2016-09-07.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:07 -1000


Many people whose consciousness is still engaged with duality, are either insufficiently conscious, caring, or empowered, to make any attempt to improve "reality", and therefore have become either numb, hopeless victims, or are bitterly complaining. Those who are aware of the present situation, and care to improve it, and feel empowered enough to beleive that they can make a difference, if not already pursuing a clear course of action, may be wondering what to do. Even those who are active, may wish to consider "at what level" is the most appropriate action? "Am i pursuing the most effective course?"

Once we comprehend that "reality" is merely a mirror of the energetic patterns we had been holding within us, then we realize that the only thing to change is our own vibrational state, which most of us "know" via our emotional feeling state. Therefore the first requirement is to be fully feeling emotions in the now. Looking back to the frequency chart of my blog entry for 2016-09-04, we see that being "fully enlightened" is, of course, the highest state, that next to that is "peace", which is a condition of complete acceptance of all that is, was, or will be. For most individuals, fear is the primary sabotage relating with future, and non-forgiveness is the primary sabotage relating with past. But ultimately, once you realize both of those being not here now are pure illusion, then our appropriate focus is in the now to completely forgive ourselves and all others, and come to complete neutral acceptance of all that is, as it is, right here, right now. Our ability to do so with anything which appears to be external, will be consequent to our doing so with our own selves internally.

We are presently influenced by many planets in retrograde motion, to review our past and make completions therewith, and hopefully the above exposition makes it clear that the key to completion is forgiveness. Aside from the very present astrological influences, we are in a larger picture of tradition, which is telling us we have only about one month to complete the process:
The final year of Jubilee began on the Day of Atonement in the fall of 2015.
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) ends at sunset 12th October, 2016

From another tradition, we find in two days we have the day of the Crow, which asks us to go beyond merely doing the process of forgiveness to arrive at the state of accepting neutraly, to the next level which is to share nurturance with others, with perhaps an obvious focus in the sharing of food, but, surely we can take even that as an allegory for spiritual sharing, i.e. love.

Forgiveness, love, and faery blessings for all -- celeste