The divine plan of
is fully manifest upon Kaua'i.
So mote it be, and so it is.
-- I Am
As a perfect example of what happens with Mercury Rx (retrograde), i just contacted the service department of my phone company, had them run a line-test and call me back with results, and did not receive a call from them in reasonable time, therefore it would seem that there is something wrong with my telephone line so that it doesn't ring, however, i was able to pick-up voice mail and call them, so it appears that the only dysfunction is "ringing" for "incoming calls" not working, so if you'd like to chat, probably you'll have to e-mail a request for such and then I'll call whatever number you tell me to call you at. On the 8th (dunno what time of day) I'm scheduled to receive a physical visit by a repair technician.