Flowers blossom even in KRySTal caverns, the mother-Gaia womb of the mineral realm. We are creating positive new realities for local enjoyment.
Revisiting this on 2016-04-03 we can finally publish, without opening to interference energies, that we have been correlating / healing / integrating / synthesizing between various subsurface crystal clusters holding akashic records and other information to share (open source style) energetic patterns which are supportive of the divine plan of ascension. We have included crystals mentioned as "inaccessible" by several sources:
- Kryon
- Cosmic Disclosure
Things which are "hard" facts in some
parallel-realities, are, of course,
in adjacent
equally "hard" but different / opposite,
while in yet alternate realities,
those can be quite mutable or undefined.
Especially for this reason,
we find it inanely stupid to fight over something in duality,
for all that conflict of will within a given reality proves,
is just how very stuck / attached / egotistical / stupid
are the beings participating in the negative synergy of conflict.
Wake Up!
It is far more productive a use of your life-force-energy to either hop
time-lines to a preferred reality, or in positive
synergy co-create with someone with whom you agree.