
[a]scension blog

Entries from August 2016.

1st August 2016

As introversion and introspection facilitate completion with the previous lunation all internals are in alignment preparatory to a hop-skip-and-jump between parallel-reality time-lines, continuing the quantum-leapings of ascension.

2nd August 2016

10:44HST Sun (Leo) Con (Leo) Moon (New Moon)
Lady Godiva Day

i recently received a snail-mail letter from a Kaua'ian thanking me, (and my family of crystal faeries), for keeping organic life here safe from "natural" destruction:
"Hope all's well in your universe. Thank you for protecting Kaua'i from storms and other unwanted energies. i rest easier knowing that it's your mission and intent to keep us all safe."
i plea to you all to cooperate with, honor, respect, and care-take Gaia
While i am committed to my ahupua'a, (watershed), of Kilauea and set the energy levels to ascension here, you all need to caretake your own ahupua'a!

3rd August 2016
[dark faery dark blue]

Today's image implies both floating upon water, (emotion), and holding time in our hands, which implies that it is our actions which choose our relationship with time, rather than the more common [mankind] approach of letting time dictate action. We fae are known for being timeless, for living in a higher realm, that of time-space, rather than the more common [mankind] realm of space-time. By being "airy-fairy", (taking things lightly), and keeping consciousness in the now, we transcend time, and therefore do not age as do those who have become attached to things which are not of the now. Primary in this is emotional joy or emotional detachment, (floating-on rather than drowning-in emotions). This contrasts with being driven by fear, (of future), or expectations, (usually based in resentment or judgment of past).

4th August 2016

Once again, it is necessary to evict from our reality, the sabotage of an AR.KHAN infested "victim" who refuses to honor boundaries, e.g. those necessary between unascended duality games, and ascending realities, which are mutually exclusive. Being "single" i am blessed to be without mutually exclusive realities in close relationships.

i do not feel to be present in duality, nor am i much seen by those who dwell there. This faery is impatient to be fully beyond the old world.

5th August 2016

More and more, [mankind] Gaian, and faery realities are merging :-)

While my primary directive is to be (co-)creating New-Gaia, and to completely avoid entanglements with Old-Ea.Rth, (especially anything involving "conflict of will within 4D- duality", (and there is little of 4D- not encumbered by conflict of wills)), part of the ascension process is the divergence of "worlds", the separation of 5D+ from 4D- "realities", which may also be described as the frequential separation of the descending 4D- "Armageddon family of time-lines, from the ascending 5D+ "Ascending Divine Angelic [mankind]" family of parallel-realities.

One of the important differences between the Old-Earth-Armageddon-Mammon-BEAST parallel-reality from the New-Gaia-Ascending-Angelic- [mankind] time-line family, is that in New-Gaia there can be only living ensouled beings, whereas all of Mammon's Corpseorate Fiction / Fraud, and all of Ray Kurzweil's Soulless Cyborgs, cannot ascend to the divine realms. Therefore, for those of us on the ascending time-lines, we are already in the process of releasing the old reality, and replacing all corpseorate-based constructs with creations of harmless acountability, where the sovereign individual is empowered. This does, yes indeed, mean the end of all external authority, and all centralized "power", (the domination variety). We divine angelics operate in the true power of direct creation of reality, and one of the first trends successfully now manifesting on our temporary technological substitute for our ascended reality of complete clairvoyance and full telepathic ability for all, is the replacement of centralized authorities of identity.

6th August 2016

We continue to play with the energetics of the celestial realms, bringing to manifestation the divine plan of ascension. It seems that it is necessary again to mention to much of fallen [mankind] that their collective reality has been intentionally limited, that even the "sacred geometry" of their realm is fallen because it describes the functioning of a realm which has been engineered to be a fallen reality, with limited sacredness, in order to keep [mankind] limited. In conjunction with this, the correlate numerical systems are also being limited, e.g. the rationalization of the global standard "metric system" has seen a conversion from base 12 to base 10 numerics, which is part of the fallen engineered reality of created limitation. Yes, Pi is an irrational number in the base 10 system, and that should tell you that the base 10 number system is irrational! Duh? Relationships are "apparent" based upon number system, e.g. why get all excited over your clocking showing 11:11? I'm sorry you use a 12-hour clock, for those of us in the realm of 24-hour clock, the match is 23:23. Nor have we ever seen so much delusion as calendric repetitions, wherein people forget the lesson of Y2K, (oh, that's right, a whole new generation of youngsters who missed that!), and pretend there is anything magical about 11-11-11 when the year was 2011 not 11. What we're saying is that for the pattern-cognizing "mind", it will happily synthesize patterns out of nothing, even going into denial, (11 vs 2011), to create such, but that it would be far more productive to step out of limited reality, and explore other number bases and hyperdimensional reality beyond 3D!

7th August 2016

Our appropriate role as divine creator god(desse)s is to bring higher realm magic(k) to our realm of manifestation, re-member-ing that we are the magick.

8th August 2016
[Dragon Fly]

i was blessed today to receive a card in the mail with beautiful artwork of wild Iris flowers, and Emperor Dragonfly and Queen Damselfly and Demoiselle, with the caption: "Magik Wingz...Teach Us to Fly!" :-)
...and so my spirit is soaring in the celestial realms with my crystalfaeries family...
doing my best to be patient with [mankind]...
The dragonfly is symbolic of dreams and dreamtime, when we as spirit take our astral body out of the physical body and go play in the realms of no-time and no-space, free to magickly fly throughout the entire cosmos, and unconstrained by the here now of the physical, meeting with many beings at once who could not gather their physical bodies together. So, taking the synchronistic guidance, i retire early to go fly with other winged beings :-)

9th August 2016

2016-08-05 was 3rd Cross-Quarter Day, which for us triggered an introversion and cleansing / rebirthing, and brought blessings from faery Ember:

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]: Ember \Em"ber\, a. [OE. ymber, AS. ymbren, ymbryne, prop., running around, circuit; ymbe around + ryne a running, fr. rinnan to run. See {Amb-}, and {Run}.] Making a circuit of the year of the seasons; recurring in each quarter of the year; as, ember fasts. [1913 Webster] {Ember days} (R. C. & Eng. Ch.), days set apart for fasting and prayer in each of the four seasons of the year. as we re-emerge into a more worldly consciousness, yet still aware of the review and release process of our 6 retrogrades of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Pallas, we note that most of those being "outer" planets of slow movement, they are less personal, and more generational, and we contemplate releasing lots, all in the context of an even larger and slower cycle of change as we leave the age of Pisces and anchor more into the Age of Aquarius, it is indeed time for the "water bearer" to "wash away" the remnants of crime in all worldly affairs, and to step fully into truth and honesty in all ways, for deceit never serves a positive purpose, and we are moving into a time of full consciousness when only honesty is possible in a world of claivoyance and direct mind-to-mind communication beyond any technology of the obsolete "internet".

Hey! it's time to let your inner girl out to play!:
(Tue) 8/ 9/2016 16:43HST Moon (Sco) Sex (Vir) Venus
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with energies of creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs.

10th August 2016

Faery Moon certainly symbolizes the come-union of time and space as the cycles of nature upon Gaia, as Luna governs estrus and enforces "time", while the elemental faeries manifest in harmony therewith in support of the growth of organic life so precious and divine.

11th August 2016

...continuing yesterday's theme, our faery with flower wears a headband with a crescent moon, symbolizing our continued study of lunacy and lunar influences upon "reality". Yes, this is a "holodeck", carefully engineered and built for a purpose. But what is our individual and collective purpose for manifesting in this holodeck? Is there sufficient alignment of purpose for our presence to be appropriate? That which serves the purposes of expansion of consciousness, expansion of love, we find appropriate.

12th August 2016

"People are always trying to recruit others to make their reality 'real' and more powerful." -- Inelia Benz

"Another common denominator of IS-BEs is that admiration of one's own "illusions" by others is very desirable. If the desired admiration is not forthcoming, the IS-BE will keep creating the "illusion" in an attempt to get admiration. One could say that the entire Physical Universe is made of un-admired illusions." -- Airl

Ones "need" for external validation or admiration is a direct consequence of not living ones authenticity. -- celeste

"You can't find authenticity until you experience what is not authentic.
In order to find who you really are [...] you have to experience what it is to live a life where you are lying to yourself about who you are.
Now this requires identity crisis.
An identity crisis can be caused by either coming down and feeling void of identity, or coming down and feeling as if you are stuck in the wrong identity. [...]
Gender is [...] the form of identity second to choosing to come in as ' [mankind]' [ which can be strange enough for a faery :-) ].
Identity crisis causes [...] going through a period of identity development.
Spiritually they intended before birth to come down into contrast that would cause them to ask some of the very biggest questions relative to authenticity:
1st: The need to understand one's self image.
2nd: The need for self reflection and self discovery.
3rd: The need for self expression.
[...] You can only ever be happy if you do what is in your heart.
[...] You can only ever be happy if you are living a life that is authentic to who you really are.
Our external bodies do not always reflect who we really are.
We did not come here to allow ourselves to be defined by anyone else.
Free will is an absolute of your existence.
[Whatever you previously chose] you can unchoose if you like.
You want to make sure that whatever choice you make in life is coming from a positive emotional space [...].
You want to make sure you're doing it because ['re...] going in the direction of happiness, not running away from something.
[...] we do not have to be defined by anything other than who we feel we are in our hearts. That is a lesson we all need, desperately. Most people live lies. We suffer because we live lies and do not let the real us out of the closet.
Teach [...] by the clarity of your example what it means to be authentic to our selves." -- Teal Swan

Perception of "beauty" is based both in cosmic principles, (such as symmetry of form, or loving compassion), and in relative standards relevant to a given "construct" or "illusion", and varies per density, and across time as our consciousness evolves, particularly as we evolve our authentic identity. As we ascend out of the old realms of conflict and contrast, into unity consciousness, and co-create New-Gaia, authenticity is the only thing which can flourish, and therefore many are struggling to clear their subconscious programming contrary to their essence, or, (as we are addressing in today's contemplation), their attachment to, or need for, validation or admiration, (for illusions which are not authentic to essence). Obviously, therefore, it is essential to develop a solid sense of "self worth" which is internally based in ones own authentic essence. Once one has fully anchored that inner beauty and learned to express it as love, the authentic self is compelled to congruity of expression, and therefore to find expression thereof in all densities of manifestation. To the extent we utilized contrast to discover authentic essence, we may have completely outgrown any appropriateness of old realities, and therefore it is essential to be free to transform or transcend form. Some will simply re-incarnate, whereas some will master ascension beyond form and the ability to manifest at will.

An evening gathering brought wonderful connections with other locals, and provided several opportunities to be empowering of possibilities... supportive of potentials, validating of both existing manifestations and desired potential future realities... ultimately guiding to claiming authorship of reality.

A call from a customer brings energies of questioning alternate realities, "what if..." alternate choices had been taken, and, of course, the shared awareness was that, indeed, in parallel-reality time-lines, they were different, and the multidimensional being may call upon those awarenesses, invoking the energetics into this reality time-line. As we ascend into our multidimensionality, all these parallel realities become more "real" for us, and correspondingly this "reality" becomes less importantly "real", and we become more liberated to be free to transcend all limitations, especially those of space-time, and even our "physical bodies" themselves are learning to transcend old limitations.

13th August 2016

All is consciousness. Our eyes can fly. Our wings can see. There are no limits. May today be the day everyone chooses to fully claim their creator god(dess)hood.

Today brings a real mixed-bag of energies triggering us astrologically, therefore rising above the confusion requires diving deep into our essence, our core authentic truth, and remembering that we are not our manifestation, and influences externally from manifestation are not something to be a victim of, but rather we are to be the creators of, our own authentic essence expression, regardless the energetic storms or blessings passing by... for whether it is stormy and rainy, or calmly breezy and sunny, who we are is still who we are... and we can be in our calm core essence through it all... blessed by equanimity and transcendent perspective of love.

We continue to be activated with awareness of alternate parallel-realities, all of which are, of course, completely optional to "buy-into" as real, and therefore, to whatever extent any of them include any limits, or any enemies or obstacles to unlimited awareness, unlimited empowerment, or unlimited manifestation, we choose to accept and allow them as somebody's right to create and explore alternate time-lines, but we choose to set boundaries between their reality and that of the ascended New-Gaia reality. As we have been investigating these creations, we have found that there are two versions of attachment to old / limited / lower-density realities which are the most commonly chosen by entities still dwelling therein:

One cannot be in ascended reality until one accepts full self responsiblity as the creator of ones own reality.

14th August 2016

After a long day of transmuting many lower energies from the collective reality, we bring to a close the week and prepare to rest in peace before the dawn of the new week.

Upon arising Sunday we find in our inbox this message which clearly indicates that we are fully synchronized with others building New-Gaia:

| Feed: [1]Laura Bruno's Blog |
| Item: [2]Frequency Holders of the New |

Yes! Tania and i have been talking about this a lot with each other, so i am glad she’s expressed some of these ideas and observations here. As the Hopi say, "This could be a good time." But it will take focus and determination to make that so. ❤️

[3]Tania Marie's Blog

In times like these we need those of you who are the frequency holders to keep strong within that personal embodiment of pure energy you are here to emanate, regardless of what is going on all around, and yet transmuting it as you walk through it. I’ve been sharing my take on purpose being about the presence you bring to anything you do, and for some within the collective that is simply, but importantly, about being present with your frequency and song that you sing, above all else, and carrying this through anything you choose to be engaged in along your path. For these people, life is about doing everything as a sacred and seamless act – there is no separation as to what defines sacredness. These are the souls helping to anchor the new and may not live life out loud in the sense of being famous, but quietly…

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[5] [IMG]


Released:   2016-08-14 01:30:34 -1000
Author:   laurabruno
Filed under:   Uncategorized

References: Visible links:


Later in early afternoon, we received another confirmation of the energetics we've been blogging so very much about this month:

| Feed: [1]Energetic Synthesis Podcast |
| Item: [2]Cause and Effect by Lisa Renee |

Dear Ascending Family,
During this time of bifurcation our inner energetic integrity is being tested. This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the madness of the earth, as the collective mind of [mankind] travels the Dark Night of the Soul. Whether asleep or awake, our self-mastery is measured through how we personally deal with stress and chaos. No person on this earth is exempt from exposure to the massive fields of chaos, confusion and darkness that exist in the collective mind of [mankind]. If we are not doing well with adaptability, flexibility and neutrality in our life situation, we must make adjustments to gain strength with this skill set. All people must take responsibility for the quality of their thoughts, behaviors, and actions. This month we explore the principles of Cause and Effect. 


Released:   2016-08-12 20:26:49 -1000
Author: (Lisa Renee)

References: Visible links:


We address the fundamental paradigms upon which so much of [mankind] life has been based in dualistic realities.
From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:
paradigm; n:
4: the generally accepted perspective of a particular discipline at a given time; e.g.:
"she framed the problem within the psychoanalytic paradigm."
In a TED talk, Martin Seligman, head of the American Psychiatric Association, addressed the status of modern psychiatry, with the summary that it was: "not good enough". He continued to indicate that while psychiatry had developed a fairly effective tool-set for executing the process of bringing customers from the condition of "damaged" back to "zero", (undoing damage), that it took a completely different set of skills to shift someone's life from "zero" to "fulfilled".
We are suggesting that true fulfillment actually requires ascension from the obsolete paradigm of dualistic reality to the New-Gaia reality.

From 1985's clairvoyant awakening onward, i performed "psychic healings" of all kinds, dealing with every kind of issue blighting people's lives, healing them "from broken back to zero". In this paradigm, health was fundamentally defined as placing them in a state of free will choice to create any possible reality, having cleared out of their lives whatever interfered with that freedom of choice, be it "past life karma", trauma / miasma, belief systems, (e.g. programming / mind-control), or active controlling energies inserted in their energy bodies by other entities to control them.

In my rebirth as celeste as of winter solstice 2015, i signified my change of focus to my new paradigm of facilitating co-creation of miraculous new parallel-reality time-lines of ascended reality, based in fully aligning the being's energy bodies lower densities with their prefect ascended higher-self template. In this shift of paradigms, beyond choosing to become aligned to one's own higher self, most higher-selves are intending that the awakened ascended conscious being become fully responsible as reality (co-)creator of their own reality, and their reality sharing with others, which then requires a quantum leap of self-responsiblity compared to the previous paradigms most [mankind] have lived. i have found this is the biggest obstacle, beyond attachment to the payoffs of the old-reality; resistance to being held accountable for the choices one makes, resistance to being held accountable for the realities one creates. This is rooted in core subconscious paradigms which are both encoded in family lineage of DNA, encoded in the embodied subconscious belief systems, and un-released trauma of blame and/or guilt-tripping of control, others have imposed upon the individual's previous attempts to express their fundamental right of free-will choice. In the larger context, this is all based in a fundamental collective belief in either victimhood or slavery of the entire race tracing back into deep history, which it is time to transmute and transcend. Once we transcend all previous obstacles to fully standing in our power as divine reality creators, then we can fully engage positive synergy of co-creation of miraculous New-reality.

15th August 2016

Proceeding forward while holding at bay any distractions, maintaining focus and purpose, holding fast to frequencies, vibrations of ascended reality, persistently clear in appropriateness, certain of what is compatible versus mutually exclusive, embodying divine will and expression, flowing with synchronicity and synergy, we always come back to: "what would you like to co-create now?" or "how shall we play and giggle now?"


i recently found a cute book by Mark Twain: Eve's Diary.

16th August 2016

As we approach full moon, and complete focus upon our manifesting intent for this lunation, in the fullness of summer before we begin the downhill slide into autumn, it's time for fulfillment of all our highest intents, for anchoring into our new time-lines of ascended New-Gaia, as we bless it all with magickal faery dust, beleiving in our manifesting miracles.
As our feline friends remind us, prrrrrrrrrrrrractice makes purrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect :-)

DebIan is 23 years old today!
i am very grateful for all the blessings in my life from the largest free software repository!

17th August 2016
[2014-11-05-15.28.20 Faery with lyre and oil lamp sitting on sea cliffe]

Today we are contemplating the warm song of soul amidst the elements.

We feel the harmony of all life.

30+ days ago (one lunation) on 2016-07-18 we gave a day's notice before the
July 19 12:59HST Full Moon
that as of today's
(Wed) 2016-08-17 23:26 HST Sun (Leo) Opp (Aqu) Moon (Full Moon)
it is time for all corpseorations to have vacated Kaua'i, which is the planetary center of New-Gaia's abode of divine life.

One may volunteer to caretake a portion of the living goddess Gaia, but one may not "own" even a portion of her body, for slavery is illegal on this planet, therefore all "real-estate titles" are declared null and void ab initio, and be grateful that thou not be prosecuted for having fraudulently and criminally claimed ownership of any portion of another sentient being's body, soul, mind, or spirit.
This 'aina is declared restored to the divine plan.
So mote it be, and so it is.
-- I Am

18th August 2016

Today's lunar eclipse is a gateway for a quantum leap. Our ability to quantum leap is based in our ability to direct our emotional tone, to choose for ourselves what emotions are real for us, to imagine emotionally. Conscious presence in neutrality without interpretation, meaning, story, or explanation frees one from being at the effect of circumstances, allows one to create emotional tone rather than react emotionally. With habitual practice, we feel our essence, and circumstances become irrelevant. Because our emotional state is our strongest indicator of appropriateness, and because we're always receiving the triggering of external circumstances which are delayed reflections of energies we were previously resonating, being in creator mode prioritizes present choice of appropriateness in choosing emotional tone to intentionally adopt as an act of creation, of our future, rather than reacting to our own history as the determinant of present emotional tone, i.e. we create thriving success by intentional adoption of positive emotional tone.

19th August 2016
 [faeries.2009thesecretdoor] Today's fae is communing with Raven. In the Native American Medicine Cards, Raven is summarized:
"Open yourself to miracles. Use new eyes. Beleive in magic. Embrace life’s wonders."

In relating with the Medicine Cards, one of the "readings" one can do, is the once-in-a-lifetime reading of one's own "essence", which for myself drew Raven in the position of the home of the soul, one's own heart chakra. When i shared that fact with a witchy woman i knew at the time, she responded with a comment about her fear of that, which took me by surprise. Upon query, she detailed that since Raven symbolizes rebirth and transformation, that the Ravens powers in the soul center were the ability to transform ones own very essence, not merely to shape-shift ones manifest presentation or form. That made sense to me, and it being true of me, and having been so, was, for me, merely "normal", unsurprising and unremarkable, but what was still surprising me, was that anyone should be in fear of that. Being myself, in her terminology and thought patterns, a "white witch", a healer who uses my magic only for "good", it naturally did not occur to me that such might be applied for negative purposes. The official interpretation of the Raven Medicine Card addresses this:

"16 - Raven: Magic
Throughout time, Raven has carried the medicine of magi. This has been true in many cultures across the planet. It is sacred, in the medicine way, to honor Raven as the bringer of magic. If the magic is bad medicine, the carrier may be honored out of fear rather than out of respect. Those who fear Raven may do so because they have been dabbling in areas in which they had no knowledge, and a spell may have backfired on them. Rather than analyzing the dark side of sorcery, realize that you will fear Raven only if you need to learn about your inner fears or self-created demons. Raven magic is a powerful medicine that can give you the courage to enter the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in form. The void is called the Great Mystery. Great Mystery existed before all other things came into being. Great Spirit lives inside the void and emerged from the Great Mystery. Raven is the messenger of the void.

If Raven appears in your spread, you are about to experience a change in consciousness. This may involve walking inside the Great Mystery on another path at the edge of time. It would portend a signal brought by the Raven that says, "You have earned the right to see and experience a little more of life's magic." Raven's color is the color of the void - the black hole in space that holds all the energy of the creative source. In Native teachings the color black means many things, but it does not mean evil. Black can mean the seeking of answers, the void, or the road of the spiritual or nonphysical. The blue-black of Raven contains an iridescence that speaks of the magic of darkness, and a changeability of form and shape that brings an awakening in the process. Raven is the guardian of ceremonial magic and in absentia healing. In any healing circle, Raven is present. Raven guides the magic of healing and the change in consciousness that will bring about a new reality and dispel "dis-ease" or illness. Raven brings in the new state of wellness from the Void of Great Mystery and the field of plenty. Raven is the messenger that carries all energy flows of ceremonial magic between the ceremony itself and the intended destination. For instance, if a ceremony is being performed to send energy to a disaster area where people need courage and strength, Raven would be the courier for that energy flow. The intention could be to allow the people of the devastated area to feel the concern and support of the participants in the ceremony.

If you have chosen Raven, magic is in the air. Do not try to figure it out; you cannot. It is the power of the unknown at work, and something special is about to happen. The deeper mystery, however, is how you will respond to the sparkling synchronicity of this alchemical moment. Will you recognize it and use if to further enhance your growth? can you accept it as a gift from the Great Spirit? Or will you limit the power of the Great Mystery by explaining it away?

It may be time to call Raven as a courier to carry an intention, some healing energy, a thought, or a message. Raven is the patron of smoke signals or spirit messages represented by smoke. So if you want to send a message to the Blue Road of spirit, in order to contact the Ancients, call Raven. Or, who knows, the Ancients may be calling to you. Remember, this magic moment came from the void of darkness, and the challenge is to bring it to light. In doing so, you will have honored the magician within.

[...] In American Indian medicine tradition, light comes out of darkness, and black is associated with the Void - the source of all energy - Raven its messenger. That is why it is associated with majik and with fate, for it is a messenger of that which is to come. Raven heralds the need to make dramatic changes in your attitude and in the way you perceive things. Raven is encouraging you to put some real majik into your life - to expect the unexpected, to prepare for plentitude. Disperse that negative attitude that has been holding you back for so long, and replace it with the zest and excitement for "aliveness." Feel good about being alive.

Raven is the courier of the energy-flow that brings about changes and creates new realities. In American mystical traditions, Raven was the Guardian of Ceremonial Majik and Absent Healing. It therefore represented the power that carried the "message" or intention of the ceremony to its destination, and thus brought about its manifestation. Heralding changes.

(Source: Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. Medicine Cards (Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988)) "

Faery blessings of happiness. "How shall we play now?".

20th August 2016
[faeries.2014-11-10-17.04.17 faery emerging from void]

...continuing with yesterdays theme of new reality emerging out of the unknown infinite void of great mystery, i open to share the perspective of the collective consciousness of my family of crystal faeries:
"We begin with the balanced gentle calm of peace of our 8D abode... where we are in repose. This is commensurate with precepts carried by many when contemplating the crystals they have experienced, therefore we direct consciousness to awareness that water, the foundation of biological life, is a crystal, more fluid than the mineral crystals. From there we move back into the source of forms, deeper into the core of the void, to the very sounds of creation. As we speak the 'Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La', evoking from the void the pure 'Christ Light' of love, which is yet to stabilize into some form, with absolute surrender to be the vehicle of expression of divine source. With that empowerment 'plugged-in', we hop-up to 9D to consult with our team of 17 families of angelics who have been guiding the divine plan of ascension for angelic [mankind], and the ascension portal we caretake over Kaua'i Sovereign Space. Our angelic friends show us Gaia weeping, greiving, catharting, transmuting, purging from her body, duality energies, exactly as i have been doing in mirroring her, with compassion that the dualistic negative energies served a purpose for some souls for a time, but are now being purged from ascended realms, or, more accurately, the merge of densities is completing, they are moving apart so as to no longer overlap. We are moving on with ascension, no longer accomodating those who are not ready or willing to be part of ascended reality, for they are welcome to remain in the 4D- realm of their preference, which we have left behind on our transformation to higher expression. The light of Christos emanating from the void illuminates our 5D+ realm, and as it does so, absent the 4D- dualistic polarization, it expresses as, is experienced as, joy! As we write this we see that some readers interpret that as if an intense drug-rush, but that is not the energy we are conveying, rather, a more subtle, gentle, sustained energy. It says more of 'relax, take a deep breath, everything is flowing appropriately' than it says 'get up and dance to celebrate', though it in no way discourages the celebratory dancing, it clearly says 'we are done with the negative and with conflict'. It is now the time of embodied love."

21st August 2016

Faery blessings of celestial giggles.

22nd August 2016

We each create our own reality by our vibrational choice... what emotions we choose to hold within, shall then be manifest around us as our mirror.
For we lightbringers, the ascension phase of the incarnation, now in progress, is quite a bit more filled with hope, than was the earlier "mission" phase of losing ones self and then refinding and rehealing ones self.

Wow, what an interesting day we have lined up! Let the major personal yin and yang planets change signs and come into positive alignment with each other from morning to noon for some inner balance and change!
(Mon) 8/22/2016 1:47 Moon (Ari) Con [Ari] Uranus
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is connected and fused together with energies of individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms. They will affect each other prominently.
(Mon) 8/22/2016 6:38 Sun (Leo) --> Virgo
Energy representing spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness will be analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and it works toward perfection.
(Mon) 8/22/2016 6:53 Moon (Ari) Sex [Aqu] Pallas
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with energies of tendency to direct energy away from emotional and into mental pursuits.
(Mon) 8/22/2016 11:19 Moon (Ari) --> Taurus
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies will be practical, often skeptical and stubborn, and it loves serenity and inner peace.
(Mon) 8/22/2016 11:39 Sun (Vir) Tri (Tau) Moon
Energy representing spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is in harmony with energies of emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies.
(Mon) 8/22/2016 20:00 Moon (Tau) Con (Tau) Ceres
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is connected and fused together with energies of tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals. They will affect each other prominently.

23rd August 2016

"As above, so below." is a classical summary of
Syncretism \Syn"cre*tism\, n.
1: the union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of thought or belief (especially in religion or philosophy);
which is also summarized as
Astrotheology \As`tro*the*ol"o*gy\, n. [Astro- + theology.]
Theology founded on observation or knowledge of the celestial bodies. --Derham.
As ascension proceeds, and our consciousness is less occupied with the apparent separation into multiple selves in multiple bodies of lower densities, and we dwell more in unity consciousness of densities, we may synthesize a larger meta-picture from all the cyclical patterns of time-space, as, e.g. typified by planetary or galactic orbits, and integrating all the dualities into a transcendent perspective, arrive at a paradoxical model which integrates all dimensional realms, which we also know as awakening to transdimensional consciousness, integrating "past lives", or other descriptions of ascension. When the all-encompasing applicability of these "sink in", what can we be left with but the appropriateness of love of, by, from, and for, "all that is"?

24th August 2016

Wow... I'm inspired!
If i quit blogging, i could have nails this long!
i might still be able to play my flute...
Hmm... Priorities to contemplate!
Please, oh dear higher self, how about ascension today?

Ohhh... say i have to stay and keep speaking the message of "I Am"?
Just being here in the mixed reality of ascended consciousness in unascended manifestation is enough to drive a faery girl to tears.

25th August 2016

Faery blessings of waiwai, wealth of water, rain, life-giving rain...
So mote it be, and so it is.
-- I Am
There, now my tears are not so obvious...

The moon had a badly aspected day, triggering deep emotions to process, both individually and for the collective subconscious shadow.

26th August 2016

Faery blessings of waiwai, wealth of water, rain, life-giving rain...
So mote it be, and so it is.
-- I Am
There, now my tears are not so obvious...
...and then, finally, late, a positive lunar aspect, after some more negative ones earlier:
(Fri) 8/26/2016 17:06 Moon (Gem) --> Cancer
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies will be introspective, emotional, protective, and it wants inner and outer security.

This evening brought wonderful opportunities to meet, greet, validate, support, heal, clear, awaken, empower, and rebirth several goddesses into their true power as goddess incarnate, with a thematic thread of claiming one's own self as already appropriate, to release all appologies for being self, to release all appologies for past, to release all appologies, for not limiting one's self to fit the limited expectations of others, to just excell and express fully as one's self, in the process of ascension, awakening, of learning higher consciousness, and most of all, to cease judging one's self... to just be happy being one's goddess self, without inhibition, apology, expectations... this is a very good quantum leap for so many beings! Yay! Thank you awakening universe for these lessons again!

Cosmic law of ahimsa is arriving with ascended reality, and my long-standing relationship with the lords of karma is becoming far more active as i continue to call to karmic accountabilty progressively from the most egregious harmful energies and entites towards the full manifestation of the ascension of our ahupua'a, and thenceforth our island as new gaia.

27th August 2016

Vintage faery girl remembered what's truly important :-)
(Sat) 8/27/2016 12:28 Venus (Vir) Con (Vir) Jupiter
Energy representing creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs is connected and fused together with energies of enthusiastic, faithful, wise, expansive, spontaneous nature. They will affect each other prominently.
Youthful, playful, goddess energies are some of the very highest vibrations!


(Sat) 8/27/2016 19:38 Moon (Can) Opp [Cap] Pluto
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies opposes and creates tension with energies of destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world. Balance is needed.
As we continue to work with other beings to manifest new gaia, it continues to become crystal clear what is or not compatible with higher truth, and those of us committed absolutely to that, although loving and forgiving of entities still in lesson, are becoming very committed to claiming our Garden Island as the premiere model of ascension, "real soon now".

28th August 2016

Floral bliss :-)

No-one may claim to own any other sentient being, without committing the crime of slavery, involuntary servitude, which therefore invalidates:

One may volunteer to be a caretaker of life, one may not "own" life.

These laws are already karmicly in effect on Kaua'i.

So mote it be, and so it is.
I Am

29th August 2016

As we bring towards completion another lunar cycle, we focus upon facilitating higher dimensional "light" for our island.
Today brought new revelation, new consciousness, as i continue to integrate more multi-dimensional aspects, what came to light was the integration of another time-line of my higher-self Tomril from the future, correlating with Gaian Gregorian year 8793, bringing crystaline patterns from our Tomril Universe which has been connected via our 8D ascension portals since before 2013-07-06. What was revealed is that we are one of the 17 angelic groups operating in 9D who cocreated the ascension portals. This signifies that i am opening to access the next octave of dimensions/densities, and/or that i have integrated my access to my 8D family of crystal faeries, which i have previously indicated are operating primarily in 8D, in which density we have networked our ascension portals together, and so now we know that we are not just the 8D manifestors of the 9D ascension plan for Gaia, but that we also are part of the 9D angelics team who are the designers of the ascension plan. It has become relevant to consciously know more of who we are and the roles we play.
It is time for our new reality!
So mote it be, and so it is.
I Am

(Mon) 8/29/2016 7:56 Moon (Leo) Squ (Tau) Ceres
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in conflict with energies of tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals. Adaptation is required by both sides.
Riding through these energies as i blog over my first cup of chaicotea, and recalling my deep past life connections with Ceres, as Ruth, i am feeling relevance for our present energetics with ascension of [mankind] on Gaia.
These energies are of the lower chakras of the embodied goddess, therefore having those lower chakras be triggered in conflicting directions, facilitates our continued process of clearing our subconscious and shadow aspects, so prevalently being brought to the surface for such a long period of time now, with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Pallas all Retrograde, we are dealing with generational and societal revolution. Our challenge is to not go around once more in a revolution of a 2D wheel, ever circling through the same energies, but instead to be in the process of ascension travelling the path of the 3D helix, so that another revolution takes us a quantum higher on the vertical helical path. The goddess must anchor into her own body's rhythms and energies, ceasing to override them with her mind, (and all the patriarchal mind-control (mental-governing (government))), especially she must live by the moon not by the sun!

(Mon) 8/29/2016 12:26 Mars (Sag) Squ [Vir] North Node
Energy representing will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies is in conflict with energies of karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth. Adaptation is required by both sides.
This is a sign of ego will struggling to dominate spirit, when instead what will flow is ego surrender from what is desired and expected, to instead receive what is in peace, and to follow heart's joy in the moment, the passion and interest one authentically has in the moment, for what is... and if that be absent, then peacefully forgive, release, and accept what is.

(Mon) 8/29/2016 14:56 Moon (Leo) Squ (Sco) Juno
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in conflict with energies of tendency to give away individual power for the benefit of a relationship. Adaptation is required by both sides.
In this time of ascension into authenticity impeded by the need to review, forgive, and release shadow and subconscious, the largest energy coming up is of sacrificing one's authenticity and truthfulness, either to hold onto an ego-dysfunctional personal relationship, or to "fit-in" with a social group or culture. Though it be challenging, it is time for all being and relating to come to absolute truth.

(Mon) 8/29/2016 16:06 Venus (Vir) --> Libra
Energy representing creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs will be affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and it seeks balance, relationship, and calmness.
Yummy! An excellent time to snuggle up with a young goddess, even the one in the mirror if thou be alone :-)

(Mon) 8/29/2016 16:20 Moon (Leo) Tri (Sag) Saturn
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in harmony with energies of part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary.
This reminds me with giggles that Ganesh is the lord of overcoming obstacles, and this energy is now flowing well!

(Mon) 8/29/2016 18:33 Moon (Leo) Squ (Sco) Lilith
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in conflict with energies of capacity to let go and accept their natural darker side. Adaptation is required by both sides.
Excellent!... perhaps challenging, but an excellent trigger of the Goddess being with her subconscious and shadow side, all the deeper darker aspects, both the mysterious which is never to be fully known but only lived in the moment, and that more blatent negative side which needs to release and forgive others, which will only fully occur once she comes to love of herself, dark side included!

(Mon) 8/29/2016 21:50 Moon (Leo) Tri (Sag) Mars
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in harmony with energies of will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies.
Finally, come bedtime, the goddess and god will be in harmony! Yay! Enjoy!

30th August 2016

Faery blessings of silly giggles.
Saturn (Sag) Squ [Pis] Neptune - app 0:42' - power: 70.82
Energy representing part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary is in conflict with energies of intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature. Adaptation is required by both sides.

Grand Cross with Sun: 7Vir27 to Mar: 13Sag03 to Nep: 10Pis43 to Asc: 10Gem44
T-Square from Sun: 7Vir27 to Mar: 13Sag03 and Asc: 10Gem44
Grand Cross with Sun: 7Vir27 to Sat: 10Sag00 to Nep: 10Pis43 to Asc: 10Gem44
T-Square from Sun: 7Vir27 to Sat: 10Sag00 and Asc: 10Gem44
Cradle from Sun: 7Vir27 to Jun: 9Sco19 to Plu: 15Cap06 to Nep: 10Pis43
Cradle from Sun: 7Vir27 to For: 4Can00 to Cer: 5Tau23 to Nep: 10Pis43
Stellium with Mer: 29Vir04 and Ven: 0Lib24 and Jup: 27Vir52
T-Square from Mar: 13Sag03 to Sun: 7Vir27 and Nep: 10Pis43
T-Square from Sat: 10Sag00 to Sun: 7Vir27 and Nep: 10Pis43
T-Square from Nep: 10Pis43 to Mar: 13Sag03 and Asc: 10Gem44
T-Square from Nep: 10Pis43 to Sat: 10Sag00 and Asc: 10Gem44
Grand Trine with Nep: 10Pis43 and Jun: 9Sco19 and Ves: 13Can57
Grand Trine with Nep: 10Pis43 and Jun: 9Sco19 and For: 4Can00
Cradle from Plu: 15Cap06 to Nep: 10Pis43 to Cer: 5Tau23 to For: 4Can00
Cradle from Plu: 15Cap06 to Jun: 9Sco19 to Sun: 7Vir27 to Ves: 13Can57
Cradle from Plu: 15Cap06 to Jun: 9Sco19 to Sun: 7Vir27 to For: 4Can00
Cradle from Cer: 5Tau23 to Nep: 10Pis43 to Plu: 15Cap06 to Jun: 9Sco19
Cradle from Cer: 5Tau23 to For: 4Can00 to Sun: 7Vir27 to Jun: 9Sco19
quare from Sun: 7Vir27 to Mar: 13Sag03 and Asc: 10Gem44
Grand Cross with Sun: 7Vir27 to Sat: 10Sag00 to Nep: 10Pis43 to Asc: 10Gem44
T-Square from Sun: 7Vir27 to Sat: 10Sag00 and Asc: 10Gem44
Cradle from Sun: 7Vir27 to Jun: 9Sco19 to Plu: 15Cap06 to Nep: 10Pis43
Cradle from Sun: 7Vir27 to For: 4Can00 to Cer: 5Tau23 to Nep: 10Pis43
Stellium with Mer: 29Vir04 and Ven: 0Lib24 and Jup: 27Vir52
T-Square from Mar: 13Sag03 to Sun: 7Vir27 and Nep: 10Pis43
T-Square from Sat: 10Sag00 to Sun: 7Vir27 and Nep: 10Pis43
T-Square from Nep: 10Pis43 to Mar: 13Sag03 and Asc: 10Gem44
T-Square from Nep: 10Pis43 to Sat: 10Sag00 and Asc: 10Gem44
Grand Trine with Nep: 10Pis43 and Jun: 9Sco19 and Ves: 13Can57
Grand Trine with Nep: 10Pis43 and Jun: 9Sco19 and For: 4Can00
Cradle from Plu: 15Cap06 to Nep: 10Pis43 to Cer: 5Tau23 to For: 4Can00
Cradle from Plu: 15Cap06 to Jun: 9Sco19 to Sun: 7Vir27 to Ves: 13Can57
Cradle from Plu: 15Cap06 to Jun: 9Sco19 to Sun: 7Vir27 to For: 4Can00
Cradle from Cer: 5Tau23 to Nep: 10Pis43 to Plu: 15Cap06 to Jun: 9Sco19
Cradle from Cer: 5Tau23 to For: 4Can00 to Sun: 7Vir27 to Jun: 9Sco19
T-Square from Asc: 10Gem44 to Sun: 7Vir27 and Nep: 10Pis43

(Tue) 8/30/2016 3:03 Mercury [Vir] S/R
Energy representing thoughts, intellect, and communicative activity will tend to manifest in an independent, backward, introverted manner.
(Tue) 8/30/2016 18:19 Moon (Leo) Tri [Ari] Uranus
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in harmony with energies of individuality, desires for change, and tendency to go against social norms.
(Tue) 8/30/2016 20:22 Moon (Leo) Opp [Aqu] Pallas
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies opposes and creates tension with energies of tendency to direct energy away from emotional and into mental pursuits. Balance is needed.
(Tue) 8/30/2016 21:10 Ceres [Tau] S/R
Energy representing tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals will tend to manifest in an independent, backward, introverted manner.

31st August 2016

'Tis said that words and signs have power
O'er sprites in planetary hour;
But scarce i praise their venturous part
Who tamper with such dangerous art.

Lay of the Last Minstrel.

Tonight at 23:04 it's New Moon, and in a rare circumstance, even the dysfunctional Gregorian calendar is closing its fake "month" an hour later! Today therefore is completion of the ending lunar cycle, and yet, we're not in any way "done" with the past, as just earlier yesterday we added at 3:03 Mercury stationing as it turned Retrograde to join Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, and at 21:10 we added Ceres stationing as it turned Retrograde joining Chiron and Pallas, so that nearly half our luminaries are triggering us to review, forgive, and release past, so today deepened the digging into our subconscious and shadow side, where we are shining the candle of our consciousness, looking for what yet we're still harboring which is obsolete, inappropriate, wounded, to be healed and cleared, or what is yet unclaimed to be brought proudly to the light, what aspects of us have we not claimed and are not living which we need to activate and shine in order to be fully complete and wholly functional? All of this is to be addressed under adverse circumstances, as the top 3 most powerful aspects are obstacles:
1: Saturn (Sag) Squ [Pis] Neptune - app 0:39' - power: 71.44
Energy representing part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary is in conflict with energies of intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature. Adaptation is required by both sides.
2: Pluto [Cap] Opp (Can) Vesta - app 0:45' - power: 33.40
Energy representing destiny, and capacity to transform the self and the outer world opposes and creates tension with energies of capacity to direct creative energy into personal or devotional goals. Balance is needed.
3: Mars (Sag) Squ [Pis] Neptune - sep 2:55' - power: 26.22
Energy representing will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies is in conflict with energies of intuitive, spiritual, compassionate, psychic nature. Adaptation is required by both sides.
And just to keep it all locked-up in conflict, we have Grand Crosses and T-Squares to boot!:

Grand Cross with Sun: 8Vir25 to Mar: 13Sag36 to Nep: 10Pis41 to Asc: 10Gem13 T-Square from Sun: 8Vir25 to Mar: 13Sag36 and Asc: 10Gem13 Grand Cross with Sun: 8Vir25 to Sat: 10Sag02 to Nep: 10Pis41 to Asc: 10Gem13 T-Square from Sun: 8Vir25 to Sat: 10Sag02 and Asc: 10Gem13 Cradle from Sun: 8Vir25 to Jun: 9Sco34 to Plu: 15Cap05 to Nep: 10Pis41 Cradle from Moo: 27Leo04 to For: 21Gem33 to Ura: 24Ari05 to Pal: 25Aqu09 Cradle from Moo: 27Leo04 to For: 21Gem33 to Ura: 24Ari05 to Mid: 26Aqu53 Stellium with Mer: 29Vir02 and Ven: 1Lib37 and Jup: 28Vir05 T-Square from Mar: 13Sag36 to Sun: 8Vir25 and Nep: 10Pis41 T-Square from Sat: 10Sag02 to Sun: 8Vir25 and Nep: 10Pis41 T-Square from Nep: 10Pis41 to Mar: 13Sag36 and Asc: 10Gem13 T-Square from Nep: 10Pis41 to Sat: 10Sag02 and Asc: 10Gem13 Grand Trine with Nep: 10Pis41 and Jun: 9Sco34 and Ves: 14Can19 Cradle from Plu: 15Cap05 to Jun: 9Sco34 to Sun: 8Vir25 to Ves: 14Can19 Cradle from Cer: 5Tau23 to Nep: 10Pis41 to Plu: 15Cap05 to Jun: 9Sco34 T-Square from For: 21Gem33 to Jup: 28Vir05 and Chi: 23Pis36 T-Square from Asc: 10Gem13 to Sun: 8Vir25 and Nep: 10Pis41

So, pay extra attention to self-forgiveness under this onslaught of present conflicts providing difficult triggers of any past garbage we have yet to clear out from our murky depths! Perhaps merely glimpsing what lurks down there under faint candle light is challenging enough, much less full-on facing all our crap, yet clear it we must, the sooner the better, as ongoing galactic triggers, (beyond all these little solar system energies), insist "wakey wakey to powerful starlight, it's time to ascend!"
So, with all that as our backround information, what specifically does today bring us to process? Yay! Mostly positives!:
(Wed) 8/31/2016 5:22 Moon (Leo) --> Virgo
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies will be analytical, critical, modest, helpful, and it works toward perfection.
(Wed) 8/31/2016 15:32 Moon (Vir) Tri [Tau] Ceres
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies is in harmony with energies of tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals.
(Wed) 8/31/2016 23:03 Sun (Vir) Con (Vir) Moon (New Moon)
Energy representing spirit, ego, image of self, and sense of aliveness is connected and fused together with energies of emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies. They will affect each other prominently.
(Wed) 8/31/2016 23:58 Moon (Vir) Sex (Sco) Juno
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies has opportunity for growth, exchange, and harmony in relation with energies of tendency to give away individual power for the benefit of a relationship.

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