawyer with knowledge of the matter. [ the AMA + ABA must ensure profit for their minions, at the expense of the well-being of the people at large...
...or... you can come out of Mammon. ]

The ultimate truth comes from the public admittance that our brain produces cannabinoids to heal and that the entire drug war was to produce a viable black-market that could be used to generate income as well as control the populations' ability to heal itself.

September 28, 2016 -- Aug Tellez

The following article applies only to U.S. Citizens

The US Patent and Trademark Office issued Guidance for the examination of trademark applications for hemp and cannabidiol ("CBD") containing goods. The guidance comes after the enactment of the 2018 Farm Bill, which exempted hemp (i.e., cannabis sativa L. with a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC") concentration of not more than .3% on a dry weight basis) and its constituents (e.g., CBD) from the definition of "Marihuana" [sic] in the Controlled Substances Act ("CSA"). As a result of the Farm Bill, hemp is no longer a controlled substance.

The USPTO refuses to register marks for goods and/or services that show a clear violation of federal law, regardless of the legality of the goods/services under state law. Previously, this included goods that contain hemp or CBD -- both of which were controlled substances.

The USPTO has indicated that applications filed on or after the effective date of the Farm Bill (December 20, 2018), which identify goods that are, or are derived from, hemp, may proceed towards registration, provided the identification of goods specifies that they contain less than 0.3% THC. Additionally, applicants who filed before December 20, 2018 will have the option to amend the filing date of their applications to December 20, 2018, and also be required to amend the identification of goods.

Importantly, the Farm Bill explicitly preserved FDA's authority to regulate products containing cannabis (including hemp) and cannabis-derived compounds (including CBD). The Food Drug and Cosmetic Act prohibits the use of drugs and/or substances undergoing clinical investigations in food or dietary supplements without FDA approval. Because CBD is an active ingredient in FDA-approved drugs, and is undergoing clinical investigation, it may not be lawfully used in foods, beverages or dietary supplements in interstate commerce. Accordingly, applications for marks that identify CBD-containing foods, beverages, dietary supplements, or pet treats will still be refused as unlawful under the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act ("FDCA").

This means that for now, your federal trademark application for a CBD IPA will [still] not be approved.

Just a few days earlier, on April 25, 2019, TTB had a similar message. TTB released Industry Circular 2019-1 saying that while TTB may approve formulas and alcohol beverages that contain hemp seeds or hemp oil, TTB will set aside just about anything with THC, CBD or marijuana.

Frank Y. Knizner, Attorney at Lehrman Beverage Law, PLLC.

[ The following serves as an example of unalienable rights of the living soul versus the strawman. -- celeste ]

Special Message About Marijuana "Law" By Anna Von Reitz 06 Jan 2018 07:07 AM PST

Most of my faithful readers are now sharp enough to already know the answer to the present controversy regarding AG Session's enforcement of federal sanctions against state-legalized marijuana.

My readers know that AG Sessions isn't addressing the actual states. He is addressing the federated "States of States"
-- which he has control over because they are nothing but corporate franchises of the federal parent corporations.

Does Burger King, Inc., have the right to dictate policy and rules and place limits on your local Burger King franchise?

Of course, they do. That is what being a franchise is all about. You buy into a successful product line and marketing system in order to promote it and profit from it.

So your local Dairy Queen carries the same ice cream, same menu, same signage, same uniforms as every other Dairy Queen.

It's the same way with the federal corporations. You want to be a Territorial franchise and share in federal block grants? Fine, you organize a "State of State" franchise and toe the parent corporation's line.

You want a share of federal racketeering profits? You open a STATE OF STATE franchise. Same deal.

So when Attorney General Sessions tells his corporate goons to enforce the parent corporations' policy about marijuana on the State of State franchises
-- does he have the right to do so?

Of course, he does.

You can't have Burger King serving Kentucky Fried Chicken, right? If you are a franchise operation you have to ride for the brand, wear the colors, adhere to the menu, prepare the product according to the centrally controlled recipe...

So Jeff Sessions is just telling the franchises to get back in line and obey the franchise agreement and follow the parent corporation rules.

And from his perspective, this makes perfect sense
-- especially when these State of State franchises are taking in billions of dollars in new revenue from marijuana sales and aren't cutting the Mama Corporation in on the deal.

So this is NOT a "state's rights" issue. AG Sessions isn't talking to the states. He is talking to the States of States, which are franchises of federal corporations he represents.

In truth and in fact marijuana use has ALWAYS been lawful. There is no way for any actual state to interfere with your right to grow, eat, smoke, or otherwise use a plant however you see fit.

Also in truth and in fact, no actual state can control in-state domestic sales and trades involving marijuana.

It's only when marijuana sales cross state lines and it becomes an issue of "interstate trade" that sale or transport of marijuana becomes a federal issue at all.

So here is the deal
-- growing and using marijuana is lawful and always has been. So long as it is purely in-state and local, the federal government has nothing to say about it, similar to the situation wherein anyone can make their own beer and wine and hard liquor without any government interference, but even more liberal, because the federal government was given explicit control over interstate commerce involving alcohol, tobacco and firearms (as sources of income supporting the federal government) and has never been granted any special interest in [other] drugs at all.

But, does the federal corporation have the right to set and enforce rules and policies for its franchises and employees?

You betcha.

Now it is just a matter of each and every one of you making your choices and deciding what your political status is and whether or not you are going to serve the federal corporations as "volunteers" (which they claim we are) or as employees or as franchisees?

You decide whether or not you are a "US citizen" and obligated to follow every whim and policy of Congress or not. Are you a franchisee? Are you subject to the rules of the US Army? Do you have to obey the company policies of the Company?

Jeff Sessions is well within his rights to boss around the States of States and STATES OF STATES. And he isn't even talking to the actual states and people, because he knows better.

But do you? Does the Congressional Delegation "representing" your state?

"One dishonorable man is a disgrace, two dishonorable men are a law firm, and three or more are a Congress...."
-- John Adams


How To Make "Green Dragon" Cannabis Tincture
by Rob Schmidt

Green Dragon cannabis tincture is a great way to administer cannabis for non-smokers or those just looking to be discrete. Green Dragon tincture is made by leaching cannabis compounds from buds, leaves, or stems into a solvent. The Tetra-Hydro-Cannabanol dissolves into the solvent, along with cannabinoids, terpinoids, and chlorophyll, typically resulting in very potent dark green or brown liquid, hence the "Green Dragon" name. Tinctures are typically consumed directly by placing drops on or under the tongue or by mixing your tincture with food or beverage.

Tincture solvents can be anything from high-proof alcohol to glycerin. Some other choices include absinthe, vinegar, and ethanol. The advantage of ethanol is that being close to neutral pH, both acidic and alkaline cannabis constituents dissolve readily. Glycerin is a generally a poorer solvent, and vinegar being acidic, dissolves alkaloids well but not so with acids. Glycerin is a great choice for people who do not imbibe alcohol for medical, religious or moral reasons.

To make our Green Dragon we chose Everclear and Absinthe as our solvents.

NOTICE: Green Dragon can be very potent; therefore when using any cannabis tincture for the first time, test the tincture strength by taking a small dose to get started. Try 2 drops and see what you feel like in 30 minutes. Proceed with caution.

Green Dragon Preparation

What you need:

How to make Green Dragon cannabis tincture


Next 2-4 weeks

After 2 to 4 weeks

Cannabis Tincture Notes

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