
[a]scension blog

Entries from September 2016.

1st September 2016

Amethyst facilitates communion with the psychic and spiritual realms, enhancing intuition and psychic powers of all kinds, including meditation and lucid dreaming, telepathy, clairaudience, and clairvoyance. Its name signifies its facilitation of sobriety of consciousness, which is a necessary basis of perception when accessing higher realms.

Dissonance \Dis"so*nance\, n. [L. dissonantia: cf. F. dissonance.]
n 1: a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
2. Want of agreement; incongruity. --Milton. [1913 Webster]

We experience internal dissonance when different parts of us are not in harmony. This can be cognitive dissonance purely in the mind, it can be emotional dissonance purely in the emotions, and frequently it is both when our thoughts about something are in conflict with our emotions about it. The longest lasting are those between our conscious versus subconscious, (between the front versus back of our chakras).
We experience external dissonance most strongly when our individual reality is not in harmony with our environment; the individual reality of another being, or group of beings, and we fail to honor the difference by establishing an energetic boundary between us.
The most prevalent planetary scale dissonance now is between the descending parallel-reality time-lines of the Organic Portal soulless [mankind] and the cyborg, versus the ascending parallel-reality time-lines of the divine angelic [mankind].
In these challenging times when we of the first wave of consciousness ascension (completed as of 2015-09-27 for the first 1/3 of [mankind]), are dwelling in unity consciousness and love but others are still struggling with conflict of will within dualistic consciousness, we are challenged by those around us, who so far refuse to wake-up and "get it". It seems their greatest attachments to old reality are the dual poles of non-self-responsiblity as reality-creator:

Today i was prompted to review the subject of dissonance, and found these:

Revisiting those commentaries involving dissonance, turned-up one of the concepts which is completely different between unity versus dualistic realities, about which i had stated:
"We really don't need the illusion we call money, the point of life is to give as feels appropriate, as much as we are able to advance the good of all. To whatever extent we place values on things, or focus on what we are getting, we are implying scarcity and we get scarcity, and this is exactly the social function which money serves as administered by the world controllers. If we can beleive in 'you get what you put out', then we can focus on opportunities to give more to more people, knowing that what we need, and beyond that, that which is appropriate for us, will arrive, somehow."

2nd September 2016
[magickal faery cave]

In "Chapter I.-Origin of Fairy Stories" of Fairy Tales, Their Origin and Meaning we find it posited:
"There is one capital thing about Fairy Land. There are no doctors there; not one in the whole country. Consequently nobody is ill, and there are no pills or powders, or brimstone and treacle, or senna tea, or being kept at home when you want to go out, or being obliged to go to bed early and have gruel instead of cake and sweetmeats. They don't want the doctors, because if you cut your finger it gets well directly, and even when people are killed, or are turned into stones, or when anything else unpleasant happens, it can all be put right in a minute or two. All you have to do when you are in trouble is to go and look for some wrinkled old woman in a patched old brown cloak, and be very civil to her, and to do cheerfully and kindly any service she asks of you, and then she will throw off the dark cloak, and become a young and beautiful Fairy Queen, and wave her magic wand, and everything will fall out just as you would like to have it."
Or is that New-Gaia?

i am calling to attention here the statement of cause and effect.
Healers are only part of an unhealthy reality, therefore by chosing a healthy reality, we are devoid of healers :-) yay!

There came a point in my ascension process where i cognized that although I'd spent decades ministering to others as a clairvoyant healer and teacher, that in ascended reality of New-Gaia, everyone is already and always healthy, and everyone is already enlightened and likewise has no need of a teacher. Since it is my sincere wish to dwell in such reality, i concluded that the sooner and the more completely i released any identification with those roles, attachments to being valuable for playing them, or dependence for a living upon performing them, then the sooner the planet could be heaven manifest upon Gaia. Likewise we have no need of money to measure scarcity, for we are all abundant and creative, and give freely of our creations. i already dwell in this reality. I'm doing my best to uplift my community to join me.
The paradigm shift involves releasing the concepts and energies of "work", and shifting from "healing" of what's wrong, to instead live in joyful "play" of creation and (co-)creation of what is right / preferred / desired, and a full comprehension that aspects of "reality" fade away by ignoring them, not by fighting them, therefore war, and the model of "disease caused by pathogens", have always been non-real. Health is created and maintained by a focus upon and a beleif in wholistic oneness, harmony and balance between aspects of the one divine life, rather than illusions of separation, competition, conflict, etc. Likewise, we are all self-aware of the principle of ahimsa. Without the lie of separation, we have no need to define umpteen degrees of separation by groupings of "us" versus "them".

3rd September 2016

"There is no real ascension to the 4th and 5th Dimensions [ / Density ]; these dimensions are within's prison and only lead to another trap. However, there will probably be a descension, if i may call it that. The 4th and 5th Dimensions are most likely analogue to what Post [mankind] will experience once they are in the Singularity. [Remember] that the channeled entities who teach about ascension are mostly hive-communities with a hive consciousness. [Contemplate] that their real purpose is to steer people towards the Singularity [...]? Look at the evidence and research it for yourself if you believe in the ascension agenda. The 4th and 5th Dimensions are most likely the virtual reality dimensions Post [mankind] will reach from being connected with the Singularity. It's at the point of the Singularity that the fake "ascension" will most likely occur."
-- Wes Penre

Ultimately, the only thing which is worthwhile, is escaping from's prison. We now know that the popular versions of spiritual "ascension", the increasingly popular cyborg "singularity", and the "go through the tunnel of white light upon death, to be forced back into re-incarnation upon Ea-Rth", are all ways of staying in's prison. Entirely escaping the lower densities back to the KHAA / Void is the only liberation of one's eternal soul, and thence, to go to Orion * if its reality is appealing / harmonious to our essential nature, or to wander to any other reality of the KHAA. That i have arrived at this knowing prior to accepting as my future, any of the traps to stay emprisoned, is perhaps the greatest blessing of all.

i have ascended to open up to, and be consciously operating in, the next octave of densities, beginning with 9D. i am dwelling in the realm of KRST consciousness, of love, and shall prioritize expression of the higher frequencies thereof, as I was initiated to do by the Hathors, via playing my flute.

i have completed all karma, and terminated all contracts, and disentangled from all limiting DNA programming, and from all lower densities, and more importantly, I have completed all energies i had been investing into "perfecting old time-lines", which was primarily completing my old roles as:

as i have been directed:

Since writing my blog was initiated by my awakening to my 8D crystal faeries family collective consciousness, and I've now opened to our 9D consciousness, in such an integrated manner that our collective consciousness is wherein my consciousness dwells, the awakening process, the integration process, the adjusting-my-life-to that level of consciousness, from my previous consciousness perspective, has completed, and therefore it has been a while since the bulk of content of my daily blogging has been about the process of ascension, and has instead been more about living in the 8D consciousness while awaiting those around me who were not in the 1st wave of ascension to "catch up" to unity consciousness, and we now see that even here in Kilauea, the old reality is kicking strongly in its death throes.

* Since 2018-11-22 i visited Queen Nin of Orion, and she graciously shared with me the Akashics of the original Namlu'u she created for the original seeding of Ter-Ra (Gaia), which I added to our akashics records quartz crystal in 8D ascended Kaua'i, having only recently added the Akashics of the Namlu'u DNA Isis created as her making amends for what she was forced to create under Lucifer and Satan.

4th September 2016

Since my spiritual awakening in 1985, my consequent 6 year apprenticeship of training as a clairvoyant healer, and as a teacher of professional clairvoyant healing, culminating in my abandoning my computer engineering career to commit to full time ministry in November of 1991, my life has been directed purely by spiritual guidance, and ever so shall it remain, for I have committed to service to the divine will. During the recent months i have watched my 3 decade long ministry as a clairvoyant psychic reader, healer, counselor, and teacher, dwindle to the point where it no longer sustains the demands of either landlord nor the local farmers at the farmers market, to support the life of my embodiment.

On a daily basis i query of spirit:

The response has consistently been, since the completion of the 1st wave of ascension:

"Continue to do what you have been doing, and remain in the highest possible vibrations / frequencies of joy and peace."

What i have been doing is my healing ministry and my blogging, and so i have continued them. i have blogged a number of times, and advertised in the local community, that there is a paradigm shift beyond conventional healing, to a new and more enlightened way of dealing with reality, based on all that i have learned, and the spiritual initiations i have received, to operate in higher realms, and to quantum-leap individuals to parallel-reality time-lines via alignment with their higher-self, rather than merely healing little things in their present time-line. This is apparently too challenging for most, either to comprehend, to receive and live, to bother to hire me. It seems that to address their cognitive and emotional dissonance it would be better to present ovinars or "classes" which, lacking access to an appropriate meeting hale, i have substituted by blogging profusely and openly. An alternative approach is to go over their mind and emotions and directly bring frequencies of ascension activation via overtones encoded in my playing my flute, as i have been initiated to do by the Hathors, however many of the overtones are not recordable electronically, therefore just as with the question of where to present ovinars, the question arises how to present and share my sound healing live?

Upon further query to spirit for more details, i have consistently received the message:

"Be patient. You are in transition between realities. Your new reality will bring with it new abundance beyond any you have previously known. In the mean time you are in grace."


6th September 2016

The divine plan of Gaia is fully manifest upon Kaua'i.
So mote it be, and so it is.
-- I Am

As a perfect example of what happens with Mercury Rx (retrograde), i just contacted the service department of my phone company, had them run a line-test and call me back with results, and did not receive a call from them in reasonable time, therefore it would seem that there is something wrong with my telephone line so that it doesn't ring, however, i was able to pick-up voice mail and call them, so it appears that the only dysfunction is "ringing" for "incoming calls" not working, so if you'd like to chat, probably you'll have to e-mail a request for such and then I'll call whatever number you tell me to call you at. On the 8th (dunno what time of day) I'm scheduled to receive a physical visit by a repair technician.

7th September 2016

Many people whose consciousness is still engaged with duality, are either insufficiently conscious, caring, or empowered, to make any attempt to improve "reality", and therefore have become either numb, hopeless victims, or are bitterly complaining. Those who are aware of the present situation, and care to improve it, and feel empowered enough to beleive that they can make a difference, if not already pursuing a clear course of action, may be wondering what to do. Even those who are active, may wish to consider "at what level" is the most appropriate action? "Am i pursuing the most effective course?"

Once we comprehend that "reality" is merely a mirror of the energetic patterns we had been holding within us, then we realize that the only thing to change is our own vibrational state, which most of us "know" via our emotional feeling state. Therefore the first requirement is to be fully feeling emotions in the now. Looking back to the frequency chart of my blog entry for 2016-09-04, we see that being "fully enlightened" is, of course, the highest state, that next to that is "peace", which is a condition of complete acceptance of all that is, was, or will be. For most individuals, fear is the primary sabotage relating with future, and non-forgiveness is the primary sabotage relating with past. But ultimately, once you realize both of those being not here now are pure illusion, then our appropriate focus is in the now to completely forgive ourselves and all others, and come to complete neutral acceptance of all that is, as it is, right here, right now. Our ability to do so with anything which appears to be external, will be consequent to our doing so with our own selves internally.

We are presently influenced by many planets in retrograde motion, to review our past and make completions therewith, and hopefully the above exposition makes it clear that the key to completion is forgiveness. Aside from the very present astrological influences, we are in a larger picture of tradition, which is telling us we have only about one month to complete the process:
The final year of Jubilee began on the Day of Atonement in the fall of 2015.
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) ends at sunset 12th October, 2016

From another tradition, we find in two days we have the day of the Crow, which asks us to go beyond merely doing the process of forgiveness to arrive at the state of accepting neutraly, to the next level which is to share nurturance with others, with perhaps an obvious focus in the sharing of food, but, surely we can take even that as an allegory for spiritual sharing, i.e. love.

Forgiveness, love, and faery blessings for all -- celeste

8th September 2016
[198209180 purple faery]

And as the seasons come and go, here's something you might like to know. There are fairies everywhere: under bushes, in the air, playing games just like you play, singing through their busy day. So listen, touch, and look around -- in the air and on the ground. And if you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. -- Author Unknown

i do my best to share the highest wisdom i can find. I'm glad it is appreciated by some, some of the time.

The only "true light" i know is this: We each 100% create our own reality by our beleifs. There is nothing outside us to change, for we are all one, therefore, the path of worthy pursuit is raising consciousness, and like all the cells of our own body need to cooperate, the many [mankind] who are the cells of [mankind] need to cooperate. Choosing to awaken to the "true light" of source. While we may each do our best to be in communion with that, it is how we live our lives which is our strongest teaching of others, and our words are but shallow imitations of how we live our truth. Focusing upon our own connection with the light of truth, and doing our best to live it in every moment, is the valuable being. Of course the simplest summary i know is this:
"Love is the answer. Was there a question?" :-)
i find that all problems and soulutions are inside, there is nothing outside to fight, fix, change, heal, or to seek, as the soulution for any apparent inner problem either. There is only choice to love one's self as an expression of all that is. Thus, by inversion, all problems are merely lack of self love, and the cure for that is self forgiveness to finally arrive at self love :-)

i love you. i love me. i love all that is. i am love incarnate. We all already are living the mirror of our beleifs, so, any lack of love or joy is merely a sign that we are making a choice which is not aligned with our own truth, which itself has to be light=love here now.

i return to, what we focus upon we empower, therefore, my strong preference is to focus purely upon affirming, and thereby ascending into, New-Gaia parallel-reality time-lines.

What is truly positive and productive, is to imagine your highest utopia, and then spend 24/7/365 affirming that reality as true and real, describing that to everyone you meet, finding which parts of it they agree with, and then doing shared rituals / meditations of positive synergy co-creation of the shared reality. With or without co-creators, the way we manifest our preferred reality, is by beleiving in it, (which many will comprehend as a mental state), but even more important is to be feeling it emotionally, to place one's self in the emotional state of minimally gratitude, but better yet, appreciation for, that reality already being manifest, which, it is! The only reason we are not experiencing yet living it, is because we are still emotionally vibrating in old, obsolete, dysfunctional, lower vibrational realities, such as being caught in any conflict of will in 4D-, or being attached to any polarity within 4D- duality... so, to get there is to be wholistic... and all energies addressing what's wrong are counter-productive, the only thing those serve is to clarify for us that which we choose not to have in our utopia, and therefore, quickly invert them...
"If this is what i clearly reject, what is its opposite, and let me quickly and powerfully re-focus my attention to my preference, and forgive and release the unwanted reality completely and immediately, with appreciation that it helped me clarify my utopia, so that i may more quickly, powerfully manifest that!"

i am deep in the process of shifting parallel-realities, shifting time-lines. At the completion of the first wave of ascension i was informed that i had successfully completed my mission, actually, the contracted mission of my family of crystal faeries, (to facilitate the 1st wave of ascension), and that now it is play-time for me... and so then i set about my own individual goals, and mastering the techniques of time-lines and parallel-realities, to manifest my deepest desires... which my higher-self asserts will all be achieved via the process of ascension allowing freedom to re-manifest at will.

My first priority is manifesting my perfect goddess body, (as much as an ascended being "has" any "form"), complete with iridescent luminescent wings! Why settle for some minor goal when you can instead "go for the gold" of mastering ascension, transformation, teleportation, etc.?

So, I'd greatly appreciate you envisioning me to be a beautiful crystal faery girl of radiant light, giggling and playing my flute to delight all i meet.

And what vision may i hold for and of you, dear heart? What is your heart's deepest desire?

Aloha nui, and Faery blessings
-- celeste

9th September 2016
[animated angel]

Hand in hand, with fairy grace, Will we sing, and bless this place. -- William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

The day of the Crow asks us to share nurturance with others, with perhaps an obvious focus in the sharing of food, but, surely we can take even that as an allegory for spiritual sharing, i.e. love. (Co-)Incidentally being Freya's day, it is time for our love to be flavored by the reality of the innocent virgin girl. Purity is the essence of the virgin. Pure innocent love is our higher truth, which may fully express when we are healed of trauma and unguarded against fear. With trust restored by healing and forgiveness, again we may open in faith, trust, and innocent purity.

Faery blessings -- celeste

2016-09-09 20:02:02+00:00 At 10:02AM HST i received a call from a Hawaiian Telcom technician that my telephone line is working again... Yay! :-)

10th September 2016
[Faery Bubble Blowing]

Garden fairies come at dawn, Bless the flowers then they're gone. -- Author Unknown

May we today transcend all illusions that there are any obstacles in our path, by releasing all illusions and attachments that our path must traverse or arrive at, any particular reality. Surrender to the divine will for our journey, destination, and the timing of our travel, overcomes the ego's illusions it should be in control.

During lunch hour we are blessed and empowered to manifest goals:
(Sat) 9/10/2016 12:40 Moon (Cap) Tri [Tau] Ceres
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in harmony with energies of tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals.

11th September 2016

I'd greatly appreciate you envisioning me to be a beautiful crystal faery girl of radiant light, giggling and playing my flute to delight all those i meet and bless with faery magick. Thank you for postive synergy of co-creating my faerytopia! What vision may i hold for, and of, you, dear heart? What is your heart's deepest desire? May i bless you with my faery magick to co-create that?

12th September 2016
[fairy reflected in water.2016-09-08]

Faery blessings come from beleif in magick
-- celeste

13th September 2016

i think that people who can't believe in fairies aren't worth knowing.
-- Tori Amos

"Rich was the second director of Lockheed Skunkwork's from 1975-1991. He's been called the Father of Stealth, having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the F-117A nighthawk. Before his death, Rich made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials:"

"We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit [mankind]. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it." (1)

"We now have technology to take ET home. No it won't take someone's lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars." (1)

"There are two types of UFOs - the ones we build and the ones 'they' build." (1)

When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said; "Let me ask you: 'How does ESP work?'"
The questioner responded with,
"All points in time and space are connected?"
Rich then said,
"That's how it works!"

15th September 2016

As Mercury continues Rx (retrograde), it continues to be time to complete matters which were incomplete in communications and technology. Meanwhile, things in such categories initiated during the Rx are troubled, as i am clearly witnessing some people who have reached out to me during this time completely miscommunicating, particularly as we have so many other planets Rx now, everyone's subconscious incongruities and shadow sides are poking their heads up to express rather than remaining repressed in the shadows. i am seeing very blatantly the polarizations really become quite obvious as people express either their service-to-self vs service-to-all natures. With Mars aspects active, anger and agression are also being displayed.

16th September 2016
 [full Moon]

With the full Moon at 09:07 HST, forgive and release all obsolete or inappropriate energies, especially the anger or frustration being triggered by Mars now. The eclipse, at 8:54:20 HST, greatly amplifies the energies of transition between old and new realities, emphasizing the full Moon release process, and yet, we need to be in faith and trust of the process, as it is very probable that we are not yet being shown (the details of) what the new reality will be, but then, that is one of the characteristics of our living in ascended reality rather than the obsolete duality which we are leaving behind, and this is a very big clue to what to be releasing now, unless you have consciously chosen not to be on the path of ascension. With the knowing of the true nature of reality manifestation, we easily have the truth that our own higher-self is always bringing us something even more wonderful than we can imagine, yet, keep imagining the most wonderful miraculous most exciting and happy reality of which your personality is capable. A very powerfully symbolic process is to write all that you are releasing, and then burn the piece of paper, (in a bowl or other fire-safe manner), making use of the fire element to transform the energies. Then charging a glass jar of water in the full Moon light will facilitate intaking the powerful energies of transformation during this time of strong Pisces influences.

Luna conjuncts Chiron, highlighting wounds from the past, especially those from victimhood or martyrdom. Forgive both the others who participated with you in cocreating the trauma, and forgive yourself for creating that situation to wound yourself. Transcend above the duality / polarity to see how who you truly are is neither victim nor victimizer, martyr nor saviour. The only thing "real" about any experience is your emotion about the experience. Which emotions you experience about an experience are entirely chosen by you at the mental level when your mind assigns a meaning to the experience, therefore the meta-lesson to transcend all of this, is to cease assigning meanings to experiences, or assign the true meaning to everything: everything coming to me is a delayed reflection in the mirror, of energetic vibrations i was previously holding in my energy field, and are completely irrelevant to the process of my creating my future by consciously and willfully choosing in this moment what emotional vibration state to hold as my "reality created by the imagining of choice in the now" or "reality created by my choice of what i imagine in the now".

"Every individual is a Church that has the Soul as its god, but most people forget the Soul and live according to dogmatic rules and habits that not only have become empty of inner meaning, but very often have been perverted by the demands of the senses and the emotional nature, and by the ego with its rationalizing intellect. [ because ego is a left-brained creation -- celeste ] A purging or catharsis is needed to restore not only fresh and creative spontaneity, but even more the contact with the Soul and the God-ordained dharma." -- Dane Rudhyar

Then, later this evening the moon leaves watery Pisces:
(Fri) 9/16/2016 18:22 Moon (Pis) --> Aries
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies will be forceful, energetic, direct, courageous, and it seeks adventure and challenge.
(Fri) 9/16/2016 21:06 Moon (Ari) Opp (Lib) Jupiter
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies opposes and creates tension with energies of enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature. Balance is needed.

17th September 2016

After yesterday's intense forgive and release process, a little bit of calm soothing is in order, a bit of chillax time, before we run off into our new reality. For myself, music is the greatest source of soul nurturance, and these are my favorite soulful artists:

Faery blessings -- celeste

18th September 2016
 [fairies in tree animation]

Until people ( [mankind]) comprehend that Gaia is a sentient living being, that "our" planet is her body, and that therefore it is illegal, immoral and impossible to own even a piece of her body, because such constitutes slavery, there is no hope for [mankind] to survive the changes arriving soon.
It would be really nice to be able to access the entirety of the Goddess-given-to-all planet without having to go-to-war-with Minions of Mammon who arrogantly declare and would war to defend their (criminal claim of) "ownership" of (some portion of) Gaia, and their defiling her body with fences.
Those who insist upon serving only their own interests, shall be relocated to a parallel reality like the old earth reality, so that they may continue their existence.
Those who have achieved at least 51% orientation to service to the all, are eligible to ascend to a higher density reality, to join the advanced races in positive realms.
Now each [mankind] has to choose their own destiny. i love you all and bless your journey of awakening to truth. i am grateful for the blessings of my few friends.

Faery blessings - celeste

Checking with my collective consciousness family of crystal faeries in 8D about the above message...
"This is not the first time [ 2013-12-31, 2014-07-01, 2014-07-16, 2014-07-29 ] you have reached both exasperation and frustration at your inability to awaken others you care so very deeply about, and therefore, again, we must advise you to chill out by releasing all responsibility for them, simply return to holding high vibrations and your vision of New-Gaia in order to facilitate the hop to the parallel-reality of appropriateness for the few souls who are ready for it.
You are in the world in a [mankind] body, but clearly not of the world. Be glad :-)"
-- crystalfaeries

19th September 2016
[a new dawn] [Emotional Healing] [debt forgiven]

i had never before viewed one of Doreen Virtue's videos, but synchronicity brought me to one today, which was so relevant to my present situation, that i broke out into tears while watching it. i don't own any of her card decks, though I have benefitted from readings using Angel Cards, and have done quite a few Angel Card readings myself, using decks owned by others, or provided as demonstrations in various metaphysical bookstores, particularly where i previously worked as Clairvoyant Psychic Reader and Healer. Although i have explored others, my "go to" deck is The Secret Dakini Oracle Deck, (now out of print and quite expensive), which has been a favorite since 1984. That Doreen utilized two Fae decks, her land Faeries deck and her Mermaids (sea faeries) deck together in this reading made it all the more poignant and applicable to me. Although it felt much like a personal reading just for me, i cognize more correctly that i was fully in tune with the cosmic, solar-system, and Gaian energy patterns, and in the flow of what they're triggering, and thus fully aligned with the energetics being mapped by the cards, culminating in the quantum leap into a new parallel-reality time-line.

20th September 2016

i found myself this morning breaking out into uncontrollable crying, catharting grief... but completely non-personal. As is so often the case anymore, with my transdimensional unity consciousness perspective, i am, of course, once again, transmuting collective energies for my ahupua'a (watershed (community (Kilauea))), for my "nation" of Kaua'i, and for those beings powerfully connected with we Kaua'ians, (those "ties that bind", mostly of (often inappropriate) emotional attachment (dependence), where individuals are so wounded as to not be in their own appropriateness, their own energy fields, their own community, and most problematically, not in present time). Therefore Goddess has called upon me to do some faery magick to normalize the environmental energetics into the eternal moment of now... presence time.
Faery blessings -- celeste

21st September 2016
[Faery Thank You]

Entering orb of 3rd Quarter Day - Fall (Autumnal) Equinox
Time of Mabon
(Wed) 9/21/2016 19:30 HST Mercury (Vir) S/D
Energy representing thoughts, intellect, and communicative activity will tend to manifest in the standard, direct, open manner.

i express my appreciation to all for the shared journey of growth of consciousness, and gladly bid "adieu" to those who have stepped off of the path to explore something they find fascinating, and "welcome" to those who have joined me on the path going onward to New Gaia, and "let's co-create in positive synergy" to those travelling to the same destination.

Faery blessings -- celeste

22nd September 2016
[autumn fairies]

(Thu) 9/22/2016 4:21 HST Sun (Vir) --> Libra (Autumnal Equinox)
Energy representing spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness will be affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and it seeks balance, relationship, and calmness.
(Thu) 9/22/2016 22:33 HST Moon (Gem) --> (Exalted in) Cancer
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies will be introspective, emotional, protective, and it wants inner and outer security.
(Thu) 9/22/2016 23:56 HST Sun (Lib) Squ (Can) Moon (Half Moon)
Energy representing spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is in conflict with energies of emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies. Adaptation is required by both sides.
Faery blessings and *giggles* -- celeste

23rd September 2016
[Moon Faerie]

As we fall into autumn, with the great Solar Christ half way between his glorious summer solstice and his 3 days on the southern solar cross at winter solstice, we can not help noticing that "Christianity" cannot possibly be separate from "Paganism", for it is indeed the annual seasonal cycle of the Solar Christ which drives the annual death and rebirth cycle of our ecosystem, nor is our ecosystem ever separate from the rhythms of the feminine Lunations 13 times during Christ's annual rebirth cycle, as sister Sin = Min = Moon = Luna guides each female through her menstrual cycle, and even the church-occulted "sang real" stories are of the lunar driven menstrual cycle of the divine goddess' holy nectar. Cognizing that the remainder of religions worship the remainder of the heavenly bodies, we cannot but giggle as we embrace them all, in full cognition that the dynamic energetics of our entire electrical solar system and all the magnetic fields they generate, completely drive our mental and emotional states, until such time as we learn to direct our own consciousness and generate our own energetic field in a state of mastery. For those who dwell in transcendent consciousness, we may be fully aware of astrological cycles, and yet choose to create a peaceful equanimity of our own, which sustains greater stability.
Faery blessings and *giggles* -- celeste

24th September 2016

We are seeing manifest in the collective time-lines the fruition of much lightwork, the healing from much lovework, to which our life has been dedicated in service.
Tears of gratitude and joy spontaneously erupt in response to the quantum leap accomplished.
Faery blessings -- celeste

25th September 2016
[gaia earth star goddess transmission ascension]

We are now uniting the energetics and wisdom of starseed, indigo, crystal, and rainbow beings, lineage, and light into one unified New-Gaia of Kilauea.
Faery blessings -- celeste

Update: 2016-09-29 06:33:27+00:00
As the moon wanes down to pau, the incoming New Moon on the 30th will truly usher in a New Dawn.
Faery blessings -- celeste

26th September 2016
[Gaia's Ascension 4]

The key with making affirmations, is to be validating the target reality, rather than the process of getting to it. This leaves me with appreciation for calm equanimity in my heart.
Faery blessings -- celeste

27th September 2016
[symbols of an alien sky]

It is time to ascend into conscious co-creatorship of a positive preferred collective. Today's planetary aspects wonderfully support positive emotions and relating.
Faery blessings -- celeste

28th September 2016
[tower by water backed by full moon]

Though our moon phase is of waning light, in the higher densities there are strong energies from sister Luna. For myself, these energies are triggering fits of tears, as i feel with so much intensity, great compassion for [mankind], now in the throes of a chaotic-node, as we are experiencing quantum leaps in separation of frequency between ascending and descending realities.
Faery blessings -- celeste

29th September 2016
[fairy fantasy sculpted hand made polymer clay crystal blue fairy]

i enjoy aesthetics like beauty as a way of life :-)
Who volunteers to co-create New-Gaia?
Faery blessings -- celeste

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