We continue to play with the energetics of the celestial realms, bringing to manifestation the divine plan of ascension. It seems that it is necessary again to mention to much of fallen [mankind] that their collective reality has been intentionally limited, that even the "sacred geometry" of their realm is fallen because it describes the functioning of a realm which has been engineered to be a fallen reality, with limited sacredness, in order to keep [mankind] limited. In conjunction with this, the correlate numerical systems are also being limited, e.g. the rationalization of the global standard "metric system" has seen a conversion from base 12 to base 10 numerics, which is part of the fallen engineered reality of created limitation. Yes, Pi is an irrational number in the base 10 system, and that should tell you that the base 10 number system is irrational! Duh? Relationships are "apparent" based upon number system, e.g. why get all excited over your clocking showing 11:11? I'm sorry you use a 12-hour clock, for those of us in the realm of 24-hour clock, the match is 23:23. Nor have we ever seen so much delusion as calendric repetitions, wherein people forget the lesson of Y2K, (oh, that's right, a whole new generation of youngsters who missed that!), and pretend there is anything magical about 11-11-11 when the year was 2011 not 11. What we're saying is that for the pattern-cognizing "mind", it will happily synthesize patterns out of nothing, even going into denial, (11 vs 2011), to create such, but that it would be far more productive to step out of limited reality, and explore other number bases and hyperdimensional reality beyond 3D!