![[a blue blue fairy beauty]](/imgs/animations/portrait/abluebluefairybeauty.gif)
While we all appreciate the beauty of form, it is a deeper seeing which appreciates the beauty of the soul.
While we all appreciate the beauty of form, it is a deeper seeing which appreciates the beauty of the soul.
The goddess of the white doves blesses our reality today :-)
The purity of the white winged dove,
and her more [mankind] form,
the white winged angelic [mankind],
are symbolic of the ascended characteristics of
love and eternal peace,
both of which are characteristic of the ascended realms of non-duality.
Within duality we always have the contrast between
the preferred side of every dichotomy and the dis-preferred side of the dichotomy,
and as we live in ascended consciousness as angelic [mankind],
we have the contrast between the world of contrasting dualities,
and the realm of non-duality,
thus not just a dichotomy of lower consciousness,
but the trichotomy of living as a multi-dimensional being.
The first sentence of the above paragraph i wrote last night before retiring, to accompany the picture. This morning i literally received a "wake up call", as a customer called with an issue to be healed, that of "perfection". As i channelled her higher-self to bring her to her ascended state of consciousness about herself, what became clear was that her ego-personality, typical of many of us, was holding a static "picture of reality" as its' definition of "perfection", and her condition of dis-ease was being conscious of the contrast between the (lagging) reality as manifest around her, versus the clearly held model of preferred "perfection", which "should be", and a consequent (mis-)interpretation that if it was not already manifest, then she was not "perfect enough".
As we have both spent most of our lives as lightworkers,
healing, mentoring, counseling, and guiding others,
it came as no surprise what her higher-self conveyed to her consciousness via me:
"Yes, for yourself,
you are ready to be in the ascended state,
to dwell in the ascended realms of perfection and unity consciousness,
however, your not 'being there already'
is just your multidimensional awareness of
the contrast between your natural state of being,
and the collective reality you are participating in
as a presently incarnate angelic [mankind] upon the planet.
It is not a lack of perfection that you are yet in the collective duality,
but an expression of your perfection that
you have volunteered to be of service to the collective
by modelling the higher consciousness for others."
Wow, did that sound familiar to me! :-)
Further reflection upon these energetics
has brought to the forefront another duality
to share to facilitate all of us
on this collective journey:
(What) is the(re) (an)
appropriate model of perfection?
Our ego-personalities tend to desire
to utilize free-will choice to preference
the best choice of the best reality amongst duality,
(phew! i made the right choice!),
and then "lock-in"
its manifestation as reality.
But... consciousness and multidimensional reality
is ever expanding and changing,
and therfore there is no
lasting "perfect choice".
Our ascended higher selves are perfectly happy with
the evolution of the eternal isness,
for we dwell outside the illusion of linear time,
and beyond the illusions of dualistic
judgment of "right" and "wrong".
So, we can learn to cease forming any models of perfection at all,
but until we master that, we can cognize,
that any model based in duality,
and even more so,
any model which is static,
is not "realizable",
except by stepping outside of
the flow of the life-stream energies...
i.e. such is a choice of death,
and all such energy patterns we might choose to hold,
within our flowing and ever changing energy field of life,
are a dis-ease.
And so, my sister goddess lightworker,
chose to release her "model of perfection"
and accept the perfection of the flow of the moment
of the one lifestream of the eternal infinite goddess
flowing through her as her life,
in complete peace and joy,
with love...
thereby returning to her state of angelic purity.
The goddess of the white doves blesses our reality today :-)
Today we honor and appreciate the faeries of the ocean, our mer-friends, who caretake the waters of life. We may comprehend that water itself is a crystaline structure, therefore one of the most abundant and important manifestations of crystal faeries energetics is our mer-realm, where we collaborate and cocreate with our cetacean and dolphin friends, whom we remind you are fully individuated ensouled beings of consciousness level similar to ensouled [mankind], and not to be confused with the group-soul animal-level consciousness of half of [mankind] and most animal species.
As we are completing a lunation cycle,
we check that we have fully forgiven and released old energies,
time-lines and
We are revisiting this from
Synchronystically, i am revisiting a higher density island just off the coast of northern
Kaua'i, seen from Anini beach several moons ago...
We experience a very deep serenity and love dwelling in the waters surrounding our precious goddess island.
Today we honor the mountains of the large continents, where goddess is clever enough to deliver time-release frozen rain that will slowly release to water the plants which venture to live in places of thin and fragile top-soil the most precious of life giving biomes.
Today we contemplate the goddess of the galaxy, who dreamed all that is into existence. We recall that we are eternal beings of consciousness, endowed with free-will, all interconnected, or, more accurately, all aspects of one life force.
What is coming up for us all is an alignment into integrity and purity... which we shall all live in every way every day. When we as individuals have the strength to make that choice, then we will be contributing to the healing of the collective, and so the collective reality shall be healed, one choice at a time. That we have been exploring the alternative, living the opposite in duality, is our last visit to clarify what is not our preference, not our truth.
It doesn't matter who we are or what we prefer, but it does matter intensely that we live our truth! Ultimately this is the collective lesson... to be who we truly are, not what we had been programmed to be. These are indeed wonderful times, to witness the shifting in progress! Yay! The energies of shift, of change, of rebirth, are amping up in preparation for... the rebirth of spring, right around the corner... when we fully blossom our new reality.
A friend recently observed of me that my energies were very much that of a mermaid (an ocean faery), and yes, watery energies are very dear to me. Upon a visit to the beach to swim with another friend a number of moons ago, she queried if i was concerned about swimming in the ocean, and my reply was that as soon as i got out away from the shore far enough that the water depth was over my head, then i felt safe... because i could always roll over on my back and float, in the calm ocean waters out beyond the turbulent waves near to shore, but closer to shore the waves could toss you onto either (hidden) lava rocks or coral that could lacerate one's body. Her concern was precisely that of drowning in water over her head, and symbolicly water is correlated with emotions, so being able to fully feel ones emotions, is also correlated with being fully in one's authentic emotions, rather than being out of control with synthetic emotions, which are dangerous because they control ones actions in directions away from ones appropriateness, ones truth. While we can delve deeper into this dichotomy between synthetic versus authentic emotions, we also require consciousness of the various kinds of emotions, i.e. which chakra center is the source of which emotions, and are we wise enough and conscious enough to be guided by our higher chakra centers, or are we either so immature or so attached to lower consciousness motivations in life that we are at the whim of our baser desires?
Strongly influencing our emotional body is our dear sister moon,
our closest astronomical and astrological body
beyond our hostess planet under our feet,
The goddess who is fully alive and thriving
is never far from consciousness of
her monthly cycle,
whereas in modern times many have lost their purity and their connection with nature,
and are attempting to feel alive while living by a calendar which is wholly disconnected from
their own body, i.e. the Gregorian Solar Calendar by which the western world dies.
It has been imposed upon [mankind] precisely because
it does disconnect us from higher consciousness
and from the rhythms of living and thriving.
i could comment further that that calendar of non-life
is just fine for death,
e.g. computers all execute cycles based on this solar calendar,
which is fine, because they have no life and no souls...
or is it?
And now we enter a realm where many will not wish to follow,
for we now face uncomfortable truths about the nature of our world,
versus the unnatural artificial intelligence and synthetic emulation of life
which has invaded and taken control over it.
Ever being one to not buy into victimhood,
i address this now precisely because
it is time to "surf the waves of energy"
and have life transcend these negative influences,
to fully harmonize with the authentic emotions
which connect us with authentic life,
and live by them in harmony with life itself,
and cast off the influences of,
and submission to,
anti-life anti-consciousness energies, i.e.
turn off your smartphone,
surround yourself with the waters of life,
and gaze at the moon,
and truly feel deeply within your heart to where your soul dwells,
(unless, of course, you're one of the
50 percent of [mankind] who do not have individuated souls,
in which case you need to go deeper into your body
into your lower chakras
and feel your connection with the animalistic lower nature
of the primal group consciousness of the collective
of animalistic [mankind]).
I'll let you reread that last sentence several times.
If you are of that half of [mankind],
you are unlikely to be reading this blog,
so if you are reading this blog
you probably need to be aware that half the people
in your life do not share your ensouled consciousness,
and you need to let them be what they are...
the original evolution of life on this planet before the intervention of,
and seeding of, advanced consciousness star-seeds
into [mankind]-form bodies.
Yes, i am star-seed. Thus my name, "celeste",
(of the celestial realms).
Back to the subject of "synthetic emotions". When we hold either belief systems, or their aggregates, mental programming, then our compliance with those mental-body patterns produces calm relaxation, while contrast, conflict, disharmony, and stress between the mental and emotional body will result when we do not force the "lower" bodies to comply with the mental patterns. This is the nature of govern-ment (control of/by/via mind (mind control)) of the populace to accept as reality those choices made for them which are in fact in oppostion to their best interests. The alternative to becoming a diseased mind-controlled slave, is to force oneself to face one's cognitive dissonance and discard any and all mental-level programming which is in discord with nature, life, and authentic emotions.
Now, just for the sake of maximum triggering here, let me clearly state that i am, in fact, advocating that we all become "sinners". Sin, Min, Moon, Luna, Lunar, are all names of our nearest body in space. To be a "sinner" is to honor the actual cycles of that body, rather than the fictious "months" of the Gregorian Solar Calendar of death and disease. If you wish to live in a happy world, you must unconditionally liberate all females to live by the actual lunar cycle of months (moons), rather than forcing them to "work in the business world" on the 7-day work week which is out of phase with the moon. A "sinner" is one who is alive and healthy by being in harmony with the moon, with nature, with life itself. Tired of that cranky bitchy PMS-y woman in your life? (e.g. the one in the mirror?) Encourage her to live as a sinner. Send her to the moon lodge with her sisters, to all bleed together and honor their natural rhythms, rather than being mind controlled slaves to the Gregorian calendar of death.
As the goddess' womb carries the egg of life, so the goddess' heart carries love of infinite compassion. Her purity is all encompassing, of the wholism of the one that is all. The all includes both non-duality and duality. Within duality it includes both "positive" and "negative" to the extent anyone becomes lost in judgment (projecting their illusions of such values onto things which simply are). When the aspect of us participating in the lower realms of duality becomes clear about something it dis-prefers, the appropriate response is love and complete neutrality about it, and turning ones attention away from it, to instead focus upon the preferred dualistic illusion, or coming to ones senses entirely, and pulling one's head out of dualistic thinking, to accept a transcendent postion as reality creator. Failure to make this shift of attention is likely to produce victimhood, or, be the result of being unwilling to give up the game of victimhood.
What energies am i sending out as faery magick to create a preferred reality?
(knowing that what i send out shall return)
What energies am i receiving from the universe in the flow of today's cosmic patterns of new-moon?
(non-resistance allows forward motion)
What am i reaching for?
(with intent it shall be there for me)
With the typical
impatience for change of the
clairvoyant star-seed lightworker,
i intend the next
quantum-reality... and yet...
in this mornings' awakening through the space of lucid dreaming,
i saw the process of cellular /
DNA change of bodies yet in process in linear time
so that the change of reality is not traumatic for most.
ElectroMagnetic Signals disrupt the correct operation of DNA.
Fluttering in the caress of the breeze
at the boundary of Gaia and water,
the gentleness of peaceful nature
soothes my soul.
Recent local weather has been tumultuous,
and has been but the physical manifestation
of aethric turbulance and astral triggering
for the clearing of any held emotions to be released.
For me the intensity of angst has been unbearable:
an acute feeling of anxiety about the disharmony in the world and
about insufficient individual freedom to change individual manifestation.
The pain of the awareness of incongruity, non-integrity, and non-purity
is more than i can bear, and yet
tomril insists i must continue on the ascension path,
that reaching the state of full ascension is the solution to everything,
whereupon i demand that process be
sped-up as much as possible,
and the only guidance i receive any more for myself
is to keep my vibration as high as possible,
that there is no "doing" to do,
that there is nothing to "release",
and nothing I'm lacking, to "get";
just surrender to the process and its timing.
And yet just being here in this body is excrutiatingly unbearable,
despite the alleged "fact" that its
is the key to my ascension.
i am too "immersed" in the truth of goddess incarnate as living being, to even begin to address mental level mis-concepts of "reality". Hello, [mankind]? Our hostess, planet Gaia, is not a resource. She is a conscious living being who mothers us.
We are a mirror of that which is in the sky,
which is mirroring that which we are.
The whologram of life is our essence.
Do we cognize and live those energetics in harmony and flow? Yay!
Do we
believe in things which are not of that natural pattern,
and therefore exist out of harmony with the divine and nature?
How may we today "tune in" to the flow of energetics of
nondual densities, the source of our being?
Meditation is one tradition.
dragonfly in our faery's hair symbolizes dreamtime...
one of our ways of accessing the astral realms above the physical...
what are we learning or cocreating via the astral dreamtime?
May your dreams manifest gracefully :-)
Let us gather our sis-Stars intuitive knowing of our appropriateness.
Tomorrow is 1st Quarter Day -
Vernal Equinox, time of new beginnings in the year cycle,
and we are still in the waxing moon of setting spiritual intent to manifest. Come
the next full moon is time to
"cast down" that intent into manifestation.
From my spiritual perspective as tomril, my goals for this incarnation are to be a spry flying example of what it means to be unlimited.
i forgive and release any and all entities, energies, contracts, karma, implants, imprints, programs, beliefs, and beleifs, particularly of all:
in all parallel-realties time-lines, densities, and states of will and/or consciousness.
Peace in my own heart and soul, is that which generates a peaceful life and world.
Today brought many outside perspectives to contemplate. The most enjoyable was aligning and activating another divine angelic [mankind] to their ascended reality. This is becoming a fun game as i get more practiced at it. The presenting symptoms of misalignment vary, and ultimately point the way to the why of the disclaiming of the true self and reality. Ultimately the why usually needs to be addressed in the process of changing the choice. Once the choice is made to claim the ascended self, the alignment comes quickly, and proceeds at pretty much the maximum rate of change the body can handle, to miraculously transform their entire reality into the miraculous, for the divine angelic [mankind] is unlimited in potential. Once we are certain we are conscious enough and conscientious enough in conscience to claim our full powers, and move beyond either fear of misusing those powers, or being punished for claiming those powers, ascension settles in and the transformation is a beautiful light show to behold.
Pied piper plays palliative peaceful pean praising piscean paternal presents of present presence.
(happy ascension (Easter))
What we focus our attention upon we empower as our reality, therefore the more we ascend into our power as divine creator god(desse)s, the more our manifestation of each thought and feeling becomes instantaneous, the more important it is that we have discipline of our own consciousness and remain focused upon realities we actually prefer to experience. Likewise, the more important it becomes to keep very good boundaries between our energies and realities, and any other energies or realities which are incompatible with our own.
What of "unity consciousness"?
Certainly, in the higher realms that exists...
however, there still remains for some beings a separation
between their higher self and their lower embodied ego-personality consciousness,
and many still have not integrated their subconscious / shadow side,
and many are still engaged in conflict within 4D-.
Oh My Goddess, isn't this just the cutest little
Pari you've ever seen?
No "teddy bear" here, instead a very cute little pink
Ganesha! *giggles*
...and oh, by the way, if you weren't aware,
today being "Tuesday", is the Hindu day of the week :-)
Our awareness of interconnectedness of Gaia-Sophia with our full moon this morning, reconnects us with our hostess planet and mother Aeon. Our path, however, is a speedier ascension to nonduality.
Keeping our heads down and staying low to the ground today, "flying under the radar" and keeping quietly out of everyone's way...
Today offers a unique opportunity to do some clearing of both subconscious emotions and our own shadow side due to astrological alignment: (Thu) 2016-03-24 19:11 HST Moon (Lib) Con (Lib) Lilith Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is connected and fused together with energies of capacity to let go and accept their natural darker side. They will affect each other prominently. It would be wise to allocate meditation time alone with all your electronics turned off! Better yet, get out into nature away from civilization as much as you can. This is not likely to be a party, but an opportunity to rummage around in your dark shadows and see what monsters dwell there... for once you confront them and name them, they will cease to have power over you. You may track the blessings of the luminaries.
We are re-hearted to ever have the humility to see with virgin eyes, in each moment, being free of precepts which might color our clear perception of isness, or tempt us to project some "meaning" upon the infinite expressing all possibilities. As we return our focus to nonduality from our recent journey to visit duality, we return to giggles.
Today's astrological configuration both supports a continuation of the processing of ones own subconscious and shadow-side initiated last night, and provides way more challenges with all the squares blocking progress. We suggest that a deep introversion into ones authentic soul core will reveal ones individual appropriateness. Making a powerful commitment to express that essence as your life is the path of success.
Practicing our own guidance, what did we discover? That all which appears to be external is illusion, and the essence of experience is neutral presence.
We are guided to commune in dreamspace overnight with our crystaline friends in our planetary interior in contemplating the next quantum leap.
Many of us have multiple names for dreamspace, referring to it also as the astral realms or astral planes, and find strong correlations with the emotional body, and describe them as vibrationally / frequentially sitting between the mental level and the physical level.
My comprehension of the multiple astral planes is:
KRST{a,h}l energies bring we through to bless this day.
As an individuated star-seed, i now return to my own ascension, and facilitating others of individuated soul nature.
I, celeste:crystalfaery, highly recommend the new-age composer Bruce Mitchell, and the world flutist Suzanne Teng, and humbly share that i myself have received activations from the Hathors to encode higher density energetics in my own flute playing.
Flowers blossom even in KRySTal caverns, the mother-Gaia womb of the mineral realm. We are creating positive new realities for local enjoyment.
Revisiting this on 2016-04-03 we can finally publish, without opening to interference energies, that we have been correlating / healing / integrating / synthesizing between various subsurface crystal clusters holding akashic records and other information to share (open source style) energetic patterns which are supportive of the divine plan of ascension. We have included crystals mentioned as "inaccessible" by several sources:
Things which are "hard" facts in some
parallel-realities, are, of course,
in adjacent
equally "hard" but different / opposite,
while in yet alternate realities,
those can be quite mutable or undefined.
Especially for this reason,
we find it inanely stupid to fight over something in duality,
for all that conflict of will within a given reality proves,
is just how very stuck / attached / egotistical / stupid
are the beings participating in the negative synergy of conflict.
Wake Up!
It is far more productive a use of your life-force-energy to either hop
time-lines to a preferred reality, or in positive
synergy co-create with someone with whom you agree.
i recall from long long ago my learnings in Hindu tradition, about three forces which act upon manifestation:
i frequently go through "rebirthing" process, where it is discerned what to preserve, the rest is released (as part of my reality, often by detaching), to make room for new creations. Too much of any of the gunas is problematic:
Most of my clairvoyant ministry was as a catalyst of change,
facilitating others to choose what to preserve,
helping them release what was obsolete, and
helping them create their new appropriate choices.
In the broader collective, and more so, in planetary scale competitive
to shift from un-preferred outcomes, to a new reality,
"almost everything we previously held true needs to be re-placed, re-invented, re-formulated, and integrated into this new reality."
These days I'm mostly focussed upon creation, e.g. playing music, building New-Gaia time-lines.
We are converging upon a summary of all the energies we have been investigating...
so, where are we at in collective duality?
We have a confluence of "players" with roles and agendae,
all polarized in
4D- reality, in conflict, some fear-based, and many
operating in the error of attempting to change others,
rather than restraining themselves to their right to change themselves.
Remember that any creation in
4D- always also creates
the opposite polarity of any polarity within duality.
So, returning to my own spiritual family of
crystal faeries of 8D,
and the consistent and persistent guidance to stay focussed on non-dual realities of ascension
as the solution to all issues of duality.
Love in ascended
is the answer... was there a question?
It all comes down to staying focussed upon the non-dualistic reality we prefer to live,
and being willing to detach from and ignore any reality which is not of love, light, joy, play, celebration,
and whatever else we truly value.
But wait!
That list of preferred qualities of reality...
don't they each have dualistic opposites?
Yes, indeed they do... in duality.
In nonduality we are able to "create" things without simultaneously "creating" their opposites.
Awesome! Now... how do we make sure that we are creating in the higher rather than lower realms?
What are the locations in the embodied chakra system where we can access the higher realms?
In the seat of the soul
(gold room in the center of the heart chakra),
and in the "center of the head"
(beneath the crown chakra and behind the ajna chakra
(third eye), between the ears and behind the eyebrows),
the two locations of
transcendent meditation and intentional creation.
We are gatewaying from a completion of old reality lessons, relatings, detachments, to a new certainty of appropriate positive alignment, apparently somewhat ahead of supportive collective energetics, so we are maintaining focus on visualizing preference, and detachment from present manifestation in the collective reality. Grace carries us for the now...
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