This morning we query our
9D angelic friends for guidance, as we, the (primarily)
8D crystalfaeries monitor the network of ascension portals
we cocreated with them, and for which we (ad)minister hygiene.
'What is your current guidance regarding ascension?'
"To the extent your question is your own,
we can only confirm your perceptions.
To the extent your question is for the benefit of others,
we shall confirm the guidance you have been sharing here,
and bring the focus of attention to the balance of relating
between the individual and 'the collective'.
From the many collectives which exist, not all members
volunteered to incarnate in and participate in
what is now the planetary collective ascension.
This means that the collective entanglements of each individual
include both ascending, non ascending, and non participating
members of originating collectives, resulting in
conflictory energetics influencing the individual,
creating internal confusion and / or conflict of individual will.
Such individuals are now primarily sharing within the planetary collective,
which offers yet another set of ascending, non ascending,
and relatively external entities, with which the individual
has also manifested energetic entanglements which influence them.
The dance of exploring who one prefers to be via duality is intensely active.
The game of learning about self through mirroring by others continues unabated.
It is therefore no surprise that a sense of overwhelm arises,
whenever the balance is too much attention on externals,
whenever the balance is too much merged with others, individual or collective.
Therefore, now, more than ever in the paths of most beings participating here,
it is beneficial to establish boundaries
in order to separate from others,
and introvert into a meditative repose,
of internal reference to ones own soul in the flow of the now."
-- 9D Angelics
'Have i channelled this as accurately as possible? Please refine if not.'
"We simply continue and expand the concept that,
the shift of consciousness in ascension is
from a perspective of separation from which one relates with others,
to a perspective of union in which one chooses focus of energetic spectrum,
or 'reality' in which to experience. Before anchoring into ascended consciousness,
the closest experience available to most beings is that of
meditating in the heart chakra, and in that place,
being aware of the oneness with all that is...
thus the shift of practice is from reaching out
to become 'one with others', to the practice of going within
to experience 'oneness with all that is'.
This principle is, of course, not new to your manifestation,
but its importance and relevance is worth restating."
-- 9D Angelics