Republican Form of Government

GOAL – Form a Republican form of government for american men and women, the Indian tribes and Canadian Provinces.  See:  attachment (5 pages of Jural Assembly for one territory).

Declaration of Independence created in 1776 and is the 1st organic law.

united states of America included in same and is designated as the Republic.

UNITED STATES is included in the Declaration of Independence signifying it as a corporation and  that it existed 100 years before the Revolutionary War.  See Republica v. Sweers, 1 Dallas 43, and 28 USC 3002(15)  designated as the democracy.

Articles of Confederation created in 1777 by colonies and is designated as the 2nd organic law.  Article I of the Articles of Confederation includes unites states of America designated as a Republican  form  government for the people.

Articles of Confederation include the United States in it and is designated as the corporation/democracy.

None of the seals or constitutions of the colonies were submitted to the people to be voted on.

Constitutionforthe united states of America was never ratified by founding fathers and is the 3rd organic law.

Northwest Ordinance of 1787 never ratified by the founding fathers and is the 4th organic law.

U.S. Constitution created in 1787 for corporate government.

On August 9, 1790, Article One of the U.S. Statutes at Large ([ages 138-178) abolished the State of the Republic and created Federal Districts in the same year the former States of the Republic reorganized as corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each state for a vote.  Why this time?  Because the new state constitutions fraudulently made the people citizens of the new corporate state for 220 years until present.

1)  in 2011, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania brought forward the original constitution and seal, and was submitted to the people.   A  lawful nation-state was brought forward under Article II of the Articles of Confederation, which states “the states retain their sovereignty and independence”. A copy of this paperword was submitted to the private sides of the Hague, Universal Postal Union in Berne Switzerland and the United Nations.

In 2011, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia followed the same process and the three venues were noticed.

In 2013, the nine colonies above met and joined together to form the Republic (just as in 1777) and filed Notice Number 1 to the Hague, United Nations, Universal Postal Union,  and also noticed the Pentagon.

In 2014, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware and Connecticut were brought forward.

In 2015, the 13 colonies came forward as lawful nation-states and convened Continental Congress, set up the Committee of States to bring forward territories.  Notice was sent to the four venues.

In 2018, Committee of States convened and brought forward 24 territories, 13 colonies, Republic of Texas, and Kin-dom of Hawai'i to form the Republic of 39 nation-states. Notice 3 was sent to the four venues.

Currently working to bring forward the remaining territories.


1.  alternative energy

2.  Monetary system

3.  Build Communities (4 administrators)

4.  Education (self-governance)

5.  Enforcement (How to be private and remain private)

Committee of States will then go out of business and the Continental Congress will re-convene and bring forward 500 plus Indian Tribes into Republic via treaty.

Continental Congress will finally bring forward Canadian Provinces into a Republican form of government under the Articles of Confederation.
