
[a]scension blog

26th August 2016

Faery blessings of waiwai, wealth of water, rain, life-giving rain...
So mote it be, and so it is.
-- I Am
There, now my tears are not so obvious...
...and then, finally, late, a positive lunar aspect, after some more negative ones earlier:
(Fri) 8/26/2016 17:06 Moon (Gem) --> Cancer
Energy representing emotional nature, moods, feelings, and caring tendencies will be introspective, emotional, protective, and it wants inner and outer security.

This evening brought wonderful opportunities to meet, greet, validate, support, heal, clear, awaken, empower, and rebirth several goddesses into their true power as goddess incarnate, with a thematic thread of claiming one's own self as already appropriate, to release all appologies for being self, to release all appologies for past, to release all appologies, for not limiting one's self to fit the limited expectations of others, to just excell and express fully as one's self, in the process of ascension, awakening, of learning higher consciousness, and most of all, to cease judging one's self... to just be happy being one's goddess self, without inhibition, apology, expectations... this is a very good quantum leap for so many beings! Yay! Thank you awakening universe for these lessons again!

Cosmic law of ahimsa is arriving with ascended reality, and my long-standing relationship with the lords of karma is becoming far more active as i continue to call to karmic accountabilty progressively from the most egregious harmful energies and entites towards the full manifestation of the ascension of our ahupua'a, and thenceforth our island as new gaia.

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