![[Lisa Thiel Fairy]](/imgs/faeries/landscape/lisa_thiel.012.png)
The goddess of the white doves blesses our reality today :-)
The purity of the white winged dove,
and her more [mankind] form,
the white winged angelic [mankind],
are symbolic of the ascended characteristics of
love and eternal peace,
both of which are characteristic of the ascended realms of non-duality.
Within duality we always have the contrast between
the preferred side of every dichotomy and the dis-preferred side of the dichotomy,
and as we live in ascended consciousness as angelic [mankind],
we have the contrast between the world of contrasting dualities,
and the realm of non-duality,
thus not just a dichotomy of lower consciousness,
but the trichotomy of living as a multi-dimensional being.
The first sentence of the above paragraph i wrote last night before retiring, to accompany the picture. This morning i literally received a "wake up call", as a customer called with an issue to be healed, that of "perfection". As i channelled her higher-self to bring her to her ascended state of consciousness about herself, what became clear was that her ego-personality, typical of many of us, was holding a static "picture of reality" as its' definition of "perfection", and her condition of dis-ease was being conscious of the contrast between the (lagging) reality as manifest around her, versus the clearly held model of preferred "perfection", which "should be", and a consequent (mis-)interpretation that if it was not already manifest, then she was not "perfect enough".
As we have both spent most of our lives as lightworkers,
healing, mentoring, counseling, and guiding others,
it came as no surprise what her higher-self conveyed to her consciousness via me:
"Yes, for yourself,
you are ready to be in the ascended state,
to dwell in the ascended realms of perfection and unity consciousness,
however, your not 'being there already'
is just your multidimensional awareness of
the contrast between your natural state of being,
and the collective reality you are participating in
as a presently incarnate angelic [mankind] upon the planet.
It is not a lack of perfection that you are yet in the collective duality,
but an expression of your perfection that
you have volunteered to be of service to the collective
by modelling the higher consciousness for others."
Wow, did that sound familiar to me! :-)
Further reflection upon these energetics
has brought to the forefront another duality
to share to facilitate all of us
on this collective journey:
(What) is the(re) (an)
appropriate model of perfection?
Our ego-personalities tend to desire
to utilize free-will choice to preference
the best choice of the best reality amongst duality,
(phew! i made the right choice!),
and then "lock-in"
its manifestation as reality.
But... consciousness and multidimensional reality
is ever expanding and changing,
and therfore there is no
lasting "perfect choice".
Our ascended higher selves are perfectly happy with
the evolution of the eternal isness,
for we dwell outside the illusion of linear time,
and beyond the illusions of dualistic
judgment of "right" and "wrong".
So, we can learn to cease forming any models of perfection at all,
but until we master that, we can cognize,
that any model based in duality,
and even more so,
any model which is static,
is not "realizable",
except by stepping outside of
the flow of the life-stream energies...
i.e. such is a choice of death,
and all such energy patterns we might choose to hold,
within our flowing and ever changing energy field of life,
are a dis-ease.
And so, my sister goddess lightworker,
chose to release her "model of perfection"
and accept the perfection of the flow of the moment
of the one lifestream of the eternal infinite goddess
flowing through her as her life,
in complete peace and joy,
with love...
thereby returning to her state of angelic purity.
The goddess of the white doves blesses our reality today :-)