As we fall into autumn,
with the great Solar Christ half way between his glorious summer solstice and his 3 days on the southern solar cross at winter solstice,
we can not help noticing that "Christianity" cannot possibly be separate from "Paganism",
for it is indeed the annual seasonal cycle of the Solar Christ which drives the annual death and
rebirth cycle of our ecosystem,
nor is our ecosystem ever separate from the rhythms of the feminine Lunations 13 times during Christ's annual rebirth cycle,
as sister Sin = Min = Moon = Luna guides each female through
her menstrual cycle,
and even the church-occulted "sang real" stories are of the lunar driven menstrual cycle of the divine goddess' holy nectar.
Cognizing that the remainder of religions worship the remainder of the heavenly bodies,
we cannot but giggle as we embrace them all,
in full cognition that the dynamic energetics of our entire electrical solar system and all the magnetic fields they generate,
completely drive our mental and emotional states,
until such time as we learn to direct our own consciousness and generate our own energetic field in a state of
For those who dwell in transcendent consciousness, we may be fully aware of astrological cycles,
and yet choose to create a peaceful equanimity of our own, which sustains greater stability.
Faery blessings and *giggles* --