
[a]scension blog

18th September 2016
 [fairies in tree animation]

Until people ( [mankind]) comprehend that Gaia is a sentient living being, that "our" planet is her body, and that therefore it is illegal, immoral and impossible to own even a piece of her body, because such constitutes slavery, there is no hope for [mankind] to survive the changes arriving soon.
It would be really nice to be able to access the entirety of the Goddess-given-to-all planet without having to go-to-war-with Minions of Mammon who arrogantly declare and would war to defend their (criminal claim of) "ownership" of (some portion of) Gaia, and their defiling her body with fences.
Those who insist upon serving only their own interests, shall be relocated to a parallel reality like the old earth reality, so that they may continue their existence.
Those who have achieved at least 51% orientation to service to the all, are eligible to ascend to a higher density reality, to join the advanced races in positive realms.
Now each [mankind] has to choose their own destiny. i love you all and bless your journey of awakening to truth. i am grateful for the blessings of my few friends.

Faery blessings - celeste

Checking with my collective consciousness family of crystal faeries in 8D about the above message...
"This is not the first time [ 2013-12-31, 2014-07-01, 2014-07-16, 2014-07-29 ] you have reached both exasperation and frustration at your inability to awaken others you care so very deeply about, and therefore, again, we must advise you to chill out by releasing all responsibility for them, simply return to holding high vibrations and your vision of New-Gaia in order to facilitate the hop to the parallel-reality of appropriateness for the few souls who are ready for it.
You are in the world in a [mankind] body, but clearly not of the world. Be glad :-)"
-- crystalfaeries

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