![[Lisa Thiel Fairy of Peace]](/imgs/faeries/landscape/lisa_thiel.037.png)
Peace in my own heart and soul, is that which generates a peaceful life and world.
Today brought many outside perspectives to contemplate. The most enjoyable was aligning and activating another divine angelic [mankind] to their ascended reality. This is becoming a fun game as i get more practiced at it. The presenting symptoms of misalignment vary, and ultimately point the way to the why of the disclaiming of the true self and reality. Ultimately the why usually needs to be addressed in the process of changing the choice. Once the choice is made to claim the ascended self, the alignment comes quickly, and proceeds at pretty much the maximum rate of change the body can handle, to miraculously transform their entire reality into the miraculous, for the divine angelic [mankind] is unlimited in potential. Once we are certain we are conscious enough and conscientious enough in conscience to claim our full powers, and move beyond either fear of misusing those powers, or being punished for claiming those powers, ascension settles in and the transformation is a beautiful light show to behold.