We are converging upon a summary of all the energies we have been investigating...
so, where are we at in collective duality?
We have a confluence of "players" with roles and agendae,
all polarized in
4D- reality, in conflict, some fear-based, and many
operating in the error of attempting to change others,
rather than restraining themselves to their right to change themselves.
Remember that any creation in
4D- always also creates
the opposite polarity of any polarity within duality.
So, returning to my own spiritual family of
crystal faeries of 8D,
and the consistent and persistent guidance to stay focussed on non-dual realities of ascension
as the solution to all issues of duality.
Love in ascended
is the answer... was there a question?
It all comes down to staying focussed upon the non-dualistic reality we prefer to live,
and being willing to detach from and ignore any reality which is not of love, light, joy, play, celebration,
and whatever else we truly value.
But wait!
That list of preferred qualities of reality...
don't they each have dualistic opposites?
Yes, indeed they do... in duality.
In nonduality we are able to "create" things without simultaneously "creating" their opposites.
Awesome! Now... how do we make sure that we are creating in the higher rather than lower realms?
What are the locations in the embodied chakra system where we can access the higher realms?
In the seat of the soul
(gold room in the center of the heart chakra),
and in the "center of the head"
(beneath the crown chakra and behind the ajna chakra
(third eye), between the ears and behind the eyebrows),
the two locations of
transcendent meditation and intentional creation.