16th March 2016
![[Lisa Thiel Fairy]](/imgs/faeries/landscape/lisa_thiel.032.png)
We are a mirror of that which is in the sky,
which is mirroring that which we are.
The whologram of life is our essence.
Do we cognize and live those energetics in harmony and flow? Yay!
Do we
believe in things which are not of that natural pattern,
and therefore exist out of harmony with the divine and nature?
How may we today "tune in" to the flow of energetics of
nondual densities, the source of our being?
Meditation is one tradition.
dragonfly in our faery's hair symbolizes dreamtime...
one of our ways of accessing the astral realms above the physical...
what are we learning or cocreating via the astral dreamtime?
May your dreams manifest gracefully :-)