
[a]scension blog

29th March 2016

i recall from long long ago my learnings in Hindu tradition, about three forces which act upon manifestation:

i frequently go through "rebirthing" process, where it is discerned what to preserve, the rest is released (as part of my reality, often by detaching), to make room for new creations. Too much of any of the gunas is problematic:

Most of my clairvoyant ministry was as a catalyst of change, facilitating others to choose what to preserve, helping them release what was obsolete, and helping them create their new appropriate choices.
In the broader collective, and more so, in planetary scale competitive time-line parallel-realities, to shift from un-preferred outcomes, to a new reality, "almost everything we previously held true needs to be re-placed, re-invented, re-formulated, and integrated into this new reality."

These days I'm mostly focussed upon creation, e.g. playing music, building New-Gaia time-lines.

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