2014-02-12.fae 2021-11-07 16:38:06 -1000

Well yay, i have my phoneline again, now the question is will i also have internet in a week? I'll just let it all flow.

'You have enough other details to settle first.'

"We're glad your reality convergence is proceeding."

Well yay, a friend checked-in via phone! It was nice to catch up to now. It seems that collective reality continues in inertia.

'Continue to release your own inertia of perfecting old time-lines.'

"Allow yourself to find the blessings in each moment."

Unpacking boxes is still a treasure hunt, and Farmer's Market is always full of treasures. Sometimes i myself am the treasure, as, e.g., someone i met at Farmer's Market querried if i had been 'off-island' since she had not seen me in years, to which i could only reply that I've been on Kaua'i since 1999, and will never leave my nation until i ascend. It was returning to my ancient land of Lemuria, precious to me from past lives, which put the last puzzle piece into place for me to see my big picture of life path.