As we bring towards completion another lunar cycle,
we focus upon facilitating higher dimensional "light" for our island.
Today brought new revelation, new consciousness,
as i continue to integrate more multi-dimensional aspects,
what came to light was the integration of another
time-line of my
from the future, correlating with
Gaian Gregorian year 8793,
bringing crystaline patterns from our
Tomril Universe which has been connected
via our 8D ascension portals since before
What was revealed is that we are one of
the 17 angelic groups operating in 9D
who cocreated the ascension portals.
This signifies that i am opening to access
the next octave of dimensions/densities,
and/or that i have integrated my access to
my 8D family of crystal faeries,
which i have previously indicated are
operating primarily in 8D, in which density
we have networked our ascension portals together,
and so now we know that we are not just the
8D manifestors of the 9D ascension plan for Gaia,
but that we also are part of the 9D angelics team
who are the designers of the ascension plan.
It has become relevant to consciously know
more of who we are and the roles we play.
It is time for our new reality!
So mote it be, and so it is.
I Am
(Mon) 8/29/2016 7:56 Moon (Leo) Squ (Tau) Ceres
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is in conflict with
energies of tendency to direct energy to instinctive, creative, reproductive goals. Adaptation is required by both sides.
Riding through these energies as i blog over my first cup of
chaicotea, and recalling my deep past life connections with Ceres, as
i am feeling relevance for our present energetics with ascension of [mankind] on Gaia.
These energies are of the lower chakras of the embodied goddess,
therefore having those lower chakras be triggered in conflicting directions,
facilitates our continued process of clearing our subconscious and shadow aspects,
so prevalently being brought to the surface for such a long period of time now,
with Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and Pallas all Retrograde,
we are dealing with generational and societal revolution.
Our challenge is to not go around once more in a revolution of a 2D wheel,
ever circling through the same energies, but instead to be in the process of ascension
travelling the path of the 3D helix, so that another revolution takes us a quantum higher on the vertical helical path.
The goddess must anchor into her own body's rhythms and energies,
ceasing to override them with her mind,
(and all the patriarchal mind-control (mental-governing (government))), especially
she must live by the moon not by the sun!
(Mon) 8/29/2016 12:26 Mars (Sag) Squ [Vir] North Node
Energy representing will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies
is in conflict with
energies of karmic goals, and best direction of evolutionary growth. Adaptation is required by both sides.
This is a sign of ego will struggling to dominate spirit,
when instead what will flow is ego surrender from what is desired and expected,
to instead receive what is in peace,
and to follow heart's joy in the moment,
the passion and interest one authentically has in the moment,
for what is... and if that be absent,
then peacefully forgive, release, and accept what is.
(Mon) 8/29/2016 14:56 Moon (Leo) Squ (Sco) Juno
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is in conflict with
energies of tendency to give away individual power for the benefit of a relationship. Adaptation is required by both sides.
In this time of ascension into authenticity impeded by the need to review, forgive, and release shadow and subconscious,
the largest energy coming up is of sacrificing one's authenticity and truthfulness,
either to hold onto an ego-dysfunctional personal relationship,
or to "fit-in" with a social group or culture. Though it be challenging,
it is time for all being and relating to come to absolute truth.
(Mon) 8/29/2016 16:06 Venus (Vir) --> Libra
Energy representing creativity, tendencies for affection and calmness, and relationship needs
will be
affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and it seeks balance, relationship, and calmness.
Yummy! An excellent time to snuggle up with a young goddess,
even the one in the mirror if thou be alone :-)
(Mon) 8/29/2016 16:20 Moon (Leo) Tri (Sag) Saturn
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is in harmony with
energies of part of mind that is disciplined, respectful, and solitary.
This reminds me with giggles that Ganesh is the lord of overcoming obstacles,
and this energy is now flowing well!
(Mon) 8/29/2016 18:33 Moon (Leo) Squ (Sco) Lilith
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is in conflict with
energies of capacity to let go and accept their natural darker side. Adaptation is required by both sides.
Excellent!... perhaps challenging, but an excellent trigger of the Goddess being with
her subconscious and shadow side, all the deeper darker aspects, both the
mysterious which is never to be fully known but only lived in the moment,
and that more blatent negative side which needs to release and forgive others,
which will only fully occur once she comes to
love of herself, dark side included!
(Mon) 8/29/2016 21:50 Moon (Leo) Tri (Sag) Mars
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies
is in harmony with
energies of will, energy, activity, and aggressive, assertive tendencies.
Finally, come bedtime, the goddess and god will be in harmony! Yay! Enjoy!